Who is responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters over the centuries?

The laws of supply and demand are the same whether you are a worker or a factory manager.
Let's talk about it economically;
The wealth we create for our businesses will increase in value because of inflation.
And the wages that companies pay us are going to depreciate because of inflation.
After a certain period of time, our salary has lost its purchasing power.
Does this conform to the principle of exchange of monetary equivalent?
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?
Gawd, Shirley? After all, it is more powerful than Satan, right?
For centuries, god was bought by satan.
I hate to break it to you, but there is NO reason to murder tens of millions of people. Anyone who argues in favor of mass murder is simply insane.
Attacks between political enemies are not credible. Legal testimony shall be subject to the system of evasion of interests. In fact, the Soviet "far east no man's land" was the result of gorbachev's move to capitalism.

Humanity has only itself to blame for the human condition.



That's right. Human disasters are caused by greed. And the bourgeoisie is the product of this greed.

What greed did Stalin exhibit in his murdering of 60 million people?

Let me tell you a real story;
In the days of kuomintang capitalism, women in China's borders managed to smuggle themselves into the Soviet union and marry the soviets.
After the collapse of the Soviet union, China smuggled ugly men into Russia who could not find wives for years.
They went to Russia to find beautiful young women to marry.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.

Don't forget the massive Irish Famine, which was caused by the German Famine. In any case, there is little difference between 'big Business', financial capitalism, and state capitalism, for the average worker; both derive their atheistic views of human life from 'science', and the ideas derived from atheism and its major promoter Darwinism, false as some of the fashionable social and pseudo-intellectual economic theories the wealthy paid academics to invent to justify the Robber Barons' plundering, whether Old World aristocrats and their 'born to rule' mentality or the ' New World' and its thieves and swindlers. Industrialization and 'Social Darwinism' just made it a lot easier to kill or starve out a lot more people than previous scum could, that's all. The devaluation of human life is very much a pagan thing, and the Xians were only partly successful in moderating it in the West, but it was enough to make the West far more successful, for many centuries of progress. That has all stopped now, the pseudo-intellectual atheists and pagans are now busy destroying that which was responsible for the affluence, and now the vermin are rising again, in the East in Red China, in Middle Asia, under the psychotic thumb of 'Islam', and in the West, it no longer will moderate these two any more, in favor of mindless self-indulgence, degeneracy, and deviancy. Another 'Dark Age' in the making, and very destructive world wars within two decades.

Nearly all of the productivity gains of the last two hundred years go directly into the pockets of the top 1% of the rich in the world. Almost none of them have ever invented anything of value. That is a recipe for instability and collapse.
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The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
Of course you don't have that in your textbook. You will only tell the world how capitalism has produced world civilization.
At least 10,000 people starved to death during the American famine of the 1920s and 1930s, according to calculations of "tens of millions starved to death in China".

Sorry, turd, but there isn't a single documented case of anyone starving because they couldn't afford to eat. People starved because they were trapped in the mountains, but not because America didn't have enough food to feed its citizens.

There's a classic ballad about famine in America; The child asked; Why is it cold? The father replied; Because there's no money for coal. "Asked the child; Why no money? The father replied; Because father produced too much coal and could not sell it, the factory closed down at a loss.
All the famines of capitalism have been caused not by natural disasters, but by merchants who, in pursuit of high profits, would rather destroy their products to raise prices than sell them to the poor.

"Classic ballad" my ass. That's communist propaganda. There have been no famines in America, dumbass. You can't produce a single verifable example of anyone dying of starvation who wasn't trapped in some snowbound mountain pass.
You always say; "Despots can only beautify themselves, not see their mistakes, and only political enemies can point them out."
Then the communist propaganda will not be wrong, but it will prove that you are covering up the crimes of the bourgeoisie.

WTF is this "beautify" you keep rambling about? Do you speak English?
I think he means beatify, which means to turn someone into a Saint.

I think he needs be beaten-fied!
Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.

Ok, but your numbers are puny compared to those of the murderous dictators listed by Healthmyths. It’s your thread, step up or step out.
If you believe capitalism's unilateral propaganda, I have nothing to say. But you have to know; Stalin defeated the nazis. Otherwise the world would be destroyed by the axis powers.

So you like Stalin, but hate capitalism. You’re pinko commie, why didn’t you just say so?
I'm not a communist. I'm a nationalist.
I support the communist party only out of love for the country, especially the workers and peasants.

You’re a double speaking phony ass loser. You literally just said “ I am not a communist.......I support the communist party.”
The Christian God murdered every man woman and child on Earth except one family.

