Who Really Loves Russia?

....and always has?

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.
They both work toward the very same ends for society.
And toward those ends, Democrats have, historically, engaged in a fervent embrace of Communist Russia.

How very amusing that they now claim that agenda about the other side.

1.As so aptly put by wanna-be American, George Santayana, Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Such is the curse under which government school grads, the Democrats/Liberals, must labor.

Luckily for those so deprived, I am here, like Mighty Mouse, to save the day. I teach what was lacking in government schooling.

2. Today’s lesson deals with the attempt to tie President Trump’s thumping of the Democrats to Russia. The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for the Democrats to come along and give it meaning.

Fact is, it is the Democrats who have had a long and storied history….love affair….with Russia and Communist Russians.

3. "Since the day Trump was elected, Russia has been the reason they lost, according to the left. However, there is a strange dichotomy. Over the years, the left has loved Russia.

4. Democrats have always had a love affair with the Russians. In truth, they love the communist and socialist philosophy that has been used to control the citizens and liberate the government. The goal of liberals is to be more like Russia, which makes it strange why they hate the former Soviet Union so much now.

5. During the height of the Cold War with the Soviets, a sitting United States senator, liberal Democrat Teddy Kennedy, wrote a letter to Soviet General Yuri Andropov stating he was eager to “counter the militaristic policies” of President Reagan in an attempt to thwart the president’s reelection bid. Kennedy was the one who was colluding.”
Since When Do Democrats Hate Russia?

Earlier….this Democrat demigod made his affection clear:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

'Russia Uber Alles'

More 'Democrat history' to follow.

They started loathing Russia right after Communism, massacres and serfdom ended there. What a coincidence!

They just hate that anything that is Christian, capitalist and successful.
Again OP, I ask...

Can you answer the question as to why so many of Trump's Administration has ties to Russia...and lied about them?

Posting a bunch of far rightwing blog claptrap isn't going to help you.

I just posted linked, documented proof that it is only Democrats for whom there is evidence of conspiring and contracting with the Kremlin.

You simply defaulted to the usual Liberals "is not, issssssssss noooottttttttt!!!"

Two rules of life...memorize 'em:

1. Whatever Democrats/Liberal claim about the other side,...that's what they are guilty of.

2. .Facts are to me, what burgers are to McDonald's.
Which do Democrats love more…..Russia or money????
Certainly not our country......

6. “For years, the Clintons have been taking money from Russia. Usually, the price for a speech was at least $250,000. What does Bill or Hillary have to talk about that would warrant taking that much for speaking for only about 30-45 minutes? It is ironic Hillary claims that Trump is Putin’s puppet, considering she has no problem taking money from shady Russian sources.

7. …something else about Hillary. An FBI informant stated that Russia paid millions of dollars to lobby so that Clinton’s charities would receive assistance. The biggest catch is Hillary was Secretary of State when this occurred. Can we say pay to play? It looks like Hillary knows more about colluding with Russia than anyone else.

Her loud barking about Moscow is a played straight out of the Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals book. Accuse the other side of impropriety while you are doing that same thing. In truth, Russian money was probably used in Hillary’s election campaign.”
Since When Do Democrats Hate Russia?

The trumpkins had so many meetings with Russians, the break rooms at Trump Tower had mugs labeled Yuri and Ivan
FYI, Iran is Russia's favorite ally in the ME.

If Trump loves Russia so much, why is he threatening Iran?

He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.
So you support Iran in this, apparently.

How do you define treason?

Something to do with giving aid to our enemies.

If you tweeted a threat to me, I would laugh at you. Sorry if that hurts your pride but there is nothing more impotent than a grown "man" tweeting a threat. I'm sure the Iranian is having a belly laugh at our president. That isn't supporting Iran; that is reporting the truth.

Treason? Whatever loser.

Trump is a pussy.

That you are apparently too dense to know what that tweet was all about is also hilarious. PS: It was to impress those with simple minds and limited capabilities; it's no wonder you liked it.
Russia in the here and now is entirely different than the USSR. Democrats cannot tolerate that religion both Christianity and Islam are a part of every day life now. Elections are monitored by the international community. Communism is dead and capitalism is very much alive.

When Obama and other members of NATO decided they needed to demonize Putin and Russia only came after the successful NATO coup that put Hillary's old buddies back in power in Kiev, but they couldn't score Russia's Black Sea ports.

