Whoa! A Manchin run for President?

Manchin isn't "woke" enough for the socialists. Even is Joe won, the dems would be against his centrist ideas.
Oh, well, I suppose you may be right. It's a hopeless dream, TWO candidates I could vote for!

That never happens.
Joe Concha just offered a scary prospect. Joe Manchin as the best Presidential prospect for the Democrats in 2024! His approval rating is soaring while Biden's continues to fall.

I have to say he would be dangerous for Republicans if the GOP candidate isn't somebody mainstream Americans are really excited about.

The scariest thing in Concha's essay are the names the Democrats are looking at to replace Uncle Joe:
Kamala - Buttigieg - Warren - Sanders - Cory Booker - Beto O'Roark (no kidding)

I have always liked Joe Manchin but he is an old style liberal Democrat. While he does put the people over politics he is unlikely to have the vision or skill set of a Donald Trump on how to get things done the American people want done. He voted to support DJT's nominees more than any other Democrat but he voted to impeach DJT twice.

What do you think? Any chance the Democrats will nominate him given the all out effort to attack or cancel him on social media because he refuses to let Biden destroy the economy?

The whole list is a joke but it seems these losers is the cream of the democrat crop. I'm the average guy seeing this list as a group of Trump haters with immunity to slander. With none worth their salt it seems who ever lied against Trump is the demo hero. They are a sick bunch and will bring the downfall of the US if by some stroke of luck we remain a nation through Joe's years.

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