Who wants us to stay in Syria?


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Let's face it, we, the American people, do not have a "dog" in the fight between Assad regime and ISIS inspired "rebels."

So why are we still in Syria with no US national interest there.....

Let's have a look at who wants us to stay....

Dianne Feinstein

"I call on President Trump to develop a comprehensive strategy to end Syria’s civil war. Congress can then consider an AUMF if additional force is to be used. I fully support a robust U.S. role in ending the Syrian civil war as soon as possible." ie we stay there forever

Peter King

"fully supports" staying in Syria

Lindsey Graham

Trump will "look weak" if the US leaves

John McCain

Trump's talk of leaving "emboldened" Assad - we must stay

Bob Corker

Corker says withdrawing from Syria now would be 'major disaster'

Why are we still in Syria with no US reason to be there????????

The power of THIS LOBBY

Let's face it, we, the American people, do not have a "dog" in the fight between Assad regime and ISIS inspired "rebels."

So why are we still in Syria with no US national interest there.....

Let's have a look at who wants us to stay....

Dianne Feinstein

"I call on President Trump to develop a comprehensive strategy to end Syria’s civil war. Congress can then consider an AUMF if additional force is to be used. I fully support a robust U.S. role in ending the Syrian civil war as soon as possible." ie we stay there forever

Peter King

"fully supports" staying in Syria

Lindsey Graham

Trump will "look weak" if the US leaves

John McCain

Trump's talk of leaving "emboldened" Assad - we must stay

Bob Corker

Corker says withdrawing from Syria now would be 'major disaster'

Why are we still in Syria with no US reason to be there????????

The power of THIS LOBBY

Well you have been in the quagmire of Afghanistan since October 1 2001, nearly 17 years and nothing has changed for the better in Afghanistan, The Taliban have regrouped years ago and just a few days ago the Puppet Afghan Government is again under threat from The Taliban in yet another district:



Afghan government under pressure as Taliban threaten new district

You cannot even after 17 years get Afghanistan under some normal control, so it's 100% not likely you can get Syria fixed and again Iraq is a TOTAL mess which their election being won by the coalition of Muqtada al-Sadr the Radical Fundamental Islamist Shia Cleric who HATES Iran and HATES America and the American supported outgoing Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi he came THIRD in the election.
Then what the hell will the Pentagon do with its $700 billion budget?

Expect more 3rd world military adventures, not less.
Let's face it, we, the American people, do not have a "dog" in the fight between Assad regime and ISIS inspired "rebels."

So why are we still in Syria with no US national interest there.....

Let's have a look at who wants us to stay....

Dianne Feinstein

"I call on President Trump to develop a comprehensive strategy to end Syria’s civil war. Congress can then consider an AUMF if additional force is to be used. I fully support a robust U.S. role in ending the Syrian civil war as soon as possible." ie we stay there forever

Peter King

"fully supports" staying in Syria

Lindsey Graham

Trump will "look weak" if the US leaves

John McCain

Trump's talk of leaving "emboldened" Assad - we must stay

Bob Corker

Corker says withdrawing from Syria now would be 'major disaster'

Why are we still in Syria with no US reason to be there????????

The power of THIS LOBBY

Well you have been in the quagmire of Afghanistan since October 1 2001, nearly 17 years and nothing has changed for the better in Afghanistan, The Taliban have regrouped years ago and just a few days ago the Puppet Afghan Government is again under threat from The Taliban in yet another district:



Afghan government under pressure as Taliban threaten new district

You cannot even after 17 years get Afghanistan under some normal control, so it's 100% not likely you can get Syria fixed and again Iraq is a TOTAL mess which their election being won by the coalition of Muqtada al-Sadr the Radical Fundamental Islamist Shia Cleric who HATES Iran and HATES America and the American supported outgoing Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi he came THIRD in the election.

You can't say Russia didn't warn Bush it was unwinnable. How long were they there?
Let's face it, we, the American people, do not have a "dog" in the fight between Assad regime and ISIS inspired "rebels."

So why are we still in Syria with no US national interest there.....

Let's have a look at who wants us to stay....

Dianne Feinstein

"I call on President Trump to develop a comprehensive strategy to end Syria’s civil war. Congress can then consider an AUMF if additional force is to be used. I fully support a robust U.S. role in ending the Syrian civil war as soon as possible." ie we stay there forever

Peter King

"fully supports" staying in Syria

Lindsey Graham

Trump will "look weak" if the US leaves

John McCain

Trump's talk of leaving "emboldened" Assad - we must stay

Bob Corker

Corker says withdrawing from Syria now would be 'major disaster'

Why are we still in Syria with no US reason to be there????????