The freaking maniacs actually believed Russia would give them up. Sheer madness to ever believe that Crimeans after the coup would embrace Kiev.
....and always has?

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.
They both work toward the very same ends for society.
And toward those ends, Democrats have, historically, engaged in a fervent embrace of Communist Russia.

How very amusing that they now claim that agenda about the other side.

1.As so aptly put by wanna-be American, George Santayana, Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Such is the curse under which government school grads, the Democrats/Liberals, must labor.

Luckily for those so deprived, I am here, like Mighty Mouse, to save the day. I teach what was lacking in government schooling.

2. Today’s lesson deals with the attempt to tie President Trump’s thumping of the Democrats to Russia. The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for the Democrats to come along and give it meaning.

Fact is, it is the Democrats who have had a long and storied history….love affair….with Russia and Communist Russians.

3. "Since the day Trump was elected, Russia has been the reason they lost, according to the left. However, there is a strange dichotomy. Over the years, the left has loved Russia.

4. Democrats have always had a love affair with the Russians. In truth, they love the communist and socialist philosophy that has been used to control the citizens and liberate the government. The goal of liberals is to be more like Russia, which makes it strange why they hate the former Soviet Union so much now.

5. During the height of the Cold War with the Soviets, a sitting United States senator, liberal Democrat Teddy Kennedy, wrote a letter to Soviet General Yuri Andropov stating he was eager to “counter the militaristic policies” of President Reagan in an attempt to thwart the president’s reelection bid. Kennedy was the one who was colluding.”
Since When Do Democrats Hate Russia?

Earlier….this Democrat demigod made his affection clear:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

'Russia Uber Alles'

More 'Democrat history' to follow.

The near sum total ideological lexicon of the modern American radical Leftist intelligentsia is based on the collective philosophical conclusions proposed by the Frankfurt School, Adorno's Authoritarian Personality, and Marx's pseudo-religion of class warfare as translated for the world into being by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov a.k.a. Vladimir Lenin. Upon that anti-American foundation the American Left has ridden into modern times on the coattails of overtly anti-personal responsibility, anti-moralist colossi such as Foucault and Lyotard, along with radical feminist icons the likes of Ti-Grace Atkinson and Carol Hanisch, content with destruction of eons of nuclear family values, unborn human life and the redefinition without hard science of human biological facts.

The American Left has been and is run by an intelligentsia in elite academia enclaves obsessed with moral relativism, subjectivism, antipositivism and self-reference. In other words, beliefs that moral facts do not exist or can be adapted to suit any behavior without consequence, god is self, and sociological phenomena cannot be understood through hard science--only the pseudo-religious philosophical psychological voodoo of failsafe recusals from reality and morality by absolutist apathy.

In none of the above is there room left for meaning or protection of the individual's life, liberty or freedom of mind or body. The only Ouroboros in the room--the only serpent eating its own tail--is the radical American Left.
I absolutely LOVE Russia and always will and I'm from Ukraine. And millions of foreign fans who came to Russia this summer for World Cup fell in love with Russia and were so surprised how the reality was different to what their Media was telling them. I would recommend OP to visit modern Russia (which is neither communist nor socialist!) before starting the threads like this. May be following links will help you to learn some truth about real Russia, not an alleged one.

Russia’s picturesque cities, warm people and delicious food, BBC Sport pundit Chris Sutton tweeted in a heartfelt farewell to the tournament’s host country. He even went so far as to note that the host nation had been unfairly maligned
Charmed: BBC Sport pundit tweets out farewell to ‘beautiful, friendly’ Russia

TheGuardian:Message to the English: come to Russia and feel the love
Message to the English: come to Russia and feel the love | Tom Rosenthal

“The warmth of the welcome here has been absolutely outstanding. All the fans have commented on that and Volgograd seems delighted to welcome everybody,” said Lindsay Skoll, the deputy British ambassador to Russia.
England fans enjoy stay in Volgograd with no repeat of Marseille violence


When the World Cup leaves town it’s likely that a lot of people will depart Russia with great memories and a changed view of the country. Russia is putting on its best, most smiling face for the month: people are excited to welcome the tournament and the fans, and so far at least that is leading to overwhelmingly positive vibes.
Ten things we have learned from the first round of World Cup games

The doom-mongers warned that Russia would be dire and dangerous — but the welcome for England fans has been heartfelt and humbling

David Walsh | The Times & The Sunday Times

EXPECTATIONS VS REALITY IN RUSSIA | The Truth About the World Cup 2018
Which do Democrats love more…..Russia or money????
Certainly not our country......