Pretty tough to top that.
The Christian God murdered every man woman and child on Earth except one family.

Pretty tough to top that.

You are an intellectual embarrassment to your avatar on several counts.
A) You statement is illogical because to believe all living creatures were "killed" means believing every word of the Bible which you obviously don't.
B) Why it is obvious is if you believe God killed these beings then you don't believe the 5th commandment.
The Christian God murdered every man woman and child on Earth except one family.

Pretty tough to top that.

You are an intellectual embarrassment to your avatar on several counts.
A) You statement is illogical because to believe all living creatures were "killed" means believing every word of the Bible which you obviously don't.
B) Why it is obvious is if you believe God killed these beings then you don't believe the 5th commandment.

Aww, you went to bible school a couple weeks ago. :itsok:

The account of the flood is pretty well known. Buttttt, I'm guessing you will now tell everyone why YOUR version is totally different than the one, you know, 'god' wrote down in 'his book'.

Go Judas.
The Christian God murdered every man woman and child on Earth except one family.

Pretty tough to top that.

You are an intellectual embarrassment to your avatar on several counts.
A) You statement is illogical because to believe all living creatures were "killed" means believing every word of the Bible which you obviously don't.
B) Why it is obvious is if you believe God killed these beings then you don't believe the 5th commandment.

Aww, you went to bible school a couple weeks ago. :itsok:

The account of the flood is pretty well known. Buttttt, I'm guessing you will now tell everyone why YOUR version is totally different than the one, you know, 'god' wrote down in 'his book'.

Go Judas.

No you are an embarrassment to intellectual community , LIKE Pascal who with his "Pascal Wager" pointed out nearly 400 years ago that people like you that are faux intelligent are truly full of themselves and readily show it. If you were curious you'd look the "Pascal Wager" up but given your past posts I doubt you will because you basically are not smart enough to comprehend what it means. Maybe it's time you checked the Akashic records to understand what people like Alexander Tsiaras, who is evidently smarter than you understand when he said the following: ." It was hard not to attribute divinity to it" Transcript of "Conception to birth -- visualized"
The Christian God murdered every man woman and child on Earth except one family.

Pretty tough to top that.

You are an intellectual embarrassment to your avatar on several counts.
A) You statement is illogical because to believe all living creatures were "killed" means believing every word of the Bible which you obviously don't.
B) Why it is obvious is if you believe God killed these beings then you don't believe the 5th commandment.

Aww, you went to bible school a couple weeks ago. :itsok:

The account of the flood is pretty well known. Buttttt, I'm guessing you will now tell everyone why YOUR version is totally different than the one, you know, 'god' wrote down in 'his book'.

Go Judas.

No you are an embarrassment to intellectual community , LIKE Pascal who with his "Pascal Wager" pointed out nearly 400 years ago that people like you that are faux intelligent are truly full of themselves and readily show it. If you were curious you'd look the "Pascal Wager" up but given your past posts I doubt you will because you basically are not smart enough to comprehend what it means. Maybe it's time you checked the Akashic records to understand what people like Alexander Tsiaras, who is evidently smarter than you understand when he said the following: ." It was hard not to attribute divinity to it" Transcript of "Conception to birth -- visualized"

Ah yes the Pascal's wager crowd, "but what if you're wrong, shouldn't you just believe shit just in case the sky grandpa comes flying over one day?" You believe in one god, what if you're wrong about the 3,999 others that people believe in. Besides this isn't a religion thread, you just got uber butthurt that I pointed out the kershchin 'god' killed the entire human race at one point except one family. And that is according to 'his own book'.

This doesn't sit well with you which is good, but to then start flailing your arms and go into ad hominem attacks because you have no argument is just the laziest thing to do. You believe in actual magic, yet you think other people need to read up on some apologist that you think exonerates your bizarre beliefs. Sorry Charlie, your butthurt doesn't translate to coherent discussion. I put forth a candidate for the OP. Stick to the OP.
Last edited:
The Christian God murdered every man woman and child on Earth except one family.

Pretty tough to top that.

You are an intellectual embarrassment to your avatar on several counts.
A) You statement is illogical because to believe all living creatures were "killed" means believing every word of the Bible which you obviously don't.
B) Why it is obvious is if you believe God killed these beings then you don't believe the 5th commandment.

Aww, you went to bible school a couple weeks ago. :itsok:

The account of the flood is pretty well known. Buttttt, I'm guessing you will now tell everyone why YOUR version is totally different than the one, you know, 'god' wrote down in 'his book'.

Go Judas.

