"Whiteness" an existential threat to US--the language of genocide in US academia

Another anti-white racist professor providing the language for the coming genocide against whites has surfaced. Lisa Anderson-Levy, a professor at Beloit University, argues that "whiteness poses an existential threat to social, political, and economic life in the U.S."

Sounds serious, huh?

View attachment 182457

Her work explores the "ubiquity and violence of whiteness" and she advocates whiteness be "dismantled".

Let's get one thing clear: whiteness is the same thing as white. When that guy in South Africa advocates "cutting the throat of whiteness", he is advocating racial murder. When Ms Anderson-Levy advocates dismantling whiteness, she is advocating "dismantling"--or disappearing--whites.

Anderson-Levy teaches American young people that whites, the founders of the country, threaten the US with annihilation by our very existence; we are an existential threat. Our existence as whites means everyone everywhere is necessarily a victim of the violence our existence perpetrates against them.

Clearly, this Jamaican immigrant, hates whites and wants to exterminate the native people of her adopted land. And I'm guessing the "Levy" means she is married to a Jew (she did do a discussion panel with the notorious, foaming-at-the-mouth Jewish white-hater, Tim Wise).

UMN hosting prof to lecture on ‘the violence of whiteness’

I did not read the article......but given I would assume that "whiteness" means "white supremacy".
White supremacy = white.
White nationalism = white
Whiteness = white

White, in and of itself, is no different than "black" or "brown". They are just "visible" traits. She is talking about whiteness when seen as more than just a visible trait, but rather, a marker or trait of supremacy over other visible traits called "races". In other words, she is talking about whiteness in the context of a juxtaposition.
So, then, ask her to implement a policy--any policy--meant to address "whiteness" and you will soon see that, in the real world, she is talking about whites and she is a vicious, hate-filled, genocidal racist.

Seems like she's a truth teller.

You know, in S.Africa it's pretty much legal (as in the government doesn't care) to rape, torture, and murder white farmers. Seems like your kinda place. Maybe you should emigrate?

Or have you never heard about that before? You will rarely hear about it when white people are targeted, which is where all the "white genocide" hysteria comes from.
Another use of the false equivalence by whites pertains to the issues of history and cultural identification. For example, whites have been whining for years about why they cannot have a white history month. To ask this question, one must either be severely mentally challenged, suffering from psychosis, or are a racist purposefully building a strawman. I’m serious when I say that. I am always stumped when I am asked that question. Are these people really that stupid? Do they not pay attention to how American history has been portrayed? Is it that just because it’s not called white history do they not think that whites have not been described as part of history?

How much plainer does it need to be made? The founders of this nation were all white men. Do we need to say that 55 white men founded this nation for whites to feel they have been given their accurate place in American history? Do we describe George Washington as the first white president and continue to name 44 presidents as the white presidents for some whites to understand just how much white history has been taught? They whine about February but what do we call the other months in reference to American history? Should we call the 11 other months of the year white history month so that whites can understand?

You don't have to take the lack of black founding fathers as a personal insult. It is what it is. Why can't you just accept it? It's in the past. There's no changing it.
There was no lack of Black founding fathers. They just weren't included in the curriculum s of our school systems. And notably, Black historians, if they were aware of the rather significant knowledge, have not done a good job of bringing these lost histories to light.
Ironically, the historical revelations i am about to present were placed before the public eye by a highly unlikely narrator. Would you believe ...its the one and only...Glen Beck.

Wait! Don't last. It first I too thought this was a joke. But the more I was emersed into the video, the more I realized the Beck was serious and credible. Armed with an arsenal of paintings, charts and several historians to .assist him, Beck taught and I learned. I've included part 1 of 5 in this post and a link for those interested in learning more.

White supremacy = white.
White nationalism = white
Whiteness = white

White, in and of itself, is no different than "black" or "brown". They are just "visible" traits. She is talking about whiteness when seen as more than just a visible trait, but rather, a marker or trait of supremacy over other visible traits called "races". In other words, she is talking about whiteness in the context of a juxtaposition.
So, then, ask her to implement a policy--any policy--meant to address "whiteness" and you will soon see that, in the real world, she is talking about whites and she is a vicious, hate-filled, genocidal racist.

Seems like she's a truth teller.

You know, in S.Africa it's pretty much legal (as in the government doesn't care) to rape, torture, and murder white farmers. Seems like your kinda place. Maybe you should emigrate?

Or have you never heard about that before? You will rarely hear about it when white people are targeted, which is where all the "white genocide" hysteria comes from.

You know, you just posted up a bunch of false bullshit. Now if you don't know anything about South Africa, the history thereof or the policies that have created the conditions there now, it is better that you STFU.

It is absolutely not false. Now who's trying to cover up history?

