White's Only - the pefect leader for the RNC


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Katon Dawson, the South Carolina GOP chairman, announced his candidacy for RNC chair yesterday.
And guess what: Back in September, when Dawson was first quietly laying the groundwork for his RNC run, The State newspaper reported that he resigned his membership in the nearly 80-year-old Forest Lake Club. Members told the newspaper at the time that the club's deed has a whites-only restriction and has no black members.
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Candidate For RNC Chair Was Member Of Whites-Only Country Club
When questioned about the low percent of Blacks in the RNC and no Black Republican Senators, O Really just pooh, poohed it and said no one knows why it's so.

No much you can look up about the actual "deed"... could very well be that 80 years ago or whenever it was founded, it was indeed "whites only"... as many 'clubs' were back then... however, I seriously doubt that still exists or has existed since this guy was a member... if I am wrong, someone please correct me...

But if this is the case.. it would be like persecuting a person for their great great grandfather owning a slave.. or persecuting a person for choosing to live in a town that used to have segregation rules

I somehow think that the far lefties are blowing this way out of proportion
When questioned about the low percent of Blacks in the RNC and no Black Republican Senators, O Really just pooh, poohed it and said no one knows why it's so.


I'm noticing a general trend away from the no black conservatives thing. It's definitely a growing trend especially in places where blacks are solidly in the middle and upper income brackets and they can see the load of shit the black population has been fed by the other side.

Blacks have paid the price in nearly every possible way for the failed policies of the left. They have had their families torn apart by the Great Society that made it profitable to exclude the father from the family unit.

They've been propagandized to believe that by tossing a few trinkets their way, like affirmative action and other small change payments (notice never enough to make any real difference, just enough to keep them in a permanent state of poverty and dependence), the Democrat party is doing their bidding. When instead, the Democrats have reinvented the Plantation and have their blacks firmly ensconced on it. Their families just as torn as they were in the worst days of slavery by the immoral policies of the left. Kept in a new kind of slavery to the government by propagandizing them into believing they can't do anything without a program or a handout or a hand up from the government.

But gradually, the scales are falling from the eyes of the black people and they are beginning to see that they have been sold a bill of goods. Not huge numbers yet, but it was instructive to listen to the Conservative Black Republican convention a couple of months ago. The word is getting out.
Time to face reality.

A black man won the Presidency

Racism no longer exists.

It is now a non issue in America

Absolutely correct, and the GOP therefore does not need to do a darn thing to attract blacks because race no longer exists.
Time to face reality.

A black man won the Presidency

Racism no longer exists.

It is now a non issue in America

And thats why you're an idiot with no credibility who has extreme views that are not only BS but absolutely lunacy
So... are there any more 'details' about this 'deed' and when the 'whites only' thing was? Is it, as I assumed, from the distant past? I am seeing nothing to change my opinion of this being nothing more than left-wing crapola....
There's a link in the article: S.C. GOP chairman quits whites-only country club - Local / Metro - The State

There's nothing wrong with him being a member of a white's only club located in the south, it's just funny as hell.

I read the articles and heard the news yesterday.... all that is said is that "it was in the deed"... but the fact is that these deeds of old country clubs were written YEARS ago in the time of segregation and sometimes in the age of slavery.... it has no actual bearing on the stance of the club today.... though it does make for a great chant for the muck raking uber-lefties

And as for me... if there WOULD be any club that is 'whites only'... I have a huge problem with that

Hence why I asked if there was indeed any further information that anyone else has found... or whether this was just more liberal hatred bullshit
State Rep. Leon Howard, chairman of the General Assembly’s Legislative Black Caucus, said he has known for years about Dawson’s membership in the club.

“There ain’t no white folks that are members of the Black Caucus,” said Howard, D-Richland. “Does that make me a racist? I don’t think so.

S.C. GOP chairman quits whites-only country club - Local / Metro - The State

Totally different and you know it. One is a black Caucas for Gov't purpose and the other is a personal choice to join an exclusive club. This is another Strom Thurmond/Jesse Helms
White only aye... hmmm... I wonder how many black only things there are. If there is one race only things in America, as with all the black only things listed below, the vast, VAST majority of them are black only. There is no more racist people in America than blacks. So you're barking up the wrong tree if you think you're going to paint whites as racist over blacks. To put it bluntly, you're full of shit.

100 Black Men of America
Working to improve the quality of life within the African American community.
Based in Atlanta, Georgia
100 Black Men of America, Inc.

African American Planning Commission (AAPC)
Addresses issues of homelessness (domestic violence, HIV/AIDS, housing shortage, and unemployment) within the communities in which we live and serve.
Based in Brooklyn, New York
African American Planning Commission Home Page

African American Speaker Bureau (AASB)
This organization is dedicated to the representation of people and projects that address the issues, concerns and celebrations of the African American community.
Based in San Francisco, California

Black Culinarians Alliance (BCA)
A nationwide non-profit, educational and networking organization of hospitality and food service professionals.
Based in New York, New York
Welcome to The BCA

Blacks In Government (BIG)
Promotes equity in all aspects of life, and excellence in public service.
Based in Washington, DC
National Organization of Blacks In Government ® - 2008

Black Wall Street Merchants Association
Serves as an advocate for commerce in the African American community.
Based in Oakland, California

Black Women In Sisterhood For Action (BISA)
Develops and promotes alternative strategies for educational and career development of black women.
Based in Washington, DC

Miss Black USA
Provides educational opportunities to outstanding young women of color and to develop the whole woman mind, body, and spirit.
Based in Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Miss Black USA - Scholarship Pageant

National Action Council For Minorities in Engineering (NACME)
Offers support to African Americans and other minorities who want to pursue careers in engineering, technology, math and science.
Based in White Plains, New York
Untitled Page

National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
A champion of social justice, that has fought long and hard to ensure that the voices of African Americans would be heard.
Based in Baltimore, Maryland

National Association of Black Hotel Owners, Operators and Developers (NABHOOD)
Works to increase the number of African-Americans owning, developing, managing and operating hotels; increase vendor opportunities & executive level jobs for minorities.
Based in Fort Lauderdale, Floria
NABHOOD Intro Page

National Association of Black Accountants (NABA)
The leader in expanding the influence of minority professionals in the fields of accounting and finance.
Based in Greenbelt, Maryland
NABA Website > Home

National Association of Blacks In Criminal Justice (NABCJ)
Provides leaders dedicated to improving the administration of criminal justice, with a goal of achieving equal justice for blacks and other minorities.
Based in Durham, North Carolina
Welcome to NABCJ - National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice - Contact Us

National Association of Market Developers (NAMD)
Cultivates the aspects of the Black experience that can produce results for both the African-American community and institutions, private and public.
Based In Plainfield, New Jersey
Welcome to National Alliance of Market Developers, Inc.

National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI)
Improves and protects the lives of African American children.
Based in Washington, DC

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
One of the largest student-managed organizations in the country that focuses on increasing the number of Black engineers who excel academically and in the workplace.
Based in Fairfax, Virginia
Untitled Document

National Urban League (NUL)
The nation's oldest and largest community- based movement devoted to empowering African Americans to enter the economic and social mainstream.
Based in New York, New York
Home - National Urban League

Rainbow Push Coalition
This organization, led by Jesse Jackson, is a progressive organization fighting for social change as a mighty coalition of workers, women and people of color.
Based in Chicago, Illinois
RainbowPUSH Coalition
I was wondering why the Republican Party has become more and more like the Democratic Party. Most blacks vote for Democrats for handouts. I guess the Republicans wanted to get in on the action.


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