Who won the popular vote?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Who Won The Popular Vote In 2012?

...As of 2:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Obama has widened his popular vote lead. He now leads 60,193,076 or 50.4% to 57,468,587 or 48.1% with nearly all precincts reporting. Still no official word yet, however...

How has the popular vote finished in other recent presidential elections? In 2008, Obama/Biden topped McCain/Palin in the popular vote 69 million to 59 million. In 2004, Bush/Cheney defeated Kerry/Edwards in the popular vote 62 million to 59 million. In 2000, Gore/Lieberman won the popular vote over Bush/Cheney 50.9 million to 50.4 million, yet lost the election due to the Electoral College.
So basically what you're saying is that 9,000,000 fewer Americans voted for Barack Obama this time around?

Hard to see that as a mandate for the progressive agenda, little buddy.
Actually, it wasn't only the electorial vote that went for Obama, it was the popular vote as well.

Yep.............he's got a mandate.
Not winning the White House nor the Senate has political consequences. The Party of No was resoundingly told NO!

Plus President Obama is for sure going to have more Supreme Court appointments.

Some elections have even more severe consequences than others. Too bad so sad for rightwingnuts.

Regards from Rosie
Not winning the White House nor the Senate has political consequences. The Party of No was resoundingly told NO!

Plus President Obama is for sure going to have more Supreme Court appointments.

Some elections have even more severe consequences than others. Too bad so sad for rightwingnuts.

Regards from Rosie

Oh yes, the senate, the presidency, the supreme court, gives Obama a mandate. It was so curious to me why Mitch McConnell and Boehner seemed to be laying down the law in their commentary. The party of no and the Teaparty in general were told no. Thanks senators for working so hard.

They need to back up and get a different attitude, this one isn't motivating to the president.

I want them to work together, their egos are not important.
Actually, it wasn't only the electorial vote that went for Obama, it was the popular vote as well.

Yep.............he's got a mandate.

Horesshit. 50.4% of the popular vote is not a mandate.

It is a win though, and that is all that counts.

Amen. The guy with the most EC votes wins, generally determined by the outcome of the popular vote.

So to the victor go the spoils. There's no way around that.

But once the euphoria wears off I'll bet the folks at the DNC have a pause for concern or two. Their popular vote winning margin was 7 points in '08, but just a shade over 2 points this go-round, a net loss of roughly 5 points. Barry's EC votes totaled 365 in '08 but should be 323 this time (assuming FL), a 42 vote drop. Romney got 206 EC votes vs. McCain's 173, a pickup of 33 votes.

Thus in both popular and EC votes the trend is toward Republicans and away from Democrats. The numbers don't lie. And Barry and the DNC still face virtually the same problems going forward they did 4 years ago, had little success dealing with them, and it cost them votes.

Thus is the reality as both the DNC and RNC begin to formulate their stategery for '14 and '16.
And Barry and the DNC still face virtually the same problems going forward they did 4 years ago, had little success dealing with them, and it cost them votes.
Too many people here think that the Presidential Election is just like Monday Night Football.

"Haha! MY team won! IN YOUR FACE!"

I don't think many people understand the far reaching implications of having Obama (Or Romney for that matter) for the next four years.
Calling "this" a mandate is almost laughable, folks. We're essentially right back where we were before this election took place. One part of the country supports progressive policies...another part totally doesn't. The electorate is divided almost down the middle. Those conservatives that have been elected by the part of the country that doesn't support a progressive agenda are being sent to Washington to fight against that. They will be countered by a President that doesn't have the political skills to hammer out a compromise. So we get another four years just like the last four.

That's reality.
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Calling "this" a mandate is almost laughable, folks. We're essentially right back where we were before this election took place. One part of the country supports progressive policies...another part totally doesn't. The electorate is divided almost down the middle. Those conservatives that have been elected by the part of the country that doesn't support a progressive agenda are being sent to Washington to fight against that. They will be countered by a President that doesn't have the political skills to hammer out a compromise. So we get another four years just like the last four.

That's reality.

There is another Reality though. Obama didn't win a Mandate I agree, but the Republicans lost much more than an election.

They lost people like me. I will never waste another 18 Months trying to get one of their Candidate elected again, unless they make some real changes. I wont waste my time just to see the party dragged down by Social Cons and their BS.

I am registering as an IND for now on, and Republicans will only get my support if they earn it, and I don't think I am alone.
Hey rw's, Barry won and he and Mitzi are gonna be living in the White House for another four years. And yes, the probably do "IT" in the Lincoln bedroom. A lot.

Deal with it.

Go get busy on your new Obama lies. See if you can outdo that $200MILLION DOLLARS A DAY vacation lie that you all sucked on for months.

Go read CoulterLimbaughBeck and fux whining lies. You'll feel better.

Whatever you do, stay away from Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and tomorrow night, Bill Maher cuz the last thing you want right now is TRUTH and FACTS.

Obama's 61.7% EC win gives him a clear mandate.

CLEAR mandate. I totally agree. The cons have been mandated to hell. They need to shut the fuck up and get in line with reality.

(God, I love this . . . )

They won't though. Both Boehner and McConnell are saying that the the definition of compromise is the Ds have to do it their way. They have said they agree we need to raise taxes, just not on the wealthy.

Reverse Robin Hood - take it from the poor and give it to the rich.

Hey rw's, Barry won and he and Mitzi are gonna be living in the White House for another four years. And yes, the probably do "IT" in the Lincoln bedroom. A lot.

Deal with it.

Go get busy on your new Obama lies. See if you can outdo that $200MILLION DOLLARS A DAY vacation lie that you all sucked on for months.

Go read CoulterLimbaughBeck and fux whining lies. You'll feel better.

Whatever you do, stay away from Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and tomorrow night, Bill Maher cuz the last thing you want right now is TRUTH and FACTS.


Congrats. It's not easy for a winner to sound like a loser but you're the exception to the rule I guess.
Actually, it wasn't only the electorial vote that went for Obama, it was the popular vote as well.

Yep.............he's got a mandate.

Yes, a mandate to make the government smaller and do less with it.

In November 2008, when the country was floundering in the worst recession since the Depression, Election Day surveys of voters found that 51 percent of them wanted government to do more to intervene while 43 percent said it was doing too many things better left to businesses. Now, after four years of government activism, those numbers have flipped.


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