Who Will Save the Christians in the Gaza Strip?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Can you imagine, trying to practice your religion among a bunch of intolerant savages?

Who Will Save the Christians in the Gaza Strip?

by Khaled Abu Toameh
July 20, 2012

"We only hear voices telling us not make too much noise. Today it is happening in the Gaza Strip, tomorrow it will take place in Bethlehem. In a few months, there will be no Christians left in Palestine." — Christian man, Gaza City

Are Palestinian Christians living in the Gaza Strip being kidnapped by Muslims who force them to convert to Islam?

This is a story that is considered taboo among many Palestinians, who prefer to lay all the blame only on Israel.

According to the Greek Orthodox Church in the Gaza Strip, at least five Christians have been kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam in recent weeks. If anyone has good reason to fear for his life it is Archbishop Alexios, head of the Greek Church in the Gaza Strip, who is spearheading the protests against persecution of Christians and forced conversions.

In the past few days the archbishop has come under sharp criticism from many Palestinians and the Hamas government for daring to speak out about the plight of his community. Islamic groups and human rights activists in the Gaza Strip claimed that the Christians converted to Islam of their own free will. The church blamed an unidentified terror group of being behind the forced conversions and called on the international community to intervene to save the Christians.

In a rare public protest, leaders and members of the 2,000-strong Christian community in the Gaza Strip staged a sit-in strike in the Gaza Strip this week to condemn the abductions and forced conversions in particular, and persecution at the hands of radical Muslims in general. The protest has further aggravated tensions between Muslims and Christians in the Gaza Strip, which has been under the control of Hamas since 2007. Leaders and members of the Christian community now fear reprisal attacks by Muslim extremists. Some have appealed to the Vatican and Christian groups and churches in the US, Canada and Europe for help.
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Bullshit Seeker strikes again!

Gaza Christians long for days before Hamas cancelled Christmas | World news | guardian.co.uk

Gaza Christians long for days before Hamas cancelled Christmas

When the Latin patriarch came to Gaza's Holy Family church to celebrate Christmas mass last week, he instructed a full house of Catholic and Orthodox families to pray for reconciliation. As the archbishop, Fouad Twal, stood at the lectern in Gaza City, Fatah and Hamas leaders were meeting in Cairo attempting to mend differences that have divided the Palestinian factions for four years and rendered Gaza a besieged Islamist enclave. Of the 1.5 million Palestinians now living in the Gaza Strip, fewer than 1,400 are Christian and those who can are leaving. The church hopes reconciliation will bring them back.

There hasn't been a Christmas tree in Gaza City's main square since Hamas pushed the Palestinian Authority out of Gaza in 2007 and Christmas is no longer a public holiday.

Imad Jelda is an Orthodox Christian who runs a youth training centre in Gaza City. With unemployment hovering at 23%, he has seen young Christian men leave to study and work abroad in their droves. "People here do not celebrate Christmas anymore because they are nervous," Jelda said. "The youth in particular have a fear inside themselves."

Karam Qubrsi, 23, and his younger brother Peter, 21, are the eldest sons in one of Gaza's 55 remaining Catholic families. Both wear prominent wooden crucifixes. "Jesus tells me, 'if you can't carry my cross, you don't belong to me,'" Peter explained. It's a demonstration of faith that has caused him some trouble. He describes being stopped in the street by a Hamas official who told him to remove the cross. "I told him it's not his business and that I wouldn't," Peter said. After being threatened with arrest he was eventually let go, but the incident scared him.
Let's get back to the topic which is stuff going in in the IP region....
1.5 Million Americans converted to ISLAM in USA -CNN News - YouTube

I suppose Americans are being "forced " to convert as well?
More off topic bullshit.

It's not off topic. You say Palestinians let people be forced to convert to Islam but I showed that Americans are converting to Islam of their own free will.

Maybe it is bigotry and oppression that is killing Judaism and Christianity.
Do you have reading comprehension problems? These are accounts of Palestinian Christians who are complaining about the treatment they are receiving at the hands of Muslims, one of which is forced conversions. Whether or not stupid people and criminals, illiterate ignoramuses, and Nation of Islam assholes are converting to Islam in the US is irrelevant.

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