who supports the health care reform

The fact is that nobody has posted that they support health care reform in your thread meant to illustrate that those who oppose it are "fringe".

This is fucking classic.

Every small business owner I know, the very backbone of the American economoy, supports health care reform.
They might not agree with the Obama plan but everyone that employs people and runs a business knows health care is a disaster in this country as it is now.
That is a no brainer.
Organized Crime Loves Government Run Health Care

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1tv9lZMA1c"]$100+ Billion Fraud 2009 part 1[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwU7xc38-cc&feature=related"]$100+ Billion Fraud 2009 part 2[/ame]

If you think Government can crack down on this you are out of your mind! Medicare fraud was only a few billion problem in 1994. The government cracked down & now in 2009 it is up-wards of $250 Billion dollar fraud. Watch the same media sting filmed in 1994 posted below compared to the one filmed in 2009 posted above.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19R__PCNHAQ&feature=player_embedded"]Medicare Fraud 1994 - part 1[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdpWijgOAkc&feature=player_embedded"]Medicare Fraud 1994 - part 2[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-QY9my334Y&feature=player_embedded"]Medicare Fraud 1994 - part 3[/ame]
I hope you enjoy getting your pockets picked clean by the IRS only to give it to criminals.
From the article:

But this does not mean that the public is giving Mr. Obama the big "go ahead." It really bothers Americans that the bill is not more bipartisan. A March 3-8 Associated Press poll found 61 percent saying bipartisan support is very important. Sixty-eight percent said the president should keep trying to make a deal with the Republicans. Americans also like some of the Republican proposals. Kaiser found 79 percent saying that tort reform is important.

The poll was taken prior to the shit about 50+1 etc.

Indeed. Wait until the poll results in a couple of weeks time. It's going to look even worse for ObamaCare.

Truthmattersnot doesn't grok the fact that this isn't really Health Care Reform - it is Big Government Expansion.

Couldn't agree more.

There is no reform in this bs bill.

This bill will lead to the public option. The total takeover of HC by the Govt. It is, after all, on Barry's agenda.

Didn't he say he wanted to Change America.

He's on his way to achieving that goal. C

Can hardly wait to hear his propositions of Immigration Reform.

Gotta be a reason the Hispanic caucus changed from Nay to Yeah. Oh yeah. Can hardly wait for that one.
If there is a public option I will not take the public option. Option means a choice.
The current bill is a Romney clone bill.
Romney is a Republican.
The bill sucks but facts are facts.
If there is a public option I will not take the public option. Option means a choice.
The current bill is a Romney clone bill.
Romney is a Republican.
The bill sucks but facts are facts.

Your so right. It does suck and Romney is a Rep. but he had a Dem legislature. Both parties screwed the pooch on that one.

Anyone with half a brain would have looked at the programs in TN and MA to see just how they were doing. Of course they didn't bother or if they did they ignored the facts of healthcare in those two States. Anything to get this clusterfuck of a bill passed.

In a word. The HC in MA and TN suck. Stands to reason the big Govt HC bill will suck especially when you look at Govts track record on entitlements. Cost way, way over what they predicted, filled with fraud and waste and not very well run. Oh Yeah. (Big Drum Roll please) They are all broke.
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I have been looking for the best place I could inform and vent my struggle that I'm going to have to endure over the next few weeks. I'm a small business owner that's company manufactures a product that a large portion of the American public utilizes in their household. Some even think they can't do without it. The health care reform bill that passed will more than likely cause me to have to close my doors in the near future.
With the economy being the way that it is, I've done everything I could possibly do to keep from laying off employees. I have succeeded at cutting costs, including changing my own lifestyle and gotten a second job at night, and have not laid a single person off.
I've monitored this bill intensively and have read the entire bill. But now that it has passed, I'm now in preparation of selecting 40 employees to lay off to help offset the costs that I wll be incurring. I'm also being forced to identify offshore companies to take over the human resource and administration portion of my company. I would have never thought I would have to do that, since I've been proud to produce a 100% USA product. Not now.

Many of us won't forget. Don't worry about that.

I'm sorry to see you victimized by our "government".
Who really has the public's support on health care? - World Public Opinion

Feb. 26-28 Ipsos/McClatchy poll first found that 41 percent said they favored the health care plan under consideration, while 47 percent were opposed. A follow-on question, though, found that many of those opposed to it (17 percent of the whole sample) did so because it did not go far enough. Only 25 percent aligned with the Republican position by complaining that it goes too far.
I support the bill, and I'm one of those who think it didn't go far enough.
It's tiime for America to catch up with the rest of the industrialized nations.

Yes, I figure it's high time we lowered our standards to theirs, right? <sheesh!> How can anyone be so stupid as to support such an OBVIOUS power redistribution ploy?

Isn't it enough that the majority of LEGITIMATE citizens did NOT support the healthcare reformation? Democrat or Republican, WTF does that state about our government?

Answer me!

What else will it take for the liberal minded sheep to recognize we are presently OWNED and NOT governed?

The people that voted for Obama are FOOLS and have betrayed the very essence of this country.

He is a LIAR and a FRUITCAKE that has this country one step away from a corporate theocracy.

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