Who keeps America safe??

Just relax libs conservatives are taking over and cleaning up your FUBAR mess, our enemies will fear us once again.
Your pipe dream about Donald Duck Trump The Chump will end soon.

Then afterwards you will have a splitting headache like the rest of your binge drinking give.
Not at all. He just doesn't stay where He is not wanted. Ask the Jews. He left their Temple. It was all down hill from there. America was a much better place when He was here.
You could also argue that the Jews were set up with high expectations that they could never keep.

Ever read the full Tenakh? (... means "Old Testament".)

Try living all 613 commandment for just one year.

I tried it.

My beard got really scruffy.

I missed bacon, ham, lobster, shrimp, eel, catfish etc.

Had to take off all my Christian icons since these could be mistaken for idols.

But I still wear a hat wherever I go -- that one is a good idea -- keeps the sun out of your eyes and the bugs off your face.

Are you Jewish??? Why on earth would you willingly put yourself under Laws that weren't intended for you?
I am not Jewish, no.

I am Aryan German-American-Greek.

I followed all the rules in the Catholic Douay-Rheims bible just to see what it would be like.

It was a huge pain.

Thank goodness for Jesus. He simplified everything.

But I still to this day wonder what Jehovah was thinking ?!

Who Keeps America Safe?....
the men and women of the armed forces and all the security forces in the Country.....thats who....
I vote, it is the CIA who now does (takes care of us).

The Army just sits on their ass in Afghanistan.

The Navy of course patrols the high seas.

The Marines currently have nothing to do but P/T until their asses are buttermilk.

The USCG is busy interdicting drugs, yet 20% of the American population is chronic users.

The CIA and the USAF do most of the killing these days.

Where would we be without the CIA ?!

Thank you CIA.
Bush vs Clinton. Clinton vs Obama Bush vs Obama does not exist people. Stop the bullshit. They are all one. They are the same. They are ushering in the one world government. With our blessing apparently, we keep handing them the pens and phones. This election is America vs the UN.

Harry our military has always been who keeps this country safe. They were the best in the world. Those WW2 kids that went to war a week after they graduated from high school, saved a world. Their courage was stunning to the enemy who witnessed it. They were the greatest generation on earth. Now their great grandchildren need safe rooms where they huddle in the corner and breathe into paper bags, while our UN representative in the White House continues to weakening our military and give our money away to our enemies to strengthen theirs.
Republicans love to talk tough about national security and "keeping America safe" but who really does this? 8 months into George W Bush's 1st term terrorists hijacked Airplanes and drove them into New York's world trade centers towers, killing thousands of people and injuring many more. If the GOP is so good at keeping America safe, then why did this happen? Take a long, hard look at the numbers: 2,966 people died in the attacks of 9/11 during the reign of G.W. Bush. Bill Clinton - 444. President Obama - 4

Final Score:
15 years of Democratic Presidents = 449 terrorist deaths
8 years of 1 Republican President: G.W. Bush = 2,966 deaths

The numbers don't lie people! Now...Who really keeps America safe?? :bye1:

Who Let Terrorists Kill People ??? Obama vs. Reagan, Clinton and Bush43
Only 4 for Obama...WTF!

What happened to all those poor folks murdered in Orlando, San Bernardino, Boston Bombing, and Fort Hood?

Are you dumb, careless, or just a propagandist?
Not at all. He just doesn't stay where He is not wanted. Ask the Jews. He left their Temple. It was all down hill from there. America was a much better place when He was here.
You could also argue that the Jews were set up with high expectations that they could never keep.

Ever read the full Tenakh? (... means "Old Testament".)

Try living all 613 commandment for just one year.

I tried it.

My beard got really scruffy.

I missed bacon, ham, lobster, shrimp, eel, catfish etc.

Had to take off all my Christian icons since these could be mistaken for idols.

But I still wear a hat wherever I go -- that one is a good idea -- keeps the sun out of your eyes and the bugs off your face.