6. “For years, the Clintons have been taking money from Russia. Usually, the price for a speech was at least $250,000. What does Bill or Hillary have to talk about that would warrant taking that much for speaking for only about 30-45 minutes? It is ironic Hillary claims that Trump is Putin’s puppet, considering she has no problem taking money from shady Russian sources.

7. …something else about Hillary. An FBI informant stated that Russia paid millions of dollars to lobby so that Clinton’s charities would receive assistance. The biggest catch is Hillary was Secretary of State when this occurred. Can we say pay to play? It looks like Hillary knows more about colluding with Russia than anyone else.

Her loud barking about Moscow is a played straight out of the Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals book. Accuse the other side of impropriety while you are doing that same thing. In truth, Russian money was probably used in Hillary’s election campaign.”
Since When Do Democrats Hate Russia?

Why is Your guy having private meetings with the Russians, and not even informing his own staff?
Don't many little democrat protestors wear hammer and sickle tee shirts? They not only love Russia, they love the old Cold War Russia. When they first started the Mueller scam, I thought, they've got to be kidding. Heck, they still won't admit that Alger Hiss and his buddies molded the democrat party. Harvard still won't sever ties to Hiss.
I just posted linked, documented proof that it is only Democrats for whom there is evidence of conspiring and contracting with the Kremlin.

You simply defaulted to the usual Liberals "is not, issssssssss noooottttttttt!!!"

Two rules of life...memorize 'em:

1. Whatever Democrats/Liberal claim about the other side,...that's what they are guilty of.

2. .Facts are to me, what burgers are to McDonald's.
I never asked you about conspiracy and contracting, I asked about why do so many members of Trump's campaign and Administration have ties to Russia...and lied about them?

Links between Trump associates and Russian officials - Wikipedia
I just posted linked, documented proof that it is only Democrats for whom there is evidence of conspiring and contracting with the Kremlin.

You simply defaulted to the usual Liberals "is not, issssssssss noooottttttttt!!!"

Two rules of life...memorize 'em:

1. Whatever Democrats/Liberal claim about the other side,...that's what they are guilty of.

2. .Facts are to me, what burgers are to McDonald's.
I never asked you about conspiracy and contracting, I asked about why do so many members of Trump's campaign and Administration have ties to Russia...and lied about them?

Links between Trump associates and Russian officials - Wikipedia

Ties to Russia = Has once in their life talked to a Russian.

Of course, you would never inspect any other people with this kind of judgment. In fact, that is highly racist. Sign of Trump derangement.
The trumpkins had so many meetings with Russians, the break rooms at Trump Tower had mugs labeled Yuri and Ivan
FYI, Iran is Russia's favorite ally in the ME.

If Trump loves Russia so much, why is he threatening Iran?

He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.
So you support Iran in this, apparently.

How do you define treason?

Something to do with giving aid to our enemies.

If you tweeted a threat to me, I would laugh at you. Sorry if that hurts your pride but there is nothing more impotent than a grown "man" tweeting a threat. I'm sure the Iranian is having a belly laugh at our president. That isn't supporting Iran; that is reporting the truth.

Treason? Whatever loser.

Trump is a pussy.

That you are apparently too dense to know what that tweet was all about is also hilarious. PS: It was to impress those with simple minds and limited capabilities; it's no wonder you liked it.

But you said he didn't threaten them:

"He's not threatening Iran."

You were lying, huh?
The trumpkins had so many meetings with Russians, the break rooms at Trump Tower had mugs labeled Yuri and Ivan
FYI, Iran is Russia's favorite ally in the ME.

If Trump loves Russia so much, why is he threatening Iran?

He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.
So you support Iran in this, apparently.

How do you define treason?

Something to do with giving aid to our enemies.

If you tweeted a threat to me, I would laugh at you. Sorry if that hurts your pride but there is nothing more impotent than a grown "man" tweeting a threat. I'm sure the Iranian is having a belly laugh at our president. That isn't supporting Iran; that is reporting the truth.

Treason? Whatever loser.

Trump is a pussy.

That you are apparently too dense to know what that tweet was all about is also hilarious. PS: It was to impress those with simple minds and limited capabilities; it's no wonder you liked it.

But you said he didn't threaten them:

"He's not threatening Iran."

