Who would have guessed CNN's Jeffrey Toobin would come unhinged about Comey?


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
This post is in regards to Jeffrey Toobin's comment from CNN who claimed the firing of James Comey of the FBI was "A dark day in history."

CORRECTION: The so called "Dark day in history" was allowing the infamous corrupt James Comey to keep his job following all of his cover ups of Hillary Clinton after the Obama administration. A second dark day in history was when Comey dismissed all the allegations about surveilling Trump and the rest of the republican party. Even Rand Paul and conservative radio hosts such as Shawn Hannity were reportedly spied on. Either Comey himself was directly involved or at the very least didn't bother to investigate the unmasking of Americans while checking for a possible Russian connection to Flynn which apparently was only done for POLITICAL PURPOSES since they still haven't supplied any REAL evidence of wrongdoing. Sure they claim Flynn gave speeches in Russia but then so did Bill Clinton. Thus far they haven't found a thing to support treason regarding Flynn but Bill Clinton was coincidentally paid twice the sum he usually gets for speaking engagements at the time when Hillary had just gave (SOLD) 20% of America's uranium to Russia which is the substance used to make nuclear weapons.

At any rate the witch hunt the liberals have been conducting regarding Russian collusion has to date not been found yet they obviously plan to continue this so called investigation all the way into the 2018 election and beyond throwing out tidbits concerning possible collusion just to smear Trump. They've even started a petition to obtain signatures of liberal minded psychologists claiming Trump is mentally unfit to serve. So obviously they plan to stop at nothing to achieve their goal which is to get back the presidency even if it means doing whatever nefarious deeds necessary.
Guarantee you that Comey wasn't the one doing the investigating. Also guarantee you the investigation continues despite his firing.

(Consume at your own risk) I'm hearing some rumors that the left is just deflecting from some new info's that Clinton was also sending emails from her private server to Huma, which were then sent on to Weiner. AKA yer DNC folks was spreading classified shit all over the damn place. Not sure I buy that one, pretty much everyone on the planet admits that Clinton and company are complete morons when it comes to national security... However, there was also a mention about pedophilia and the adoption chick in Haiti in one of the "examples" that was put out as being sent from Huma to Clinton (the tie-in there being the whole pizzagate thing which revolves around the woman that was trafficking stolen kids out of Haiti which Clinton had to run rescue after the quake.)
poor evercurious, as whiny as KelleyAnne was with Cuomo last night: "all you do for seven months is talk about Russians Russians Russians"

It is a dark day for Trump, who is so angry he cannot make the Russian investigation go away.

Trump cannot make the Russian investigation go away

It is all Trump/Russians all the time.
One thing I love about Trump, he is a businessman, because any seasoned politician would know, the more you show your ass, the more guilty you become.....I am convinced, Trump deep deep down in his sour gut, really believes he's smarter than everybody in the room and we're all just these clueless beings that believe in our furuh, bar none. This bullshit about Comey losing the confidence of the American stupid...yeah, 7 months ago, but now??????????? People that helped put this mf in the white house, best watch their backs, so far he's turned on everybody but his kids, Briebart and Putin.
poor evercurious, as whiny as KelleyAnne was with Cuomo last night: "all you do for seven months is talk about Russians Russians Russians"

Yeah, Kellyanna and all you mf's did for the last 8 1/2 years was talk about HIllary Hillary Hillary!!
The libs were outraged when they wanted him kept, then fired, now kept again. Just spoiled children that want their own way and will hold their breath until they turn blue if instant gratification is not offered.
It is a dark day for Trump, who is so angry he cannot make the Russian investigation go away.

Trump cannot make the Russian investigation go away

It is all Trump/Russians all the time.

Comey had 6 months, at least, to come up with a single shred of evidence linking Russia to our election/Trump. No evidence presented. Being investigated does not equal being guilty of anything. You liberals should be touting that with Clinton.
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poor evercurious, as whiny as KelleyAnne was with Cuomo last night: "all you do for seven months is talk about Russians Russians Russians"

Poor me? I'm not worried at all. If Trump had /anything/ to hide, he wouldn't have gotten on Comey's bad side by canning his partisan ass heh
Democrats MUST keep the investigation going until 2020 where they can say "There's an investigation going on. The Russians, The Russians."

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