who is running the country while obama is on vacation?

who is running the country while obama is on vacation?

we had an attempted terror attack while obama is kicking it in hawaii in a $4000 a night beach front house with the two houses on either side rented for his family and guests...

so who is in charge of running the country while the president is on vacation?

Who ran the county when Bush was on vacation more than any other president in history. (You know in hi multi million dollar ranch.) Actually we know the ans. to that, it was Cheney. :evil:

You mean except for Obama, who's been on vacation since before he took office?
The President is always on duty. If something happens when he's on vacation that needs immediate attention, then he works from wherever he is. Why do you think the White House Press corps travel with the President?
Thats correct.

Was that also your position when Bush was taking vacations during his Presidency?

Yes, of course.
Then you are doing better then those with BDS. They'll never see that they are defending what they attacked Bush for.
who is running the country while obama is on vacation?

we had an attempted terror attack while obama is kicking it in hawaii in a $4000 a night beach front house with the two houses on either side rented for his family and guests...

so who is in charge of running the country while the president is on vacation?

Who ran the county when Bush was on vacation more than any other president in history. (You know in hi multi million dollar ranch.) Actually we know the ans. to that, it was Cheney. :evil:

don't change the subject

who runs the country while the president vacations?

Cheney. Or we could go back to republicans when they said, we understand Bush is on vacation almost as much as he is actually in the white house, but he was always working.

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He didn't change the subject, he just asked the same question only 8 years earlier, which is to say, the answer to the question "who runs the country while Obama vacations in Hawaii" is the same answer as it was when Bush spent thirty percent of his presidency on vacation in Crawford or at Camp David.

The Vice President. But, since Obama is still here in the States, he's still in the country, and therefore, still running it.

Not Zona's fault that you're a whiny little bitch who is afraid of the lights because you're such a fucking cockroach.

Welcome to the boards pud.

i see....so, when obama is on vacation, he is still working, he is still the president

but when bush is on vacation, he is to be ridiculed for going on "vacation" more than any other president....

the hypocrisy of the left is so easy to lure....and catch

OH......I get it now

You are trying to make a point!

You are trying to prove that someone who takes a day off from work is the same as a person who takes a hundred days off from work. Problem is.....you FAIL!

Anyone who works in this country knows they can take time off and the job will not suffer. However, you reach a point where excessive time off means the job doesn't get done.

Did Bush taking time off hurt his Presidency? I don't think so. He was not a hands on President. He tended to drift off at meetings. He was incurious about all but a few issues. So even when he was there...he was not there.

no, you fail.....

either vacation is not working or it is.....

simple really.....wouldn't want you to be a hypocrite
Who ran the county when Bush was on vacation more than any other president in history. (You know in hi multi million dollar ranch.) Actually we know the ans. to that, it was Cheney. :evil:

don't change the subject

who runs the country while the president vacations?

Cheney. Or we could go back to republicans when they said, we understand Bush is on vacation almost as much as he is actually in the white house, but he was always working.


you're the biggest bush vacation quack on the board....yet, obama is on vacation, near terrorist attacks happen, and so what......let's talk about cheney, bush.....anyone but obama......IOW.....you're a hypocrite like your buddy rightwinger....you listen to left wing talk and spout their talking points and can't think for yourselves

you will stop at nothing to apologize for obama
i see....so, when obama is on vacation, he is still working, he is still the president

but when bush is on vacation, he is to be ridiculed for going on "vacation" more than any other president....

the hypocrisy of the left is so easy to lure....and catch

OH......I get it now

You are trying to make a point!

You are trying to prove that someone who takes a day off from work is the same as a person who takes a hundred days off from work. Problem is.....you FAIL!

Anyone who works in this country knows they can take time off and the job will not suffer. However, you reach a point where excessive time off means the job doesn't get done.

Did Bush taking time off hurt his Presidency? I don't think so. He was not a hands on President. He tended to drift off at meetings. He was incurious about all but a few issues. So even when he was there...he was not there.

no, you fail.....

either vacation is not working or it is.....

simple really.....wouldn't want you to be a hypocrite

Really? Because in the military, we call vacation "leave".

And yes, you CAN work while you're on leave. Happened to me when I went on retirement leave. Seems that one of the people who worked for me decided to try to commit suicide. I'd been on leave for around 2 weeks by that time, still on retirement vacation.

