Whites Only Basketball League: All-American Basketball Alliance Bans Blacks, Foreigne

I believe this is a great idea!

I'm glad they'll have one fan.

I believe it would be well attended, but it would start slow. There are some awesome white basketball players out there. lets give them a chance to enjoy living their dream. BTW, you never know, there may be a day when they will be willing to allow the blacks to play against them and see what hapens.

Blacks do have an ability that does seem superior to whites in Basketball. However, I find it odd that any other trait of blacks that is different from whites seems to be rejected by the blacks as racism. Is it not racism to say that blacks play better basketball than whites?

I don't believe that's true, at all. If it is, it would more then likely be cultural then genetic, which wouldn't make them superior beings when it came to basketball.

I think there are other differences between blacks and whites, but gosh, we cannot address them.
:lol: Lord Jesus, here we go...
Quote: Originally Posted by Smartt33
I think there are other differences between blacks and whites, but gosh, we cannot address them.

Ok...lets go there

Stop dancing around and name them
In terms of an all white basketball league, I see nothing wrong with it

Its kind of like the Special Olympics
I wonder if it would be a ground game again? I remember years ago seeing a film of a game in which Bob Cousy was playing. I think the most aerial activity was someone doing a jump shot.
C'mon now, The NBA has a ton of white guys already. The figure is 25 %. The rest of the NBA is black except for 1 Chinese guy who's bigger than anyone on the planet.

If you take this white league's all stars and pit them against the 5 best white players in the NBA (Steve Nash,Dirk Nowitzki, Mike Miller, Manu Ginobili, Chris Kaman.)there wouldn't even be a game. That group would dunk very hard on a team of their black peers. These are just a few. If these white players were that good, they'd be in the NBA.

An all white league? I'd treat it similar to the WNBA and college basketball when I have a remote in my hand...Change the channel. I'm sure there's someone doing this PROFESSIONALLY and at the highest level that I can watch.

If they want to make a name for themselves they'd need to beat the AND 1 team first. I would pay REAL MONEY to watch that.
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Wonder which city the Fightin' Whities will play in?

We could have the Klansmen, Aryan Nationals, John Birchers, Secessionist......

The birthers... tea partiers... confederates... the Emmit Till Killers... the possibilities are endless.Lol:cool:

I guess those could be team names. Here's a few other suggestions: lumberjacks, swimmers, skiiers, skaters, blacksmiths(should be called whitesmiths), trailerparkers, bingo nighters, and married fathers.
I guess those could be team names. Here's a few other suggestions: lumberjacks, swimmers, skiiers, skaters, blacksmiths(should be called whitesmiths), trailerparkers, bingo nighters, and married fathers.

these are all white people too?.....where in the hell do you guys live?
This is something you don't see every day, an all white professional basketball league. Will you go if it comes to a city near you and do you agree with the premise of it?

Whites-Only Basketball League: All-American Basketball Alliance Bans Blacks, Foreigners

A whites-only basketball league aims to launch in twelve cities this summer, according to a report in the Augusta Chronicle. The All-American Basketball Alliance would also ban players born outside the United States.

The report includes additional shocking quotes from the commissioner:

Lewis said he wants to emphasize fundamental basketball instead of "street-ball" played by "people of color." ...

"Would you want to go to the game and worry about a player flipping you off or attacking you in the stands or grabbing their crotch?" he said. "That's the culture today, and in a free country we should have the right to move ourselves in a better direction."

From the Augusta paper:
Basketball league for white Americans targets Augusta 011910 - The Augusta Chronicle

A new professional basketball league boasting rosters made up exclusively of white Americans has its eyes set on Augusta, but the team isn't receiving a warm welcome.
"Only players that are natural born United States citizens with both parents of Caucasian race are eligible to play in the league," the statement said.


Can I throw eggs at these losers?
What if I just throw egg whites...would that be okay?
Let me explain something to you

White men can't jump!
Quote: Originally Posted by Smartt33
I think there are other differences between blacks and whites, but gosh, we cannot address them.

Ok...lets go there

Stop dancing around and name them

I like what one poeter said, that there may be some cultural trait that seems to contribute to what appears to be a superior ability in basketball, rather than a genetic one. I did paraphrase that poster's statement quite a bit there, LOL.

I just think it is a fun idea, to have a White BB league. Nothing racist about it.

I think they do play very well, but I also believe whites do also.

We shall not go anywhere else with this becasue that is not the purpose of the, OP, IMO.

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