The power of THIS LOBBY

Well you have been in the quagmire of Afghanistan since October 1 2001, nearly 17 years and nothing has changed for the better in Afghanistan, The Taliban have regrouped years ago and just a few days ago the Puppet Afghan Government is again under threat from The Taliban in yet another district:



Afghan government under pressure as Taliban threaten new district

You cannot even after 17 years get Afghanistan under some normal control, so it's 100% not likely you can get Syria fixed and again Iraq is a TOTAL mess which their election being won by the coalition of Muqtada al-Sadr the Radical Fundamental Islamist Shia Cleric who HATES Iran and HATES America and the American supported outgoing Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi he came THIRD in the election.

Why are we still in Afghanistan with no US reason to be there????????
The power of THIS LOBBY
See Above
Let's face it, we, the American people, do not have a "dog" in the fight between Assad regime and ISIS inspired "rebels."

So why are we still in Syria with no US national interest there.....

Let's have a look at who wants us to stay....

Dianne Feinstein

"I call on President Trump to develop a comprehensive strategy to end Syria’s civil war. Congress can then consider an AUMF if additional force is to be used. I fully support a robust U.S. role in ending the Syrian civil war as soon as possible." ie we stay there forever

Peter King

"fully supports" staying in Syria

Lindsey Graham

Trump will "look weak" if the US leaves

John McCain

Trump's talk of leaving "emboldened" Assad - we must stay

Bob Corker

Corker says withdrawing from Syria now would be 'major disaster'

Why are we still in Syria with no US reason to be there????????

The power of THIS LOBBY

Well you have been in the quagmire of Afghanistan since October 1 2001, nearly 17 years and nothing has changed for the better in Afghanistan, The Taliban have regrouped years ago and just a few days ago the Puppet Afghan Government is again under threat from The Taliban in yet another district:



Afghan government under pressure as Taliban threaten new district

You cannot even after 17 years get Afghanistan under some normal control, so it's 100% not likely you can get Syria fixed and again Iraq is a TOTAL mess which their election being won by the coalition of Muqtada al-Sadr the Radical Fundamental Islamist Shia Cleric who HATES Iran and HATES America and the American supported outgoing Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi he came THIRD in the election.

Why are we still in Afghanistan with no US reason to be there????????
The power of THIS LOBBY
See Above
And don't forget: http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/arc...back-with-a-big-war-budget-and-big-war-plans/
Let's face it, we, the American people, do not have a "dog" in the fight between Assad regime and ISIS inspired "rebels."

So why are we still in Syria with no US national interest there.....

Let's have a look at who wants us to stay....

Dianne Feinstein

"I call on President Trump to develop a comprehensive strategy to end Syria’s civil war. Congress can then consider an AUMF if additional force is to be used. I fully support a robust U.S. role in ending the Syrian civil war as soon as possible." ie we stay there forever

Peter King

"fully supports" staying in Syria

Lindsey Graham

Trump will "look weak" if the US leaves

John McCain

Trump's talk of leaving "emboldened" Assad - we must stay

Bob Corker

Corker says withdrawing from Syria now would be 'major disaster'

Why are we still in Syria with no US reason to be there????????

The power of THIS LOBBY

1. Plenty of stupid libs in this country that are not jewish. It is wrong to not give them their share of blame.

2. McCain is no tool of lobbyists. He has been consistent and steadfast in his wrong headed and stupid policy positions for decades. We have no reason to doubt his sincere belief in his stated foreign policy positions. THe fucking moron.

It is very wrong to give him less than all the blame he deserves, just because you have an issue with jews.

3. DItto for so many other people.
Let's face it, we, the American people, do not have a "dog" in the fight between Assad regime and ISIS inspired "rebels."

So why are we still in Syria with no US national interest there.....

Let's have a look at who wants us to stay....

Dianne Feinstein

"I call on President Trump to develop a comprehensive strategy to end Syria’s civil war. Congress can then consider an AUMF if additional force is to be used. I fully support a robust U.S. role in ending the Syrian civil war as soon as possible." ie we stay there forever

Peter King

"fully supports" staying in Syria

Lindsey Graham

Trump will "look weak" if the US leaves

John McCain

Trump's talk of leaving "emboldened" Assad - we must stay

Bob Corker

Corker says withdrawing from Syria now would be 'major disaster'

Why are we still in Syria with no US reason to be there????????