They called me back, but, see........here's where the problem comes in. I'd already sold back 60 days worth of leave (maximum allowed per career), and, when I planned my retirement, I worked it so that I could go on leave in mid May, and would quit receiving active duty checks on 1 August.

When they called me back, I'd told them that they couldn't force me to come back, because they could not stop my leave.

And........if they did.........I stood to lose quite a bit of money, because I couldn't sell it back.

So what did I do? I came back to work at MEPS for 3 days until they could send up a replacement from San Antonio.

True story. If you don't believe me, ask NAVCRUITDIST San Antonio. Ask them about the supervisor in Amarillo who worked for the Navy for 3 days free of charge.

Yes. You CAN work on vacation.
OH......I get it now

You are trying to make a point!

You are trying to prove that someone who takes a day off from work is the same as a person who takes a hundred days off from work. Problem is.....you FAIL!

Anyone who works in this country knows they can take time off and the job will not suffer. However, you reach a point where excessive time off means the job doesn't get done.

Did Bush taking time off hurt his Presidency? I don't think so. He was not a hands on President. He tended to drift off at meetings. He was incurious about all but a few issues. So even when he was there...he was not there.

no, you fail.....

either vacation is not working or it is.....

simple really.....wouldn't want you to be a hypocrite

Really? Because in the military, we call vacation "leave".

And yes, you CAN work while you're on leave. Happened to me when I went on retirement leave. Seems that one of the people who worked for me decided to try to commit suicide. I'd been on leave for around 2 weeks by that time, still on retirement vacation.

They called me back, but, see........here's where the problem comes in. I'd already sold back 60 days worth of leave (maximum allowed per career), and, when I planned my retirement, I worked it so that I could go on leave in mid May, and would quit receiving active duty checks on 1 August.

When they called me back, I'd told them that they couldn't force me to come back, because they could not stop my leave.

And........if they did.........I stood to lose quite a bit of money, because I couldn't sell it back.

So what did I do? I came back to work at MEPS for 3 days until they could send up a replacement from San Antonio.

True story. If you don't believe me, ask NAVCRUITDIST San Antonio. Ask them about the supervisor in Amarillo who worked for the Navy for 3 days free of charge.

Yes. You CAN work on vacation.

then why are you even replying? you obviously are not the idiotic poster who bashes bush for his so called excessive vacations....while claiming that obama is always working while on his vacations
Hey.......never said that you couldn't have vacation.

Just said no excessive vacation.

What do I define as excessive? Any time that you forget your job in pursuit of your own pleasure.

I gave up 3 days, because I believe in the Navy, and wish to help, any way I can.
I wonder if the OP bitched about the taxpayer expenses to send Bush to Crawford all those times? Or about how much the Crawford ranch is worth? All the costs to send his aids and stuff there with him? And tax payer money for their food and shelter? Oh NOES!!!

I bet they even took Air Force One ...
who is running the country while obama is on vacation?

we had an attempted terror attack while obama is kicking it in hawaii in a $4000 a night beach front house with the two houses on either side rented for his family and guests...

so who is in charge of running the country while the president is on vacation?

What a stupid question!! Of course Obama is running the country.. During the Bush years we had the Western Whitehouse in texas while bush was on vacation for 31% of his presidency..

Now we have the Western Whitehouse in Hawaii!! Duh!! And he isn't paying $4000 a night at some swanky beach front house.. His family lives there and he was born there.. So your accusations are truely retarted..

Don't ask dumb questions about any president unless you are prepared to answer the same about Bush!! :cool:
I wonder what Barry's teleprompters look like in bikinis.

Obama's vacation flight will cost at least a couple hundred thousand gallons of jet fuel between Air Force One, the cargo planes that carry the limos and helicopters and the fighter escort......... is he paying for that?
who is running the country while obama is on vacation?

we had an attempted terror attack while obama is kicking it in hawaii in a $4000 a night beach front house with the two houses on either side rented for his family and guests...

so who is in charge of running the country while the president is on vacation?

What a stupid question!! Of course Obama is running the country.. During the Bush years we had the Western Whitehouse in texas while bush was on vacation for 31% of his presidency..

Now we have the Western Whitehouse in Hawaii!! Duh!! And he isn't paying $4000 a night at some swanky beach front house.. His family lives there and he was born there.. So your accusations are truely retarted..