No you are an embarrassment to intellectual community , LIKE Pascal who with his "Pascal Wager" pointed out nearly 400 years ago that people like you that are faux intelligent are truly full of themselves and readily show it. If you were curious you'd look the "Pascal Wager" up but given your past posts I doubt you will because you basically are not smart enough to comprehend what it means. Maybe it's time you checked the Akashic records to understand what people like Alexander Tsiaras, who is evidently smarter than you understand when he said the following: ." It was hard not to attribute divinity to it" Transcript of "Conception to birth -- visualized"

Ah yes the Pascal's wager crowd, "but what if you're wrong, shouldn't you just believe shit just in case the sky grandpa comes flying over one day?" You believe in one god, what if you're wrong about the 3,999 others that people believe in. Besides this isn't a religion thread, you just got uber butthurt that I pointed out the kershchin 'god' killed the entire human race at one point except one family. And that is according to 'his own book'.

This doesn't sit well with you which is good, but to then start flailing your arms and go into ad hominem attacks because you have no argument is just the laziest thing to do. You believe in actual magic, yet you think other people need to read up on some apologist that you think exonerates your bizarre beliefs. Sorry Charlie, your butthurt doesn't translate to coherent discussion. I put forth a candidate for the OP. You should stick to the OP, if you can that is.

It reads like you belief in nothing which makes sense. So why are you commenting at all if there is nothing? What value do you bring to nothing if there is nothing?
If there is nothing after life and I've believed there is something what difference does it make as I WON"T KNOW!
BUT if I'm wrong and there is something and Grandma (I'm not a sexist like you evidently) comes and she won't need to "fly" by the way... and I KNOW it what then?
Again maybe all my carousing around, name calling, etc. might be penalized and again might not but I'll know. And if there is nothing... I won't know it!

PLUS you misread the OP... "who is responsible for the "vast majority..."
Your candidate i.e. some supreme being... would also be responsible according to you for the creation of the universe.
The majority of sane people were considering humans not supreme beings.
Once again your attempts at intellectual superiority shows your abundance of gestalt functional fixedness.
The Christian God murdered every man woman and child on Earth except one family.

Pretty tough to top that.

You are an intellectual embarrassment to your avatar on several counts.
A) You statement is illogical because to believe all living creatures were "killed" means believing every word of the Bible which you obviously don't.
B) Why it is obvious is if you believe God killed these beings then you don't believe the 5th commandment.

Aww, you went to bible school a couple weeks ago. :itsok:

The account of the flood is pretty well known. Buttttt, I'm guessing you will now tell everyone why YOUR version is totally different than the one, you know, 'god' wrote down in 'his book'.

Go Judas.

No you are an embarrassment to intellectual community , LIKE Pascal who with his "Pascal Wager" pointed out nearly 400 years ago that people like you that are faux intelligent are truly full of themselves and readily show it. If you were curious you'd look the "Pascal Wager" up but given your past posts I doubt you will because you basically are not smart enough to comprehend what it means. Maybe it's time you checked the Akashic records to understand what people like Alexander Tsiaras, who is evidently smarter than you understand when he said the following: ." It was hard not to attribute divinity to it" Transcript of "Conception to birth -- visualized"

Ah yes the Pascal's wager crowd, "but what if you're wrong, shouldn't you just believe shit just in case the sky grandpa comes flying over one day?" You believe in one god, what if you're wrong about the 3,999 others that people believe in. Besides this isn't a religion thread, you just got uber butthurt that I pointed out the kershchin 'god' killed the entire human race at one point except one family. And that is according to 'his own book'.

This doesn't sit well with you which is good, but to then start flailing your arms and go into ad hominem attacks because you have no argument is just the laziest thing to do. You believe in actual magic, yet you think other people need to read up on some apologist that you think exonerates your bizarre beliefs. Sorry Charlie, your butthurt doesn't translate to coherent discussion. I put forth a candidate for the OP. You should stick to the OP, if you can that is.

It reads like you belief in nothing which makes sense. So why are you commenting at all if there is nothing? What value do you bring to nothing if there is nothing?
If there is nothing after life and I've believed there is something what difference does it make as I WON"T KNOW!
BUT if I'm wrong and there is something and Grandma (I'm not a sexist like you evidently) comes and she won't need to "fly" by the way... and I KNOW it what then?
Again maybe all my carousing around, name calling, etc. might be penalized and again might not but I'll know. And if there is nothing... I won't know it!

PLUS you misread the OP... "who is responsible for the "vast majority..."
Your candidate i.e. some supreme being... would also be responsible according to you for the creation of the universe.
The majority of sane people were considering humans not supreme beings.
Once again your attempts at intellectual superiority shows your abundance of gestalt functional fixedness.