I'm fully aware of what apartheid was. It's not an excuse to persecute a "race" of people. Or to sit by and do nothing while a vengeful segment of the population plays out their hateful fantasies.
White, in and of itself, is no different than "black" or "brown". They are just "visible" traits. She is talking about whiteness when seen as more than just a visible trait, but rather, a marker or trait of supremacy over other visible traits called "races". In other words, she is talking about whiteness in the context of a juxtaposition.
So, then, ask her to implement a policy--any policy--meant to address "whiteness" and you will soon see that, in the real world, she is talking about whites and she is a vicious, hate-filled, genocidal racist.

Seems like she's a truth teller.

You know, in S.Africa it's pretty much legal (as in the government doesn't care) to rape, torture, and murder white farmers. Seems like your kinda place. Maybe you should emigrate?

Or have you never heard about that before? You will rarely hear about it when white people are targeted, which is where all the "white genocide" hysteria comes from.

You know, you just posted up a bunch of false bullshit. Now if you don't know anything about South Africa, the history thereof or the policies that have created the conditions there now, it is better that you STFU.

It is absolutely not false. Now who's trying to cover up history?

I'm fully aware of what apartheid was. It's not an excuse to persecute a "race" of people. Or to sit by and do nothing while a vengeful segment of the population plays out their hateful fantasies.

Apartheid did persecute a race of people idiot. .For almost 100 years. And whites still benefit from it now. So like I said:

You know, you just posted up a bunch of false bullshit. Now if you don't know anything about South Africa, the history thereof or the policies that have created the conditions there now, it is better that you STFU.
Before the title of the op is lost to deflections and unrelated banter, I must address it. The fear mongering engendered here is far too dangerous to ignore. By positing the notion that eliminating whitness equates to eliminating Euro- Americans, the thread maker is either sincerely ignorant or conscienciously stupid. Let me enlighten you. Whiteness is a state of mind created by wealthy Euro-American landowners in the 17th century to set themselves apart from indentured servants and slaves. I see no risk to Caucasians in exorcising that foul social apparition known as whiteness.

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You know, in S.Africa it's pretty much legal (as in the government doesn't care) to rape, torture, and murder white farmers. Seems like your kinda place. Maybe you should emigrate?

Or have you never heard about that before? You will rarely hear about it when white people are targeted, which is where all the "white genocide" hysteria comes from.

You know, you just posted up a bunch of false bullshit. Now if you don't know anything about South Africa, the history thereof or the policies that have created the conditions there now, it is better that you STFU.

It is absolutely not false. Now who's trying to cover up history?

I'm fully aware of what apartheid was. It's not an excuse to persecute a "race" of people. Or to sit by and do nothing while a vengeful segment of the population plays out their hateful fantasies.

Apartheid did persecute a race of people idiot. .For almost 100 years. And whites still benefit from it now. So like I said:

You know, you just posted up a bunch of false bullshit. Now if you don't know anything about South Africa, the history thereof or the policies that have created the conditions there now, it is better that you STFU.


You really look bad in that picture johnnie.

I'm not the one who lies about white farmers being targeted for robbery, torture, rape, and murder. Which is 100% true.

Black farmers are mostly just targeted for the robbery part.
You know, you just posted up a bunch of false bullshit. Now if you don't know anything about South Africa, the history thereof or the policies that have created the conditions there now, it is better that you STFU.

It is absolutely not false. Now who's trying to cover up history?

I'm fully aware of what apartheid was. It's not an excuse to persecute a "race" of people. Or to sit by and do nothing while a vengeful segment of the population plays out their hateful fantasies.

Apartheid did persecute a race of people idiot. .For almost 100 years. And whites still benefit from it now. So like I said:

You know, you just posted up a bunch of false bullshit. Now if you don't know anything about South Africa, the history thereof or the policies that have created the conditions there now, it is better that you STFU.


You really look bad in that picture johnnie.

I'm not the one who lies about white farmers being targeted for robbery, torture, rape, and murder. Which is 100% true.

Black farmers are mostly just targeted for the robbery part.

I'm not going to argue with your stupid white disingenuous ass about this.

South Africa's white minority warned they face 'uprising' and Zimbabwe-style land grab

"The country is on a knife edge with 13 politicians murdered in the last month and the national broadcaster refusing to show images of violence fearing it will incite more attacks.

One radical party has called for a Zimbabwe-style land grab of the estimated 80 per cent white-owned land.

There are also fears among the 1.6million British community who have emigrated to South Africa for cheap living that they could be forced home.

Following heavy defeats in this week’s municipal elections politicians from the ruling African National Congress have spoken out against what they call “economic apartheid.”


"They are threatening to nationalise the mines and other radical reforms to win back the black vote.

Kebby Maphatsoe, the veterans’ minister, said: “We are very, very worried if we don’t do anything to change our economy from being in the hands of the minority we will have our people uprising.”

He also suggested the radical step of nationalising the mine industry.

He said: “We should blame ourselves for not being brave enough for radical change in South Africa’s economy. We need black economic empowerment. We need to take over the running of companies. They cannot be in white hands forever.”

The ANC, which under Nelson Mandela was responsible for winning black people the vote and ending apartheid, have dominated elections since 1994. "


"But in municipal elections this week they lost the iconic Nelson Mandela Bay area although the ANC has 54 per cent of the vote nationally.

