Who does this sound like?


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Question: What can dumb and fearful people always be counted on to do?

Answer: to try to control and manipulate everyone in their environment.

Question: What is the tactic used by these same dumb people as they try to control others?

Answer: They lie.

Thanks to James Lee Burke in "Crusaders Cross"

I think those questions are suited to partisans on BOTH sides.
Trying to control and manipulate is what, for instance, OCD sufferers do because they cannot tolerate change, actions and ideas that they see as threatening their personal view of 'how it should be." Sane human beings have a capacity to tolerate. What you describe is intolerance which is usually indicative of mental illness.
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Trying to control and manipulate is what, for instance, OCD sufferers do because they cannot tolerate change, actions and ideas that they see as threatening their personal view of 'how it should be." Sane human beings have a capacity to tolerate. What you describe is intolerance which is usually indicative of mental illness.
Politicians- do you consider them mentally? They ALL lie trying to control others- are they OCD, or just sociopaths?
Politicians- do you consider them mentally? They ALL lie trying to control others- are they OCD, or just sociopaths?

I think that when they (politicians) start out, a lot of them really think they are going to do something good. You could say that they are at least partially controlled by their own egos yet, humans need ego in order to get out of bed and do things that need to be done. When those same politicians actually get into office and get power, it is very hard for them to deny that power and ego stroking. After a while they get an over-inflated view of themselves which leads to them wanting to stay in power and to do so, they have to control others by making promises they know they'll never keep in order to make constituents vote for them. Is that a mental illness? Maybe....
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Profile of the Sociopath
  • Glibness and Superficial Charm.
  • Manipulative and Conning. They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. ...
  • Grandiose Sense of Self. ...
  • Pathological Lying. ...
  • Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt. ...
  • Shallow Emotions. ...
  • Incapacity for Love.
  • Need for Stimulation.
Profile of the Sociopath
  • Glibness and Superficial Charm.
  • Manipulative and Conning. They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. ...
  • Grandiose Sense of Self. ...
  • Pathological Lying. ...
  • Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt. ...
  • Shallow Emotions. ...
  • Incapacity for Love.
  • Need for Stimulation.
Were you looking at Photo Of Nancy and describing what you saw or what! Nice job ! You got everyone right!
.. because of their failures blame each other.
Not to be argumentative- but, are they really failing? What defines failure? They fail to adhere to their oath of office, but, those who profit from it (who are citizens for the most part) wouldn't say that- and, when *interpretation* is invoked, that gives them, and those who come after them, precedent to interpret- lawyers are taught to interpret- they have no regard for definition or that words mean things unless/until it suits their precedent-
If there is a failure, and I don't disagree there isn't, it has to start with education- an area they have no business being involved in, until, you look at a discussion of general Welfare- General Welfare Clause my comment in that thread references simple English comprehension when a capitalized word in the middle of a sentence becomes a noun- how can that even be argued? Education, or lack of.
Thanks! The Democratic Party and mental illness appear to go hand-in-hand these days..........
How are the 2 party's different? Rhetoric doesn't count.

Today's Democrat party relies on promising government help by taking tax dollars and creating agencies to distribute the money or to use the money to provide food and services. It also relies on an underlying supposition that racism is the cause of most bad things in the country. The Democrats have an entitlement outlook where they distribute money and power to those who they deem entitled.

Republicans use human greed to sell their vision based on a supposedly un-corrupt capitalistic society where people are given very little in the way of government entitlements but can and do lift themselves into positions of greater and greater individual monetary wealth. This can only be done with winners and losers. That being said, the 'losers' typically are able to make their position more or less temporary given they recognize it will take work to get where they want. It is true that the capitalistic model can unfairly favor certain segments however, the individual does still have a choice. True Republicans are conservatives who believe a strong economy lessens the need for governmental handouts and base their voting block on voters recognizing that fact.
True Republicans are conservatives who believe a strong economy lessens the need for governmental handouts and base their voting block on voters recognizing that fact.
What have they done, specifically, to ensure Liberty is protected? That is their no.1 job- to help ensure one doesn't have a legal advantage over another- all else is frivolous- competition is what makes capitalism favorable- yet, try to start a business and look at the hoops that have to be jumped through, local and country wide, that have 0 to do with getting a product or service to market- Republicans are just like Democrats- rhetoric doesn't count- they both subscribe to the same Neocon policies- in the 60's Neo liberal was the same thing as neocon, policy wise- WTH happened?
They have an ace up their sleeve- the root of conservative is conserve- conserve is to keep- status quo is the political term used for keeping- to politicians, there are but 2 camps- tools or enemies- divide and conquer- it is us (voters) vs them, legal demagogues-

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