Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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No, Palestine was Palestine under Roman rule and was Christian for centuries. There were no Jews, it was illegal to be anything but Christian once Christianity became the Roman state religion.

You really should stop reading Jewish/Zionist propaganda and read some source historical material.

You should learn history, I would suggest Gibbons. The Fall and Decline of the Roman Empire. Romans called Judea, just that, Judea. As far as Palestine goes, they did not call the area, simply Palestine. Again, the source is Gibbons. Not Jews/Zionists, which you seem to think is one and the same, they are not. They are separate entities.

I would suggest you read the source documentation. Once you do, you will find that after the battle of Bar Kokhba in 134 AD the Roman Emperor Hadrian renamed the province Palaestina.
You are a fucking moron, literally, first you state this;
No, Palestine was Palestine under Roman rule and was Christian for centuries. There were no Jews, it was illegal to be anything but Christian once Christianity became the Roman state religion.
Now you refer to the Battle of Bar, which was Jews againt the Romans, how is that possible when you made the claim
there were no Jews during Roman rule.

For the record, the Battle of Bar, was in the Roman providence of Judea, after which, you can make the claim that the Romans called this area;
Syria Palaestina

I stated that there were no Jews after Christianity was made the state religion of Rome. The Byzantines (a term adopted by later historians) were Romans. Try to keep up.
That is not what you stated, I corrected you, and now you must lie in order to try and seem credible. You should simply admit you have zero intelligence in regards to what you speak. You literally, are restating and ignoring at least 6 things I have specifically addressed that you misstated or lied about.

I misstated nothing. When Christianity was made the state religion of Rome, all non-believers were forced to convert. Most practiced the Roman religions and were others that practiced Judaism, Zoroastrian, etc. They became Christian.

I'm a bit confused, you say Christians and Muslims in Palestine,but it still doesn't explain who the Palestinians were as a nation. Can you be more specific about them as a whole, what tribes did they come from, and what people did they constitute as a whole?
Also like any other people what distinct cultural traits did they have?

Thanks for the effort.

The Christians and Muslims of Palestine (when the European Zionists began migrating to the area) were the native people that lived in Palestine prior to the arrival of the European Zionists. Is that a difficult concept to understand?
No Druze? No Arabs? Every person was either Christian or Moslem? Now that is extreme ignorance, bigotry, and stereotyping of the Middle Eastern peoples.

Arabs were Christians and Muslims, you are confusing religion with ethnicity.

I'm a bit confused, you say Christians and Muslims in Palestine,but it still doesn't explain who the Palestinians were as a nation. Can you be more specific about them as a whole, what tribes did they come from, and what people did they constitute as a whole?
Also like any other people what distinct cultural traits did they have?

Thanks for the effort.

The Christians and Muslims of Palestine (when the European Zionists began migrating to the area) were the native people that lived in Palestine prior to the arrival of the European Zionists. Is that a difficult concept to understand?

Yes, the concept is quiet simplistic, very much vague.
What people did they constitute as a whole or were they merely religious groups? What makes them distinct from other Christians and Muslims?
What tribes did they come from?

Do you want me to rephrase those simple questions?

Thanks for the effort.

I'm a bit confused, you say Christians and Muslims in Palestine,but it still doesn't explain who the Palestinians were as a nation. Can you be more specific about them as a whole, what tribes did they come from, and what people did they constitute as a whole?
Also like any other people what distinct cultural traits did they have?

Thanks for the effort.

The Christians and Muslims of Palestine (when the European Zionists began migrating to the area) were the native people that lived in Palestine prior to the arrival of the European Zionists. Is that a difficult concept to understand?
"European Zionists began migrating"

I thought we were to understand there was a Zionist Invasion

Gee whiz.
They are simply the native people that had lived in Palestine for several centuries. They practiced different religions through the centuries. Would you like to rephrase your question. What makes a Christian from Austria different from a Christian from Germany?
You should learn history, I would suggest Gibbons. The Fall and Decline of the Roman Empire. Romans called Judea, just that, Judea. As far as Palestine goes, they did not call the area, simply Palestine. Again, the source is Gibbons. Not Jews/Zionists, which you seem to think is one and the same, they are not. They are separate entities.

I would suggest you read the source documentation. Once you do, you will find that after the battle of Bar Kokhba in 134 AD the Roman Emperor Hadrian renamed the province Palaestina.
You are a fucking moron, literally, first you state this;
No, Palestine was Palestine under Roman rule and was Christian for centuries. There were no Jews, it was illegal to be anything but Christian once Christianity became the Roman state religion.
Now you refer to the Battle of Bar, which was Jews againt the Romans, how is that possible when you made the claim
there were no Jews during Roman rule.

