Who Said It?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Match the quotes with the politiicans:

Saddam's existing biological and chemical weapons capabilities pose real threats to America."

Saddam's pursuit of lethal weapons of mass destruction cannot be tolerated.

"We know that [Saddam] has stored away secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country

A) George W Bush

B) Jay Rockefeller

C) Gen Colin Powell

D) Ted Kennedy

E) Dick Cheney

F) Al Gore
Without googling and by simply assuming that you lean right based on your avatar and location I'd have to say "who is Ted Kennedy for 500 Alex".
I'd like to buy a vowell.

No vowel, no lifeline, no Google.

Mobile shoutout?

The correct answer in order is B D and F.
Now tell me again how the Bush Administration lied to get us into Iraq.

I agree. Rabbi could have used a dozen or so more from the likes of Kerry, both Clintons, John Edwards, Bob Graham, Dick Durbin, Madeleine Albright, Howard Dean, Sandy Berger, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Evan Bayh, etc., etc. etc......

He could have also used a dozen or so more similar quotes from republicans, including the ones in his list, so what is the point of this thread again?? Is it to shift the blame from the decider and those in power to those in the minority who had no real power and unfortuantely went along with it??

The sad thing is that I think it's hilarious how the right went so far out of their way to claim that clinton and the dems were lying about saddam, iraq and WMDs back when clinton was president and yet now they are clinging to comments they once called lies and "wagging the dog" as they continue to try to defend and make lame excuses for their own.

Whatever happened to that personal responsibility that republicans like to preach and why don't they ever apply it to their own??

I agree. Rabbi could have used a dozen or so more from the likes of Kerry, both Clintons, John Edwards, Bob Graham, Dick Durbin, Madeleine Albright, Howard Dean, Sandy Berger, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Evan Bayh, etc., etc. etc......

He could have also used a dozen or so more similar quotes from republicans, including the ones in his list, so what is the point of this thread again?? Is it to shift the blame from the decider and those in power to those in the minority who had no real power and unfortuantely went along with it??

The sad thing is that I think it's hilarious how the right went so far out of their way to claim that clinton and the dems were lying about saddam, iraq and WMDs back when clinton was president and yet now they are clinging to comments they once called lies and "wagging the dog" as they continue to try to defend and make lame excuses for their own.

Whatever happened to that personal responsibility that republicans like to preach and why don't they ever apply it to their own??

What is the point, my clueless friend? The point is that prior to the invasion EVERYONE believed Saddam had WMD, Republicans and Democrats alike. It was only when the war started becoming unpopular that the Democrats exercised their noted hypocrisy and started claiming that Bush had "lied" us into war. But they of course had been saying exactly the same things as Bush.
Republicans, including Bush, were perfectly consistent. Democrats, as usual, were feckless weasels talking out of both sides of their mouth. Does this surprise anyone?
I agree. Rabbi could have used a dozen or so more from the likes of Kerry, both Clintons, John Edwards, Bob Graham, Dick Durbin, Madeleine Albright, Howard Dean, Sandy Berger, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Evan Bayh, etc., etc. etc......

He could have also used a dozen or so more similar quotes from republicans, including the ones in his list, so what is the point of this thread again?? Is it to shift the blame from the decider and those in power to those in the minority who had no real power and unfortuantely went along with it??

The sad thing is that I think it's hilarious how the right went so far out of their way to claim that clinton and the dems were lying about saddam, iraq and WMDs back when clinton was president and yet now they are clinging to comments they once called lies and "wagging the dog" as they continue to try to defend and make lame excuses for their own.

Whatever happened to that personal responsibility that republicans like to preach and why don't they ever apply it to their own??

What is the point, my clueless friend? The point is that prior to the invasion EVERYONE believed Saddam had WMD, Republicans and Democrats alike. It was only when the war started becoming unpopular that the Democrats exercised their noted hypocrisy and started claiming that Bush had "lied" us into war. But they of course had been saying exactly the same things as Bush.
Republicans, including Bush, were perfectly consistent. Democrats, as usual, were feckless weasels talking out of both sides of their mouth. Does this surprise anyone?

Attacking me personally does nothing to validate you arguments. That "belief" was not enough justification for an invasion and why didn't W let the inspectors finish their job?? Why the rush to invade??
Yes I do blame the democrats for voting in favor of it out of fear of being called un-American and unpatriotic as they caved to political pressure but they were called that anyway so it was pointless.
More questions should have been asked PRIOR to the invasion especially now that WE know that most of the info we based our "intelligence" on was from ONE GUY they named "curveball" and it all turned out to be WRONG.
The fact that W rushed into it without any real plan for the aftermath or securing the alleged sites of WMD manufacturing, which is why we went in, and told the inspectors to leave so he could invade before they finished their job is reason to beleive he knew that they wouldn't find anything.

BTW unless you can show quotes were the democrats said the exact same thing that W did then you need to retract that claim. After all you were pretty specific with you quotes in the OP so why so vague now?? You are the one that set the standard. LOL

Oh and i just love the false claims about consistency from republicans who cut and ran from W as soon as they realized HIS war was costing them elections, but they sure stuck by him when he was popular. However, now look at how far they have moved to the left as they criticize a sitting president during a time of war and give aide and comfort to the enemy during a time of war. What was that about consistency??
We spent 18 months debating the war and trying various solutions. Where is 18 months a rush to anything?
Democrats including Bill Clinton and Madeline Albright were saying exactly what George Bush was saying about Saddam's WMD. There was no disagreement on this point. If there was, the only disagreement was how to deal with it.
Inspectors had been kicked out of Iraq by Saddam and then restricted by him to where their findings were completely unreliable. Iraq never accounted for WMD they were known to have had after the Gulf War.
It was the feckless weasel Democrats that abandoned their earlier positions and calls to do something when the war turned unpopular. The GOP and Pres Bush were consistent throughout.

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