Don't ask dumb questions about any president unless you are prepared to answer the same about Bush!! :cool:

The one family member that lived in Hawaii is dead dumbass and I guarantee that Barry isn't staying in his white granny's old house. Where do you find the bullshit you regurgitate.
I wonder what Barry's teleprompters look like in bikinis.

Obama's vacation flight will cost at least a couple hundred thousand gallons of jet fuel between Air Force One, the cargo planes that carry the limos and helicopters and the fighter escort......... is he paying for that?

The taxpayers are.

Just like they did when Bush went of vacation.
who is running the country while obama is on vacation?

we had an attempted terror attack while obama is kicking it in hawaii in a $4000 a night beach front house with the two houses on either side rented for his family and guests...

so who is in charge of running the country while the president is on vacation?

What a stupid question!! Of course Obama is running the country.. During the Bush years we had the Western Whitehouse in texas while bush was on vacation for 31% of his presidency..

Now we have the Western Whitehouse in Hawaii!! Duh!! And he isn't paying $4000 a night at some swanky beach front house.. His family lives there and he was born there.. So your accusations are truely retarted..

Don't ask dumb questions about any president unless you are prepared to answer the same about Bush!! :cool:

The one family member that lived in Hawaii is dead dumbass and I guarantee that Barry isn't staying in his white granny's old house. Where do you find the bullshit you regurgitate.

I could ask the same question.. How do we know he isn't paying for it out of his own pocket? But again?? Care to explain all the trips to Texas?? Or are you just going to continue to make yourself look like an ignorant hypocrit??

Put up or shut up!! Prove he isn't paying for his vacation with his own money?
Oh for fuck sake, I would have voted for McCain, but the President is just on vacation, he has all the hot buttons with him.

Get a grip.

Reagan went to his ranch every ten minutes.

Why not?

A real leader can lead from anywhere.
What a stupid question!! Of course Obama is running the country.. During the Bush years we had the Western Whitehouse in texas while bush was on vacation for 31% of his presidency..

Now we have the Western Whitehouse in Hawaii!! Duh!! And he isn't paying $4000 a night at some swanky beach front house.. His family lives there and he was born there.. So your accusations are truely retarted..

Don't ask dumb questions about any president unless you are prepared to answer the same about Bush!! :cool:

The one family member that lived in Hawaii is dead dumbass and I guarantee that Barry isn't staying in his white granny's old house. Where do you find the bullshit you regurgitate.

I could ask the same question.. How do we know he isn't paying for it out of his own pocket? But again?? Care to explain all the trips to Texas?? Or are you just going to continue to make yourself look like an ignorant hypocrit??

Put up or shut up!! Prove he isn't paying for his vacation with his own money?

Bush didn't lecture us on our use of fuel. Bush was also going to HIS ranch, not blowing tax dollars renting mansions, what the fuck are black people doing going to the beach anyway?:razz:
The one family member that lived in Hawaii is dead dumbass and I guarantee that Barry isn't staying in his white granny's old house. Where do you find the bullshit you regurgitate.

I could ask the same question.. How do we know he isn't paying for it out of his own pocket? But again?? Care to explain all the trips to Texas?? Or are you just going to continue to make yourself look like an ignorant hypocrit??

Put up or shut up!! Prove he isn't paying for his vacation with his own money?

Bush didn't lecture us on our use of fuel. Bush was also going to HIS ranch, not blowing tax dollars renting mansions, what the fuck are black people doing going to the beach anyway?:razz:

Again.. Show me he isn't using his own money?? Put up or shut up there kitty!!

I mean seriously?? Don't think it would be all over the news that tax payers are paying for the mansion or where ever he is?? Come on now.. Try not to by into fiction..
don't change the subject

who runs the country while the president vacations?

Cheney. Or we could go back to republicans when they said, we understand Bush is on vacation almost as much as he is actually in the white house, but he was always working.


you're the biggest bush vacation quack on the board....yet, obama is on vacation, near terrorist attacks happen, and so what......let's talk about cheney, bush.....anyone but obama......IOW.....you're a hypocrite like your buddy rightwinger....you listen to left wing talk and spout their talking points and can't think for yourselves

you will stop at nothing to apologize for obama

So Obama should come back for this? LOL.

Should he also give up golfing for it?

You sir are a hypocrite. Unless yo started threads each time Bush took vacation, YOU ARE A HACK.

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