Who would make a better Commander in Chief?

The libby responses here are so comical!!!

Someone said it was ironic that conservatives actually supported his troop surge in Afghanistan. Well, yes, many of us did. Problem is, Obama doesn't realize you can't just dump troops in and make it OK. The President's actions affect the war also. Does the enemy believe you'll stick to your guns. Does the Afghan government and Afghan police/military believe you're gonna stay dedicated to them. Do they trust the commander in chief of the forces trying to persuade them to go against the Taliban?

Thats Obama's problem. He can dump 1,000,000 more troops there. But so long as he is playing the role of limp-wristed liberal, the enemy knows he's weak, and the allies there don't have faith in him, thus, the war is tumbling downwards.

Next, someone said since when is military experience needed to be commander in chief. Well, it's not required. But imo, should be. You're #1 in chain of command for the military. You should have knowledge and experience in it. That would be like getting hired as CEO of Microsoft, but having never owned or operated a computer. Duh.

Next, some libby said since when is it required that other countries fear us. Well, I'd say since the days the first human tribes formed. We can be feared AND respected at the same time. Deter attacks and hold leverage in foreign affairs. You know.........help America remain a superpower. Now, if you want America to become equal, no better than any other country, well, yes, we should be knocked down a few notches.

But the fact we have long been feared militarily, and usually respected despite the lefts best efforts to trash our country, is what keeps us a superpower. Obama and the left are working hard at changing that, because honestly, today's progressive liberal would rather live in a world where all countries are equal rather than live in the world's only superpower.
And since when did having military experience become the most important trait to have in a president?

It is not, but to have a pimplewad like BO fire a 4 star general because the General Mocked BO's administration is ridiculous.

I have not found any place in the article that the General said a direct derogatory comment about BO.

BO is childish and looses his temper like a street thug, so to answer the OP any of those would make a better CIC, but some are not eligle.

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My grand-dog Grendle would make fine presidential material ... he's black and white, so racially neutral, smart, alert, extremely active and accustomed to military uniforms. Social soirees at the White House would be probably louder, but far less expensive. The requirements that would have to met before he would consider taking the job would be the promise of a continual supply of cow toys and having his brother ChocoTaco as his running mate. They make a fine pair.
Yo Bucs............not going to throw in boardmember NYCaribneer in the mix????

At least he's a Boy Scout.

Here's a recent pic............................


I'm a veteran, smegmabreath. Are you?[/QUOTE]

Just a thought, since we elected Obama as our Commander in Chief and with recent "low morale" amongts his officers towards him: Who would make a better Commander in Chief?

A) Barack H. Obama on November 1st, 2008
B) A cadet at West Point or the Naval Academy 1 day before his graduation
C) A Marine Corp infantry grunt with 4 tours of combat
D) A top-5 world military historian
E) New England Patriots football coach Bill Belichek

Now, I'm prepared to argue anyone, B, C, D, E, would have made a better Commander in Chief than Barack H. Obama just before his election. Why? Experience and relative skills.

B) A military academy graduate would have military leadership, discipline, and a working knowledge of military practices. He would be a member of the military, and maybe have a deployment under his belt.

C) A USMC grunt would have combat experience, leadership skills and a working knowledge of just how war works, how it is fought, and how morale is affected by homeland issues.

D) A military historian would be better with global foreign policy, having a knowledge of how war works, past conflicts, ethnicities and their past battles, and long-term consequences of military decisions.

E) Patriots coach Bill Belicheck. A football coach in the NFL who has won several Super Bowls with many different players. He's a natural leader, has led men into adversity and through it successfully. No military experience at all, but, neither had Obama had any. So, in my opinion, his experience organizing and leading a group of 100 men in a physical struggle is closer to leading a military than anything Obama had ever done.

So, thats my premise. That we elected a man in 2008 to Commander in Chief who was less qualified to that position than a military historian, a West Point cadet on graduation day, any USMC grunt infantryman, or even an NFL football coach.

And we wonder how this McChrystal thing happened, and why other countries no longer fear us.

Other than the obviously cheeky suggestion of Bill Belicheck, you have not provided enough information about your selections.
Military are brainwashed assholes fed delusions of grandeur.. A football coaches life is playing games.
I'd prefer some sort of scientist or non military historian and preferably a female. They dont have a short dick complex or battle mentality.....well that **** Margaret Thatcher did but that was a genetic flaw from inbreeding.
Michelle Bachelet was probably the greatest leader in modern history.

###### hearing sounds of ignorant Murkinz Googling Michelle Bachelet#######
Next, someone said since when is military experience needed to be commander in chief. Well, it's not required. But imo, should be. You're #1 in chain of command for the military. You should have knowledge and experience in it. That would be like getting hired as CEO of Microsoft, but having never owned or operated a computer. Duh.

That's quite possibly the worst analogy ever. As being CEO of Microsoft means you have computer knowledge does not equal being president means you have a military background. Your analogy would make sense for the role of general not president. Yet again you are stating that the President has to have a Military background, which is ridiculous and seems to me that you think War is the most important thing this country can be involved in.
And since when did having military experience become the most important trait to have in a president?

It is not, but to have a pimplewad like BO fire a 4 star general because the General Mocked BO's administration is ridiculous.

Might want to check your facts, Obama didn't fire anyone.

I have not found any place in the article that the General said a direct derogatory comment about BO.

BO is childish and looses his temper like a street thug, so to answer the OP any of those would make a better CIC, but some are not eligle.

So before he wasn't angry enough and now that he shows some anger and stands up for his administration he's a street thug. Amazing hypocrisy on your part, well done.

I GUARANTEE if Obama kept his mouth shut about what McChrystal said, you would have been the first person to jump all over him and say look at how weak he is, he's being run over by his own general. Must be nice to craft your argument to however it fits your agenda.
Your right. He didn't fire McCrystal. He accepted his resignation

As much as I dislike Barry Boy and his merry band I must say that OL"BO didn't have much choice in the matter. He is the CIC and head of this countries military.

He could have refused to accept the resignation and allowed McCrystal to stay. It might have been a feel good moment but it would also make him look weak. Magnanimous, but weak. BO sure ca't afford to look any weaker than he already does. Jeeze.

No. SM should never have allowed that RS reporter anywhere near he or his staff. Poor judgment on his part.
I am pretty sure that both B and C would be ineligible to be president, thus making them both less qualified than Obama. Until we get some other criteria for president than age no one can really gripe about anyone not being qualified. What they should focus on is how good of a job he, or she, will do, because every natural born citizen over the age of 35 is equally qualified. If nothing else, Obama has proved that.

no he hasn't he wont release any of his personal records. It would be nice to see his birth certificate to prove his age and place of birth, school records would also be nice to see what type of student he was. But he wont show these. I wonder why, is he hiding something? afraid of his past?
I wouldn't automatically be trusting of any military professional over a civilian. So given the choices I'd choose Obama since I also don't know what would be Belichek's philosophy? I only remember 26-years-ago calling home to northern Ohio and catching my mom while she was watching a Belichek day-after-the game press conference. She referred to him as an "asshole".

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