Who is Khalid Al Mansour


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
Was Mansour a Muslim black nationalist ,and adviser to the black panthers a key sponsor and mentor in Barack Husein Obama's education and past???
Was Mansour a Muslim black nationalist ,and adviser to the black panthers a key sponsor and mentor in Barack Husein Obama's education and past???

He supposedly financed Obama and got him into college. We need to see Obama's records to see if he recieved foreign student loans. If so, proves he isn't eligible for Article 2 Section 1. So far, those records are sealed.
NO. He was a homosexual.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6AO9PjLFGQ]‪The Pink Panther - Episode 08 - Shocking Pink [HQ]‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I'm Spartacus!


All of us know who you are.

You are a putrescent LEZBO turd, with an identity crisis, who fancies herself/itself/himself to be everything from Spartacus to a supposed "husband" in an imaginary "marriage" ...... who sallies forth with Obamarrhoidal puke, in the continuing state of obvious psychosis ........ practically on every issue.

You are a fucking joke.

A delusional POS.

That about summarizes you to a "T".
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I'm Spartacus!


All of us know who you are.

You are a putrescent LEZBO turd, who fancies herself/itself/himself to be a supposed "husband" in an imaginary "marriage" ...... who sallies forth with Obamarrhoidal puke practically on every issue.

You are a fucking joke.

A delusional POS.

That about summarizes you to a "T".

Poor boy, can't stop the gay fantasing, can you? I understand. Life must be pretty dull under that bed when your only companions are dust bunnies.
I'm Spartacus!


All of us know who you are.

You are a putrescent LEZBO turd, who fancies herself/itself/himself to be a supposed "husband" in an imaginary "marriage" ...... who sallies forth with Obamarrhoidal puke practically on every issue.

You are a fucking joke.

A delusional POS.

That about summarizes you to a "T".

Poor boy, can't stop the gay fantasing, can you? I understand. Life must be pretty dull under that bed when your only companions are dust bunnies.

Hark !!! A broken record of a delusional Obamarrhoidal LEZBO turd.

Another shady Obama associate? Yawn. What are we up to 500 of those now? Hey, remember, Obama didn't know anything about any of these guys. He just accidentally surrounds himself with socialists, marxists, communists, terrorists, racists and other "ists" without knowing their true intentions. Kinda makes you feel good trusting our country in his hands, huh?
I'm Spartacus!


All of us know who you are.

You are a putrescent LEZBO turd, with an identity crisis, who fancies herself/itself/himself to be everything from Spartacus to a supposed "husband" in an imaginary "marriage" ...... who sallies forth with Obamarrhoidal puke, in the continuing state of obvious psychosis ........ practically on every issue.

You are a fucking joke.

A delusional POS.

That about summarizes you to a "T".

Don't worry much about it. You must remember, homosexuals have a malfunctioning brain. Honestly. Any animal who is genetically designed with parts such as a penis or vagina are done so with a reason. Those parts have a purpose, and a normal functioning brain sends the messages to the body to have the impulse to use them in that way. A homosexual brain is malfunctioning. It is telling the body to have the impulse that is opposite of what the body was designed for.

It doesn't make them bad people or evil. Or incapable of anything. The fact is just that their brain is malfunctioning. Kind of like a car engine having a problem, or a computer flaw. Thats all.
I'm Spartacus!


All of us know who you are.

You are a putrescent LEZBO turd, with an identity crisis, who fancies herself/itself/himself to be everything from Spartacus to a supposed "husband" in an imaginary "marriage" ...... who sallies forth with Obamarrhoidal puke, in the continuing state of obvious psychosis ........ practically on every issue.

You are a fucking joke.

A delusional POS.

That about summarizes you to a "T".

Don't worry much about it. You must remember, homosexuals have a malfunctioning brain. Honestly. Any animal who is genetically designed with parts such as a penis or vagina are done so with a reason. Those parts have a purpose, and a normal functioning brain sends the messages to the body to have the impulse to use them in that way. A homosexual brain is malfunctioning. It is telling the body to have the impulse that is opposite of what the body was designed for.

It doesn't make them bad people or evil. Or incapable of anything. The fact is just that their brain is malfunctioning. Kind of like a car engine having a problem, or a computer flaw. Thats all.


What you say is absolutely true.

Impossible to disagree with your irrefutable facts.

However, in addition to having the obvious malfunctioning brain, B.O .......Duh......C'ya is a Putrescent (note his/her/its choosing of his/her/its own monicker "B.O..., deciphered by me) LEZBO who is also an Obamarrhoidal Turd with a diarrhea type of oral orifice that keeps inundating our illustrious Board with fecal matter beyond human and/or mental endurance.

I'm Spartacus!


All of us know who you are.

You are a putrescent LEZBO turd, with an identity crisis, who fancies herself/itself/himself to be everything from Spartacus to a supposed "husband" in an imaginary "marriage" ...... who sallies forth with Obamarrhoidal puke, in the continuing state of obvious psychosis ........ practically on every issue.

You are a fucking joke.

A delusional POS.

That about summarizes you to a "T".

Don't worry much about it. You must remember, homosexuals have a malfunctioning brain. Honestly. Any animal who is genetically designed with parts such as a penis or vagina are done so with a reason. Those parts have a purpose, and a normal functioning brain sends the messages to the body to have the impulse to use them in that way. A homosexual brain is malfunctioning. It is telling the body to have the impulse that is opposite of what the body was designed for.

It doesn't make them bad people or evil. Or incapable of anything. The fact is just that their brain is malfunctioning. Kind of like a car engine having a problem, or a computer flaw. Thats all.
it also makes them liberal's:eusa_whistle::cool:
What is amazing beyond belief is that the discovery of Obummer's IRREFUTABLE connection to Khalid Al Mansour the Black Panther Jihadist Type Terrorist Organizer of the Highest Level and the irrefutable stooge of the Most Fanatical Cult of IslamoFascism who has the Saudi Royalty hostage, and the Royal Prince Al-Waleel bin Talal in particular, who sponsors and unabashedly finances Terrorism and 95% of the mosques in America (and probably around the World) is receiving scant, and for all intents and purposes NON-RECOGNITION when this information should, one would think, CAUSE AN IMMEDIATE NATIONAL GROUNDSWELL FOR IMPEACHMENT.....OR, AT THE VERY LEAST, HEADLINE NEWS STATUS IN ALL THE FACETS OF THE MEDIA....LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE !!!


Here is the link on You-tube, which you can find on your own if there is a glitch, that makes the catastrophic connection irrefutable:

Obama's Benefactor: Dr. Khalid al Mansour, I presume ... - Atlas Shrugs
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Was Mansour a Muslim black nationalist ,and adviser to the black panthers a key sponsor and mentor in Barack Husein Obama's education and past???

He supposedly financed Obama and got him into college. We need to see Obama's records to see if he recieved foreign student loans. If so, proves he isn't eligible for Article 2 Section 1. So far, those records are sealed.
That is why they are sealed, obamatrud knows those records would disqualify him. But fools in this country blindly put him in office. IDIOTS!!!
this says it all


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