Who alerted CNN to be there Trump questions FBI raid of Roger Stone

Only a retard thinks Mueller and his minions did not tip off CNN. They are the media arm of the state propaganda. But it backfired like theeir stupid fence segment..... The video shows Muellers jack boot tactics. Very Putin like was the raid. They sent more guns to get Stone than they did Bin Laden

Eventuallly the Feds wont find leaking info quite as amusing...
Your link doesn't say anything about "blowing it", literally or figuratively. It fills in more background/context. The original story, the video, is unchanged and unaffected by the context. And I don't see anywhere CNN characterized anybody in a value judgment.

So again, still nothing. Week two.
The defaming was, they looked at a 30 second clip that didnt show the whole context, and the MSM ran with it, even there is a full 2 hour video out there that shows exactly what happened, and in light of THAT video, the left still kept on running with their original story.

They chose to ignore the facts, and push their version of the story. This has been damaging to the kids and the school.

Once AGAIN, for the 46th time and the eighth day now ------ what exactly *IS* this "version of the story" that is a simple video?

Are there "versions" of videos now?

Those "full 2 hour" videos are not the story. They never were. Whether one views two hours or the two crucial minutes, changes nothing.

It changes everything. The full video shows the context of what happened. The MSM came out and said that the kids were harassingPhillip's [sic],

Oh did it now. And where did it say this?


Same question. Nine days. No answers.

What part of "show me" is flying over your head here?

and they showed the smirking face of the kid and the left said, "look at this maga hat racist messing with this native American Vietnam war veteran"

Uh.................... "the left said"? Thought we were talking about "duh media". Where did "the left" come from?

Where is this "the left"? Where did they "say" that?
Again ---------- Link? Quote? Anything?

And where was this in "duh media"?

Well, after viewing the whole video, we learned that the kids were actually the ones under attack by the black Israelites while waiting for a bus. They decided to gather to drown out the shouts from those hurling racist comments toward them, and it was Phillip's [sic] who approached THEM.

That is the truth, but it doesnt matter to the left, they ignore the truth and still run with the original narrative.

It's also completely irrelevant.

Again, how did "the left" get into what was supposed to be you explaining how there's a libel case against "duh media"?
Are you unable to follow the point?

So, I'm sure you've been keeping up with this issue the last few weeks. You should know by now what I'm talking about. The news reports are all over the place.

When I say the kids were the ones who were being unfairly treated, I mean by both the left wing media and most of the people here on usmb that are left wing as well.


How the Media Exposed Its Own Bias in Covington Kids Fiasco

Media Shamelessly Frame Covington Kids for Scorn and Abuse


My point is, various media outlets ran with the story before they knew all of the facts, and many of the left wing talk shows on radio kept running with that narrative, even when the facts came out

Your point is that you want to distract the story from a simple video to allllllllllllllll these other extraneous events that have zero to do with the original story. And that's been going on since the beginning. It's what I noted here several days ago in the first place ---- for partisan hacks the objective when an inconvenient event happens is to go "b-but the AP caused this by reporting it" and "b-but James Fields was scared" and "b-but CNN was there when it went down" and "b-but other videos exist of other events before the Smirk". All the same pattern --- take the spotlight off the story by going "hey, look over there".

Meanwhile within those videos you keep pointing to there is still that bystander whose voice can be heard in real time chastising, "y'all are acting like a mob, that's what's going on -- fucking mob mentality". And of course the tomahawk chops, they're in there too. So if you want to focus on the video, be careful what you wish for.

The first link you posted's title is:

Teen in confrontation with Native American elder says he was trying to defuse the situation

-- and? Did he not say that? That IS the verb --- "says". It's a paraphase of a direct quote. Does the story say anything untrue?

The second link is from "CNS News" a notoriously bogus fake-news site, and is commentary anyway, not news --- and IN that commentary it does the same thing you did....... intimate that "the media" misrepresented the story, while presenting exactly ZERO documentation thereof. Which is, once AGAIN, the original question here: if that happened, WHERE IS IT? That question has gone untouched for a week and a half.

Your third link does the same thing as the last one, slightly more directly, quote:

>> The story certainly was damning — in how it was portrayed. Mostly white teens in MAGA hats, from Covington Catholic High School (CCHS) in Park Hills, Kentucky, were said to be taunting an American Indian “elder,” identified as Nathan Phillips, at the Lincoln Memorial. A 60-second videoshowed one teen in particular face-to-face with the man, smirking in what was cast as silent mockery, and allegedly blocking his path. <<

---- once again with no evidence. ***WHO*** "said it was taunting"? WHO? Where's the link? Where's the quote?

***WHO*** cast the act as "silent mockery"? WHERE is that?

And exactly ***HOW*** is an attorney going to court claiming "the media" --- have yet to get a specified entity on that --- "said" and "cast" these various value judgments, when nobody can find any evidence thereof? What, do we think a court is just going to go, "oh well, if you say so it must have happened, we don't need evidence" ?


And your fourth link is an actual news story, which title reads:

The MAGA Hat–Wearing Teens Who Taunted A Native American Elder Could Be Expelled

Is that not true? Is it impossible he could be expelled?

Summa y'all apologists seem to have a difficulty discerning what the news is saying versus what it's not saying.

Ultimately what your point seems to be is to say "yeah OK they were taunting and baiting an Indian but here's what happened before that, so it's all justified and they can do whatever they want".
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For a reference, the Sean Spicer story and thread discussion used as a comparator is here.

It's another example of posers threatening "libel" where no libel can be shown to exist. And half a year later, after said bloviating attorney vowed to file a suit on the ensuing "Monday" (which would be July 31, 2018) there is no evidence that such a lawsuit was ever filed at all. As will be the case here.

Lotta wags on this site seem to be, or would like to be seen to be, unfamiliar with the practice of "bluffing". Which is kind of surprising given the propensity of these same wags to traffic extensively in "bullshit".

You'd think a coal miner who sees coal every day would have a pretty good idea what coal looks like even if somebody else is shoveling it. You'd think.
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President Trump on Friday spoke out against the FBI’s phony Russian collusion witch hunt, and questioned how CNN knew to be at the home of his former campaign adviser Roger Stone as he was ambushed in a pre-dawn raid of his Florida home.
‘Who alerted CNN to be there?’: Trump Questions FBI Raid of Roger Stone

Well we know the left are savages, idiots know better than to find truth they prefer bs CNN lies lol..
Anyone paying attention knew someone was gonna get pinched on Friday after the indictments came down from the Grand Jury on Thursday. On another forum, there were several people guessing it was Stone on Thursday....and they aren't reporters.
Only a retard thinks Mueller and his minions did not tip off CNN. They are the media arm of the state propaganda. But it backfired like theeir stupid fence segment..... The video shows Muellers jack boot tactics. Very Putin like was the raid. They sent more guns to get Stone than they did Bin Laden

IF one pays attention to all of this, only a moron would not know something was up by Thursday and make a good guess that one of the few who might be pinched was Stone.
Only a retard thinks Mueller and his minions did not tip off CNN. They are the media arm of the state propaganda. But it backfired like theeir stupid fence segment..... The video shows Muellers jack boot tactics. Very Putin like was the raid. They sent more guns to get Stone than they did Bin Laden


I'm guessing CNN simply put their ear down on the trolley tracks in Wisconsin. That tells you when the train's coming.
I understand it happens at every Democratic December convention.

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