You can absolutely argue that. The Law was death. And the Jews were arrogant. Prior to Mt Sinai, there were no Laws. The Jews out of Egypt acted like Egypt, and told God they could uphold anything He threw at them. They turned a loving Father into Judge.
And even then He gave them a way to temporarily cover their sins so that He could continue to co-habitate with the sinners. He called them wicked people, but still forgave their sins. And then He sent the permanent removal of their sins, a Messiah, a Passover Lamb once and for all. And they missed the visitation. And yet, He still loves them enough to insure they win WW3. He's coming back. Not as a lamb but as a Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
Not at all. He just doesn't stay where He is not wanted. Ask the Jews. He left their Temple. It was all down hill from there. America was a much better place when He was here.
You could also argue that the Jews were set up with high expectations that they could never keep.

Ever read the full Tenakh? (... means "Old Testament".)

Try living all 613 commandment for just one year.

I tried it.

My beard got really scruffy.

I missed bacon, ham, lobster, shrimp, eel, catfish etc.

Had to take off all my Christian icons since these could be mistaken for idols.

But I still wear a hat wherever I go -- that one is a good idea -- keeps the sun out of your eyes and the bugs off your face.

You can absolutely argue that. The Law was death. And the Jews were arrogant. Prior to Mt Sinai, there were no Laws. The Jews out of Egypt acted like Egypt, and told God they could uphold anything He threw at them. They turned a loving Father into Judge.
And even then He gave them a way to temporarily cover their sins so that He could continue to co-habitate with the sinners. He called them wicked people, but still forgave their sins. And then He sent the permanent removal of their sins, a Messiah, a Passover Lamb once and for all. And they missed the visitation. And yet, He still loves them enough to insure they win WW3. He's coming back. Not as a lamb but as a Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
The hat was all that I got out of it.


  • BOONIE HAT.jpg
    BOONIE HAT.jpg
    25.7 KB · Views: 28
A lot of guys wear baseball caps.

But those don't protect your ears or neck from the sun.

Boonie hats are ideal !!
Who Keeps America Safe?....
the men and women of the armed forces and all the security forces in the Country.....thats who....
I vote, it is the CIA who now does (takes care of us).

The Army just sits on their ass in Afghanistan.

The Navy of course patrols the high seas.

The Marines currently have nothing to do but P/T until their asses are buttermilk.

The USCG is busy interdicting drugs, yet 20% of the American population is chronic users.

The CIA and the USAF do most of the killing these days.

Where would we be without the CIA ?!

Thank you CIA.
so the police of the country in the various agencies dont do shit?....is that what you are saying?...
Republicans love to talk tough about national security and "keeping America safe" but who really does this? 8 months into George W Bush's 1st term terrorists hijacked Airplanes and drove them into New York's world trade centers towers, killing thousands of people and injuring many more. If the GOP is so good at keeping America safe, then why did this happen? Take a long, hard look at the numbers: 2,966 people died in the attacks of 9/11 during the reign of G.W. Bush. Bill Clinton - 444. President Obama - 4

Final Score:
15 years of Democratic Presidents = 449 terrorist deaths
8 years of 1 Republican President: G.W. Bush = 2,966 deaths

The numbers don't lie people! Now...Who really keeps America safe?? :bye1:

Who Let Terrorists Kill People ??? Obama vs. Reagan, Clinton and Bush43

The thing is, often these events can take a long time. Bush didn't cause 9/11, it's as simple as that. 9/11 was a long process of US foreign policy in Muslim countries and even British and French foreign policy that the US decided to inherit.

What Bush did was the Iraq War which has led to an era of instability and attacks.
Bush and the FBI were asleep at the switch and 15 angry rag headed muzzies got in and crashed 4 airliners.

This resulted in the complete overhaul of the FBI and a new kind of CIA was born -- one that now joins the Army and the Navy and the Marines and together with the USAF they kill terrorists better than anybody else.

Unfortunately it is like killing termites with a shoe.

The US has always been good at killing, it spends more on killing than anyone else in this world. What it's not good at is doing things that don't involve killing, like stopping situations which need peace and not violence.

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