Who done it?

Which progressive leader mailed all those bombs to other progressive leaders?

  • 1. George Soros

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • 2. Barrack Obama

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • 3. Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • 4. Nancy Pelosi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5. Elizabeth Warren

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6. Joe Biden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7. Maxine Waters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 8. Eric Holder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9. Debbie Wassermann Schultz

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10. Christine Blasey Ford

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • 11. Some other progressive looking for advancement.

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

Hopefully I'm saving the moderators some effort by placing this thread here.

Here's the theory...

There's a progressive out there that's looking to hold all the reins of progressive power so one of those bombs wouldn't have gone off. I don't think it would be Soros since he has nothing to gain by killing off all his supporters... However I could be wrong so I've included him.

So feel free to vote on the most likely progressive, or add your own progressive choice by posting below, as to who's looking for that ring of power in the progressive leadership.

Also feel free to add a comment as to why you think it might be that particular progressive.


It was most likely a Trump attempt at a Kristallnacht, but he failed because he's what in movies is considered a comedic villain/failure.

Hopefully I'm saving the moderators some effort by placing this thread here.

Here's the theory...

There's a progressive out there that's looking to hold all the reins of progressive power so one of those bombs wouldn't have gone off. I don't think it would be Soros since he has nothing to gain by killing off all his supporters... However I could be wrong so I've included him.

So feel free to vote on the most likely progressive, or add your own progressive choice by posting below, as to who's looking for that ring of power in the progressive leadership.

Also feel free to add a comment as to why you think it might be that particular progressive.



As long as we're in Conspiracies -- I'll take a RunPassOption on the list and call the play..

Darkhorse winner is Michael Avennati.... :thewave:

Is he that stupid? Yes, in fact, he is..
It was most likely a Trump attempt at a Kristallnacht, but he failed because he's what in movies is considered a comedic villain/failure.

Right, like when he thought he could be President, oh wait ......that was Hellary. Hahahahhah
(I say "Fake Bombs" because, even if they had explosives, they didn't go off--none of them--and so the working assumption is that they were not intended to go off.)

And, so they were meant to be a political statement---they didn't want to kill anybody---they wanted to win a few votes by desperate means for their political fringe.

I start with the feeling that it is about 50% chance that it is Fringe Redneck Republicans, and about 50% Fringe Antifa/Socialist pretending to be Fringe Redneck Republicans.

Then ad:

Desperation-------------------------------------------------------------Plus 5% for Antifa Socialists
Plain Hate and Trump Butt-Hurt------------------------------------Plus 5% for Antifa Socialists
Need to get attention off Central American Invasion-----------Plus 5% for Antifa Socialists

I make it about 2/1 Antifa/Socialists are sending False Flag Fake Bombs to their own people knowing New York Media will Report it way, way, way more than when Mattis and White House got Ricin Poison Mail.
It was a democrat. Probably a congressional staffer. At first I thought it might be antifa. But there were too many bombs made not to go off. That's just a troublemaker.
I can't believe Christine Ford doesn't have 100's of votes already.

And why isn't Diane Warbucks Feinstein, the Red Chinese agent, not on the list? Fienstein still has her security clearance and is the Red Chinese operative on the Intelligence Committee, and has everyboy's addresses. Hillary is way too drunk or stoned to handle anything requiring memory skills. or planning.
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Definitely a Deep State Operation.
Or a really, really stupid Trumpista (and there's plenty of them!).

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