Who Should Moderate Content at Facebook?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Sure as hell not government!

I have an account but donā€™t just it a lot, just to keep an occasional eye on someone who means a great deal to me.

As far as I know, my content has never been censored so I canā€™t state firsthand how that works. All I do know is that itā€™s part of the ā€œfreeā€ internet and if it doesnā€™t moderate itself, that should be left to the decision of the users. If you donā€™t like what it does, donā€™t use it! Period!

According to the article, nobody seems to know how members of an independent body to handle appeals of content moderation decisions.

Much more @ Who Should Moderate Content at Facebook?
Well not the FAR LEFTISTS that run Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Microsoft, Apple, and all the Tech, and Media companies that currently censor conservative content. They are effffing COMMUNISTS.
It is an entirely voluntary, optional activity. Its market will ultimately regulate it. There is no obvious place of government in the matter.

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