For the record, the Battle of Bar, was in the Roman providence of Judea, after which, you can make the claim that the Romans called this area;
Syria Palaestina

I stated that there were no Jews after Christianity was made the state religion of Rome. The Byzantines (a term adopted by later historians) were Romans. Try to keep up.
That is not what you stated, I corrected you, and now you must lie in order to try and seem credible. You should simply admit you have zero intelligence in regards to what you speak. You literally, are restating and ignoring at least 6 things I have specifically addressed that you misstated or lied about.

I misstated nothing. When Christianity was made the state religion of Rome, all non-believers were forced to convert. Most practiced the Roman religions and were others that practiced Judaism, Zoroastrian, etc. They became Christian.

So those who converted suddenly lost their native tribal blood? Cohen's and Levite's ceased to exist?
They are simply the native people that had lived in Palestine for several centuries. They practiced different religions through the centuries. Would you like to rephrase your question. What makes a Christian from Austria different from a Christian from Germany?
So... the native people that lived in the Pal'istanian territories (having largely migrated from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon) suddenly became native Pal'istanian?
Arabs were Christians and Muslims, you are confusing religion with ethnicity.
All Arabs practiced religion? Again, you are stereotyping people. Still no mention of the Druze? What about Bedouins? So many people left out of your simple minded equation.

You are confused. Arab is a linguistic and cultural identification. Much like Hispanic. Tunisians are Arabs but they have little in common with Bedouins who are the original Arabians. Tunisians are mostly Berbers ethnically. I fear you are the simple minded one.
They are simply the native people that had lived in Palestine for several centuries. They practiced different religions through the centuries. Would you like to rephrase your question. What makes a Christian from Austria different from a Christian from Germany?

Yes, you see those nations you've mentioned have very close ties and history, but let's say French Christians are different from German, Iran Muslims are not like Saudis- an it has nothing to do with religion, those are simply different people with distinct cultures, languages and cuisines.

Is there a Palestinians language, or maybe they came from tribes unique to Palestine?
They are simply the native people that had lived in Palestine for several centuries. They practiced different religions through the centuries. Would you like to rephrase your question. What makes a Christian from Austria different from a Christian from Germany?
So... the native people that lived in the Pal'istanian territories (having largely migrated from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon) suddenly became native Pal'istanian?

No, Palestinians are the natives of Palestine. The European Jews migrated to Palestine from Europe. Try to keep up.
They are simply the native people that had lived in Palestine for several centuries. They practiced different religions through the centuries. Would you like to rephrase your question. What makes a Christian from Austria different from a Christian from Germany?

Yes, you see those nations you've mentioned have very close ties and history, but let's say French Christians are different from German, Iran Muslims are not like Saudis- an it has nothing to do with religion, those are simply different people with distinct cultures, languages and cuisines.

Is there a Palestinians language, or maybe they came from tribes unique to Palestine?

Palestinians now speak Arabic, just as Colombians speak Spanish or Americans speak English. Palestinians spoke Aramaic, Latin, Greek at various times.
They are simply the native people that had lived in Palestine for several centuries. They practiced different religions through the centuries. Would you like to rephrase your question. What makes a Christian from Austria different from a Christian from Germany?
Yet, you admitted you were referring to Arabs? Arabs come from Arabia, not Palestine. There are also countless examples of peoples from Palestine calling themselves, proudly, Arabs. No righteous Arab would ever claim to be of Palestine, even though they live there. They are a proud people who's ancestry is of the utmost importance. Hence they refer to themselves as Arabs first and foremost. If you knew the history, you would know that Arabs of Palestine, originated in Yemen. Sadly for you, the Arabian Peninsula was a poverty stricken hell hole, hence Arabs went to the only place with money, opportunity, and even more important, medical care. Palestine of the Jews.
They are simply the native people that had lived in Palestine for several centuries. They practiced different religions through the centuries. Would you like to rephrase your question. What makes a Christian from Austria different from a Christian from Germany?
So... the native people that lived in the Pal'istanian territories (having largely migrated from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon) suddenly became native Pal'istanian?

No, Palestinians are the natives of Palestine. The European Jews migrated to Palestine from Europe. Try to keep up.

How can Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese suddenly become native Pal'istanians?

Secondly, what happened to the Zionist Invasion™ you have consistently rattled on about? Was that just more of your hysterical, ignorant pleading?
Does it matter that Palestinians speak Arabic as do many other people? Does the fact that America does not have a unique language make Americans less of a people?
Does it matter that Palestinians speak Arabic as do many other people? Does the fact that America does not have a unique language make Americans less of a people?

When people from another continent go to a place on another continent to take land and dispossess the native people, it's an invasion.
Does it matter that Palestinians speak Arabic as do many other people? Does the fact that America does not have a unique language make Americans less of a people?

Yes but we don't call Germans, Irish and Dutch "native Americans" do we?

So YES in explaining who the Palestinians are IT IS important...by your standard it seems they are not more native than Americans...
Does it matter that Palestinians speak Arabic as do many other people? Does the fact that America does not have a unique language make Americans less of a people?
Which Pal'istanians spoke Arabic? Aramaic would have been the language used most during the first century.
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