The power of THIS LOBBY

Well you have been in the quagmire of Afghanistan since October 1 2001, nearly 17 years and nothing has changed for the better in Afghanistan, The Taliban have regrouped years ago and just a few days ago the Puppet Afghan Government is again under threat from The Taliban in yet another district:



Afghan government under pressure as Taliban threaten new district

You cannot even after 17 years get Afghanistan under some normal control, so it's 100% not likely you can get Syria fixed and again Iraq is a TOTAL mess which their election being won by the coalition of Muqtada al-Sadr the Radical Fundamental Islamist Shia Cleric who HATES Iran and HATES America and the American supported outgoing Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi he came THIRD in the election.

Why are we still in Afghanistan with no US reason to be there????????
The power of THIS LOBBY
See Above
And don't forget: Neocons Are Back With a Big War Budget and Big War Plans
Dr Paul is correct again, He knows what a failure our foriegn policy has been for the past 50 years and to his credit he has warned us about it
We need to leave the ME and let the chips fall where they may, we should also pull our troops out of every foreign country, it is none of our business, we have enough issues as it is.
What the American people fail to understand is that waging war is the national sport of Afghanistan.

Afghan children are raised with a weapon in their hands, and are steeped in the oral history of the centuries of their people fighting against foreign invaders and occupiers.

U.S. forces could be there 20 more years and the end result would still be the same as todays ongoing failure. ...... :cool:
We need to either get outta the middle East completely or get out our big boy boots with the iron heels and start grinding.
Let's face it, we, the American people, do not have a "dog" in the fight between Assad regime and ISIS inspired "rebels."

So why are we still in Syria with no US national interest there.....

Let's have a look at who wants us to stay....

Dianne Feinstein

"I call on President Trump to develop a comprehensive strategy to end Syria’s civil war. Congress can then consider an AUMF if additional force is to be used. I fully support a robust U.S. role in ending the Syrian civil war as soon as possible." ie we stay there forever

Peter King

"fully supports" staying in Syria

Lindsey Graham

Trump will "look weak" if the US leaves

John McCain

Trump's talk of leaving "emboldened" Assad - we must stay

Bob Corker

Corker says withdrawing from Syria now would be 'major disaster'

Why are we still in Syria with no US reason to be there????????

The power of THIS LOBBY

Easy answer, Trump does. If he did not we would be out.
Let's face it, we, the American people, do not have a "dog" in the fight between Assad regime and ISIS inspired "rebels."

So why are we still in Syria with no US national interest there.....

Let's have a look at who wants us to stay....

Dianne Feinstein

"I call on President Trump to develop a comprehensive strategy to end Syria’s civil war. Congress can then consider an AUMF if additional force is to be used. I fully support a robust U.S. role in ending the Syrian civil war as soon as possible." ie we stay there forever

Peter King

"fully supports" staying in Syria

Lindsey Graham

Trump will "look weak" if the US leaves

John McCain

Trump's talk of leaving "emboldened" Assad - we must stay

Bob Corker

Corker says withdrawing from Syria now would be 'major disaster'

Why are we still in Syria with no US reason to be there????????

The power of THIS LOBBY

Easy answer, Trump does. If he did not we would be out.

THe moment TRUmp was elected, well before he took office, the propaganda campaign to push for more aggressive foreign policy stared, in order to undermine that point of his platform.

It has been successful.

A political victory for the Establishment, at the cost of the Nation.
Let's face it, we, the American people, do not have a "dog" in the fight between Assad regime and ISIS inspired "rebels."

So why are we still in Syria with no US national interest there.....

Let's have a look at who wants us to stay....

Dianne Feinstein

"I call on President Trump to develop a comprehensive strategy to end Syria’s civil war. Congress can then consider an AUMF if additional force is to be used. I fully support a robust U.S. role in ending the Syrian civil war as soon as possible." ie we stay there forever

Peter King

"fully supports" staying in Syria

Lindsey Graham

Trump will "look weak" if the US leaves

John McCain

Trump's talk of leaving "emboldened" Assad - we must stay

Bob Corker

Corker says withdrawing from Syria now would be 'major disaster'

Why are we still in Syria with no US reason to be there????????