So you think YOU make the rules about what other people can say about any given subject. :itsok:

You are an intellectual embarrassment to your avatar on several counts.
A) You statement is illogical because to believe all living creatures were "killed" means believing every word of the Bible which you obviously don't.
B) Why it is obvious is if you believe God killed these beings then you don't believe the 5th commandment.

Aww, you went to bible school a couple weeks ago. :itsok:

The account of the flood is pretty well known. Buttttt, I'm guessing you will now tell everyone why YOUR version is totally different than the one, you know, 'god' wrote down in 'his book'.

Go Judas.

No you are an embarrassment to intellectual community , LIKE Pascal who with his "Pascal Wager" pointed out nearly 400 years ago that people like you that are faux intelligent are truly full of themselves and readily show it. If you were curious you'd look the "Pascal Wager" up but given your past posts I doubt you will because you basically are not smart enough to comprehend what it means. Maybe it's time you checked the Akashic records to understand what people like Alexander Tsiaras, who is evidently smarter than you understand when he said the following: ." It was hard not to attribute divinity to it" Transcript of "Conception to birth -- visualized"

Ah yes the Pascal's wager crowd, "but what if you're wrong, shouldn't you just believe shit just in case the sky grandpa comes flying over one day?" You believe in one god, what if you're wrong about the 3,999 others that people believe in. Besides this isn't a religion thread, you just got uber butthurt that I pointed out the kershchin 'god' killed the entire human race at one point except one family. And that is according to 'his own book'.

This doesn't sit well with you which is good, but to then start flailing your arms and go into ad hominem attacks because you have no argument is just the laziest thing to do. You believe in actual magic, yet you think other people need to read up on some apologist that you think exonerates your bizarre beliefs. Sorry Charlie, your butthurt doesn't translate to coherent discussion. I put forth a candidate for the OP. You should stick to the OP, if you can that is.

It reads like you belief in nothing which makes sense. So why are you commenting at all if there is nothing? What value do you bring to nothing if there is nothing?
If there is nothing after life and I've believed there is something what difference does it make as I WON"T KNOW!
BUT if I'm wrong and there is something and Grandma (I'm not a sexist like you evidently) comes and she won't need to "fly" by the way... and I KNOW it what then?
Again maybe all my carousing around, name calling, etc. might be penalized and again might not but I'll know. And if there is nothing... I won't know it!

PLUS you misread the OP... "who is responsible for the "vast majority..."
Your candidate i.e. some supreme being... would also be responsible according to you for the creation of the universe.
The majority of sane people were considering humans not supreme beings.
Once again your attempts at intellectual superiority shows your abundance of gestalt functional fixedness.

So you think YOU make the rules about what other people can say about any given subject. :itsok:

View attachment 196797

You clearly told me I should "You should stick to the OP, if you can that is."
That clearly indicates YOU think YOU make the rules about what other people can say about any given subject" which is what YOU should respect then by not changing the
OP's original premise that clearly never stated any non-human intervention.
Power corrupts. That has been proven many times.

That list of people is a prime example.
Fear of Success

Corrupt people seek power. The reason we are led to believe that power corrupts well-intentioned people is that the rulers want us to believe that overthrowing them will inevitably lead to something worse, so why not just bend over and accept their ruler.
She calls out to the man on the street
'Sir, can you help me?
It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep,
Is there somewhere you can tell me?'
He walks on, doesn't look back
He pretends he can't hear her
Starts to whistle as he crosses the street
Seems embarrassed to be there
Oh think twice, it's another day for you and me in paradise
Oh think twice, 'cause it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise, think about it
She calls out to the man on the street
He can see she's been crying
She's got blisters on the soles of her feet
She can't walk but she's trying
Oh think twice, 'cause it's another day for you and me in paradise
Oh think twice, it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise, think about it
Oh Lord, is there nothing more anybody can do
Oh Lord, there must be something you can say
You can tell from the lines on her face
You can see that she's been there
Probably been moved on from every place
Cause she didn't fit in there
Oh think twice, 'cause another day for you and me in paradise
Oh think twice, it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise, just think about it, think about it
It's just another day for you and me in paradise
It's just another day for you and me in paradise, paradise
It's just another day for you and me in paradise
It's just another day for you and me in paradise, paradise
It's just another day for you and me
It's just another day for you and me
It's just another day for you and me in paradise
In paradise
Songwriters: Phillip David Charles Collins / Willie Norwood
Deeper Into the Weeper

Heroin wrecked your heroine's body so much that she can't even sell it on the street.

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