Who would make a better Commander in Chief?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Just a thought, since we elected Obama as our Commander in Chief and with recent "low morale" amongts his officers towards him: Who would make a better Commander in Chief?

A) Barack H. Obama on November 1st, 2008
B) A cadet at West Point or the Naval Academy 1 day before his graduation
C) A Marine Corp infantry grunt with 4 tours of combat
D) A top-5 world military historian
E) New England Patriots football coach Bill Belichek

Now, I'm prepared to argue anyone, B, C, D, E, would have made a better Commander in Chief than Barack H. Obama just before his election. Why? Experience and relative skills.

B) A military academy graduate would have military leadership, discipline, and a working knowledge of military practices. He would be a member of the military, and maybe have a deployment under his belt.

C) A USMC grunt would have combat experience, leadership skills and a working knowledge of just how war works, how it is fought, and how morale is affected by homeland issues.

D) A military historian would be better with global foreign policy, having a knowledge of how war works, past conflicts, ethnicities and their past battles, and long-term consequences of military decisions.

E) Patriots coach Bill Belicheck. A football coach in the NFL who has won several Super Bowls with many different players. He's a natural leader, has led men into adversity and through it successfully. No military experience at all, but, neither had Obama had any. So, in my opinion, his experience organizing and leading a group of 100 men in a physical struggle is closer to leading a military than anything Obama had ever done.

So, thats my premise. That we elected a man in 2008 to Commander in Chief who was less qualified to that position than a military historian, a West Point cadet on graduation day, any USMC grunt infantryman, or even an NFL football coach.

And we wonder how this McChrystal thing happened, and why other countries no longer fear us.
Yo Bucs............not going to throw in boardmember NYCaribneer in the mix????

At least he's a Boy Scout.

Here's a recent pic............................

Hmm........thats true, a Boy Scout would at least have an idea of how rank structure works, what it is like to be out in the field, and what wearing a uniform is like. So, yeah, maybe so.

Hell, right now, I think the coach of the US Soccer team would be a better commander in chief. He's kicking far more international butt than Obama would dare attempt.

Coach Obama would immediately sign a forfieture to all foreign nations in the World Cup.
What is the job of commander in chief? To set overall goals political and military for the United States and task the military to carry them out.

Obama lacks experience in foreign policy. He lacks experience in war. He lacks experience in everything except community organizing. I nominate Obama as head of UNICEF.
In answer to the question, sarah Palin would be better. Anyone with any executive experience would be better. My pet hamster Ralf would be better.
What is the job of commander in chief? Having parties with famous musicians, going to broadway plays, golf, baseball games, hockey games, vacations, trips to Camp David, anything but being president. B.O. Is a joke!!! this boob even makes Jimmy Carter look like he was a good President!!!!!
I am pretty sure that both B and C would be ineligible to be president, thus making them both less qualified than Obama. Until we get some other criteria for president than age no one can really gripe about anyone not being qualified. What they should focus on is how good of a job he, or she, will do, because every natural born citizen over the age of 35 is equally qualified. If nothing else, Obama has proved that.
What is the job of commander in chief? To set overall goals political and military for the United States and task the military to carry them out.

Obama lacks experience in foreign policy. He lacks experience in war. He lacks experience in everything except community organizing. I nominate Obama as head of UNICEF.
In answer to the question, sarah Palin would be better. Anyone with any executive experience would be better. My pet hamster Ralf would be better.

Ironically, his escalation of the war in Afghanistan, that liberals widely and wisely opposed, was widely supported by conservatives.
What is the job of commander in chief? To set overall goals political and military for the United States and task the military to carry them out.

Obama lacks experience in foreign policy. He lacks experience in war. He lacks experience in everything except community organizing. I nominate Obama as head of UNICEF.
In answer to the question, sarah Palin would be better. Anyone with any executive experience would be better. My pet hamster Ralf would be better.

Ironically, his escalation of the war in Afghanistan, that liberals widely and wisely opposed, was widely supported by conservatives.
No, that is not true.
And since when did having military experience become the most important trait to have in a president?
What is the job of commander in chief? To set overall goals political and military for the United States and task the military to carry them out.

Obama lacks experience in foreign policy. He lacks experience in war. He lacks experience in everything except community organizing. I nominate Obama as head of UNICEF.
In answer to the question, sarah Palin would be better. Anyone with any executive experience would be better. My pet hamster Ralf would be better.

Ironically, his escalation of the war in Afghanistan, that liberals widely and wisely opposed, was widely supported by conservatives.
No, that is not true.

Poll: 50% oppose U.S. surge in Afghanistan - USATODAY.com

Now post evidence that supports your claim.
Just a thought, since we elected Obama as our Commander in Chief and with recent "low morale" amongts his officers towards him: Who would make a better Commander in Chief?

A) Barack H. Obama on November 1st, 2008
B) A cadet at West Point or the Naval Academy 1 day before his graduation
C) A Marine Corp infantry grunt with 4 tours of combat
D) A top-5 world military historian
E) New England Patriots football coach Bill Belichek


John Galt, hands down.

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