You were lying, huh?
Your guy loves Russia not Iran!
The trumpkins had so many meetings with Russians, the break rooms at Trump Tower had mugs labeled Yuri and Ivan
FYI, Iran is Russia's favorite ally in the ME.

If Trump loves Russia so much, why is he threatening Iran?

He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.
So you support Iran in this, apparently.

How do you define treason?

Something to do with giving aid to our enemies.

If you tweeted a threat to me, I would laugh at you. Sorry if that hurts your pride but there is nothing more impotent than a grown "man" tweeting a threat. I'm sure the Iranian is having a belly laugh at our president. That isn't supporting Iran; that is reporting the truth.

Treason? Whatever loser.

Trump is a pussy.

That you are apparently too dense to know what that tweet was all about is also hilarious. PS: It was to impress those with simple minds and limited capabilities; it's no wonder you liked it.

Revealed: this is what you support>

Barack Obama, in addition to slowing the rise of the oceans, also made the world a safer place to be by funding the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism while not restricting their ballistic missile program and, at the same time, supporting Hezbollah.

Barack Obama, the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism and of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism, in the history of the world.

Under Hussein Obama, the United States was the lead benefactor of Islamic terrorism
The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shia…and with the Iran deal, we got answer.

The best friend the homicidal maniacs in charge of Iran ever had was Barack Hussein Obama.
I absolutely LOVE Russia and always will and I'm from Ukraine. And millions of foreign fans who came to Russia this summer for World Cup fell in love with Russia and were so surprised how the reality was different to what their Media was telling them. I would recommend OP to visit modern Russia (which is neither communist nor socialist!) before starting the threads like this. May be following links will help you to learn some truth about real Russia, not an alleged one.

Russia’s picturesque cities, warm people and delicious food, BBC Sport pundit Chris Sutton tweeted in a heartfelt farewell to the tournament’s host country. He even went so far as to note that the host nation had been unfairly maligned
Charmed: BBC Sport pundit tweets out farewell to ‘beautiful, friendly’ Russia

TheGuardian:Message to the English: come to Russia and feel the love
Message to the English: come to Russia and feel the love | Tom Rosenthal

“The warmth of the welcome here has been absolutely outstanding. All the fans have commented on that and Volgograd seems delighted to welcome everybody,” said Lindsay Skoll, the deputy British ambassador to Russia.
England fans enjoy stay in Volgograd with no repeat of Marseille violence


When the World Cup leaves town it’s likely that a lot of people will depart Russia with great memories and a changed view of the country. Russia is putting on its best, most smiling face for the month: people are excited to welcome the tournament and the fans, and so far at least that is leading to overwhelmingly positive vibes.
Ten things we have learned from the first round of World Cup games

The doom-mongers warned that Russia would be dire and dangerous — but the welcome for England fans has been heartfelt and humbling

David Walsh | The Times & The Sunday Times

EXPECTATIONS VS REALITY IN RUSSIA | The Truth About the World Cup 2018

"I absolutely LOVE Russia and always will..."

"During the early 1930s every non-apparatchik in the USSR was hungry, and the peasants were starving in their millions. The zeks [prisoners] of the gulag, from 1918 to 1956, were always somewhere in between.

The mature gulag ran on food and the deprivation of food. Illuminatingly, the history of Communism keeps bringing us back to this: the scarcity or absence of food.

[In] his natural indifference to all human suffering Frenkel was an excellent Bolshevik. It was he who advised Stalin to run the gulag on the steady deprivation of food.

Again they used norms and quotas:

for the full norm: 700 grams of bread, plus soup and buckwheat

for those not attaining the norm: 400 grams of bread, plus soup

The ‘full norm' was near-unachievable (sometimes more than 200 times higher than the Tsarist equivalent). A socialist-realist superman might manage it, for a time. But you were not meant to manage it. As the zek increasingly fell further behind the norm, he weakened further too, and his ration would soon be demoted to ‘punitive' (300 grams). As for the rations, Conquest cites those of the Japanese POW camps on the River Kwai: ‘There, prisoners got a daily ration norm of 700 grams of rice, 600 of vegetables, 100 of meat, 20 of sugar, 20 of salt, and 5 of oil…'; all these items were, of course, great rarities and delicacies in the archipelago. Solzhenitsyn describes a seven-ounce loaf (218 grams): ‘sticky as clay, a piece little bigger than a matchbox…'" Martin Amis, "Koba The Dread"

Your judgment remains in doubt.
....and always has?