The power of THIS LOBBY

Easy answer, Trump does. If he did not we would be out.

THe moment TRUmp was elected, well before he took office, the propaganda campaign to push for more aggressive foreign policy stared, in order to undermine that point of his platform.

It has been successful.

A political victory for the Establishment, at the cost of the Nation.
Yes, nothing is EVER Trump's fault :laugh:

How many people has he told to go fuck themselves, with you all celebrating, but not the warmongers? :rolleyes:
Let's face it, we, the American people, do not have a "dog" in the fight between Assad regime and ISIS inspired "rebels."

So why are we still in Syria with no US national interest there.....

Let's have a look at who wants us to stay....

Dianne Feinstein

"I call on President Trump to develop a comprehensive strategy to end Syria’s civil war. Congress can then consider an AUMF if additional force is to be used. I fully support a robust U.S. role in ending the Syrian civil war as soon as possible." ie we stay there forever

Peter King

"fully supports" staying in Syria

Lindsey Graham

Trump will "look weak" if the US leaves

John McCain

Trump's talk of leaving "emboldened" Assad - we must stay

Bob Corker

Corker says withdrawing from Syria now would be 'major disaster'

Why are we still in Syria with no US reason to be there????????

The power of THIS LOBBY

Easy answer, Trump does. If he did not we would be out.

THe moment TRUmp was elected, well before he took office, the propaganda campaign to push for more aggressive foreign policy stared, in order to undermine that point of his platform.

It has been successful.

A political victory for the Establishment, at the cost of the Nation.

Trump is the CIC, he calls the shots. He sent more people to Afghanistan and is keeping us in Syria.
Let's face it, we, the American people, do not have a "dog" in the fight between Assad regime and ISIS inspired "rebels."

So why are we still in Syria with no US national interest there.....

Let's have a look at who wants us to stay....

Dianne Feinstein

"I call on President Trump to develop a comprehensive strategy to end Syria’s civil war. Congress can then consider an AUMF if additional force is to be used. I fully support a robust U.S. role in ending the Syrian civil war as soon as possible." ie we stay there forever

Peter King

"fully supports" staying in Syria

Lindsey Graham

Trump will "look weak" if the US leaves

John McCain

Trump's talk of leaving "emboldened" Assad - we must stay

Bob Corker

Corker says withdrawing from Syria now would be 'major disaster'

Why are we still in Syria with no US reason to be there????????

The power of THIS LOBBY

Easy answer, Trump does. If he did not we would be out.

THe moment TRUmp was elected, well before he took office, the propaganda campaign to push for more aggressive foreign policy stared, in order to undermine that point of his platform.

It has been successful.

A political victory for the Establishment, at the cost of the Nation.
Yes, nothing is EVER Trump's fault :laugh:

How many people has he told to go fuck themselves, with you all celebrating, but not the warmongers? :rolleyes:

Not nearly enough. Obviously.

Have you contacted your representatives to demand they push for Peace?

I have. If you want peace, then put Pressure on Trump though your reps, to live up to his campaign promises on that.

And give the fucking msm assholes bad reviews for their warmongering too.
Let's face it, we, the American people, do not have a "dog" in the fight between Assad regime and ISIS inspired "rebels."

So why are we still in Syria with no US national interest there.....

Let's have a look at who wants us to stay....

Dianne Feinstein

"I call on President Trump to develop a comprehensive strategy to end Syria’s civil war. Congress can then consider an AUMF if additional force is to be used. I fully support a robust U.S. role in ending the Syrian civil war as soon as possible." ie we stay there forever

Peter King

"fully supports" staying in Syria

Lindsey Graham

Trump will "look weak" if the US leaves

John McCain

Trump's talk of leaving "emboldened" Assad - we must stay

Bob Corker

Corker says withdrawing from Syria now would be 'major disaster'

Why are we still in Syria with no US reason to be there????????

The power of THIS LOBBY

Easy answer, Trump does. If he did not we would be out.

THe moment TRUmp was elected, well before he took office, the propaganda campaign to push for more aggressive foreign policy stared, in order to undermine that point of his platform.

It has been successful.

A political victory for the Establishment, at the cost of the Nation.

Trump is the CIC, he calls the shots. He sent more people to Afghanistan and is keeping us in Syria.

And if he pulled out, you would be part of the howling mob, attacking him for that.

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