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.
They both work toward the very same ends for society.
And toward those ends, Democrats have, historically, engaged in a fervent embrace of Communist Russia.

How very amusing that they now claim that agenda about the other side.

1.As so aptly put by wanna-be American, George Santayana, Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Such is the curse under which government school grads, the Democrats/Liberals, must labor.

Luckily for those so deprived, I am here, like Mighty Mouse, to save the day. I teach what was lacking in government schooling.

2. Today’s lesson deals with the attempt to tie President Trump’s thumping of the Democrats to Russia. The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for the Democrats to come along and give it meaning.

Fact is, it is the Democrats who have had a long and storied history….love affair….with Russia and Communist Russians.

3. "Since the day Trump was elected, Russia has been the reason they lost, according to the left. However, there is a strange dichotomy. Over the years, the left has loved Russia.

4. Democrats have always had a love affair with the Russians. In truth, they love the communist and socialist philosophy that has been used to control the citizens and liberate the government. The goal of liberals is to be more like Russia, which makes it strange why they hate the former Soviet Union so much now.

5. During the height of the Cold War with the Soviets, a sitting United States senator, liberal Democrat Teddy Kennedy, wrote a letter to Soviet General Yuri Andropov stating he was eager to “counter the militaristic policies” of President Reagan in an attempt to thwart the president’s reelection bid. Kennedy was the one who was colluding.”
Since When Do Democrats Hate Russia?

Earlier….this Democrat demigod made his affection clear:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

'Russia Uber Alles'

More 'Democrat history' to follow.

They started loathing Russia right after Communism, massacres and serfdom ended there. What a coincidence!

They just hate that anything that is Christian, capitalist and successful.
. . . and corrupt and murderous and classist.
....and always has?

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.
They both work toward the very same ends for society.
And toward those ends, Democrats have, historically, engaged in a fervent embrace of Communist Russia.

How very amusing that they now claim that agenda about the other side.

1.As so aptly put by wanna-be American, George Santayana, Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Such is the curse under which government school grads, the Democrats/Liberals, must labor.

Luckily for those so deprived, I am here, like Mighty Mouse, to save the day. I teach what was lacking in government schooling.

2. Today’s lesson deals with the attempt to tie President Trump’s thumping of the Democrats to Russia. The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for the Democrats to come along and give it meaning.

Fact is, it is the Democrats who have had a long and storied history….love affair….with Russia and Communist Russians.

3. "Since the day Trump was elected, Russia has been the reason they lost, according to the left. However, there is a strange dichotomy. Over the years, the left has loved Russia.

4. Democrats have always had a love affair with the Russians. In truth, they love the communist and socialist philosophy that has been used to control the citizens and liberate the government. The goal of liberals is to be more like Russia, which makes it strange why they hate the former Soviet Union so much now.

5. During the height of the Cold War with the Soviets, a sitting United States senator, liberal Democrat Teddy Kennedy, wrote a letter to Soviet General Yuri Andropov stating he was eager to “counter the militaristic policies” of President Reagan in an attempt to thwart the president’s reelection bid. Kennedy was the one who was colluding.”
Since When Do Democrats Hate Russia?

Earlier….this Democrat demigod made his affection clear:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

'Russia Uber Alles'

More 'Democrat history' to follow.
You do. Especially if you are paid by the word instead of the post.

Yet, you read every word, and they put the burr under your saddle, don't they, you donkey.

More to come.....don't miss it.
Lol, no. Sorry, but all I read was your thread title and it struck me as humorously ironic.
I just posted linked, documented proof that it is only Democrats for whom there is evidence of conspiring and contracting with the Kremlin.

You simply defaulted to the usual Liberals "is not, issssssssss noooottttttttt!!!"

Two rules of life...memorize 'em:

1. Whatever Democrats/Liberal claim about the other side,...that's what they are guilty of.

2. .Facts are to me, what burgers are to McDonald's.
I never asked you about conspiracy and contracting, I asked about why do so many members of Trump's campaign and Administration have ties to Russia...and lied about them?

Links between Trump associates and Russian officials - Wikipedia

Well, then.....we should be seeing charges brought any day now......

.....any day.......


On the other hand, we've proven together that the only individuals for whom there is actual evidence......EVIDENCE....of association with Russia.....

.....are Democrats.

You don't deny that......do you.

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