South Africa’s 55million population is 77 per cent black and nine per cent white but blacks are becoming increasingly frustrated at inequalities.

They get half the pay of whites, only three per cent of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange is black-owned and the four major banks are white-dominated.

Lindiwe Zulu, the ANC’s business minister, said: “The whites made their money during apartheid and they are benefiting more now. If you don’t deal with the marginalisation of blacks in the economy you are going to be in trouble.”

South Africa's white minority warned they face 'uprising' and Zimbabwe-style land grab
It is absolutely not false. Now who's trying to cover up history?

I'm fully aware of what apartheid was. It's not an excuse to persecute a "race" of people. Or to sit by and do nothing while a vengeful segment of the population plays out their hateful fantasies.

Apartheid did persecute a race of people idiot. .For almost 100 years. And whites still benefit from it now. So like I said:

You know, you just posted up a bunch of false bullshit. Now if you don't know anything about South Africa, the history thereof or the policies that have created the conditions there now, it is better that you STFU.


You really look bad in that picture johnnie.

I'm not the one who lies about white farmers being targeted for robbery, torture, rape, and murder. Which is 100% true.

Black farmers are mostly just targeted for the robbery part.

I'm not going to argue with your stupid white disingenuous ass about this.

South Africa's white minority warned they face 'uprising' and Zimbabwe-style land grab

"The country is on a knife edge with 13 politicians murdered in the last month and the national broadcaster refusing to show images of violence fearing it will incite more attacks.

One radical party has called for a Zimbabwe-style land grab of the estimated 80 per cent white-owned land.

There are also fears among the 1.6million British community who have emigrated to South Africa for cheap living that they could be forced home.

Following heavy defeats in this week’s municipal elections politicians from the ruling African National Congress have spoken out against what they call “economic apartheid.”


"They are threatening to nationalise the mines and other radical reforms to win back the black vote.

Kebby Maphatsoe, the veterans’ minister, said: “We are very, very worried if we don’t do anything to change our economy from being in the hands of the minority we will have our people uprising.”

He also suggested the radical step of nationalising the mine industry.

He said: “We should blame ourselves for not being brave enough for radical change in South Africa’s economy. We need black economic empowerment. We need to take over the running of companies. They cannot be in white hands forever.”

The ANC, which under Nelson Mandela was responsible for winning black people the vote and ending apartheid, have dominated elections since 1994. "


"But in municipal elections this week they lost the iconic Nelson Mandela Bay area although the ANC has 54 per cent of the vote nationally.

South Africa’s 55million population is 77 per cent black and nine per cent white but blacks are becoming increasingly frustrated at inequalities.

They get half the pay of whites, only three per cent of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange is black-owned and the four major banks are white-dominated.

Lindiwe Zulu, the ANC’s business minister, said: “The whites made their money during apartheid and they are benefiting more now. If you don’t deal with the marginalisation of blacks in the economy you are going to be in trouble.”

South Africa's white minority warned they face 'uprising' and Zimbabwe-style land grab

So you pretty much just made my case for me. Thanks pal.
Apartheid did persecute a race of people idiot. .For almost 100 years. And whites still benefit from it now. So like I said:

You know, you just posted up a bunch of false bullshit. Now if you don't know anything about South Africa, the history thereof or the policies that have created the conditions there now, it is better that you STFU.


You really look bad in that picture johnnie.

I'm not the one who lies about white farmers being targeted for robbery, torture, rape, and murder. Which is 100% true.

Black farmers are mostly just targeted for the robbery part.

I'm not going to argue with your stupid white disingenuous ass about this.

South Africa's white minority warned they face 'uprising' and Zimbabwe-style land grab

"The country is on a knife edge with 13 politicians murdered in the last month and the national broadcaster refusing to show images of violence fearing it will incite more attacks.

One radical party has called for a Zimbabwe-style land grab of the estimated 80 per cent white-owned land.

There are also fears among the 1.6million British community who have emigrated to South Africa for cheap living that they could be forced home.

Following heavy defeats in this week’s municipal elections politicians from the ruling African National Congress have spoken out against what they call “economic apartheid.”


"They are threatening to nationalise the mines and other radical reforms to win back the black vote.

Kebby Maphatsoe, the veterans’ minister, said: “We are very, very worried if we don’t do anything to change our economy from being in the hands of the minority we will have our people uprising.”

He also suggested the radical step of nationalising the mine industry.

He said: “We should blame ourselves for not being brave enough for radical change in South Africa’s economy. We need black economic empowerment. We need to take over the running of companies. They cannot be in white hands forever.”

The ANC, which under Nelson Mandela was responsible for winning black people the vote and ending apartheid, have dominated elections since 1994. "


"But in municipal elections this week they lost the iconic Nelson Mandela Bay area although the ANC has 54 per cent of the vote nationally.

South Africa’s 55million population is 77 per cent black and nine per cent white but blacks are becoming increasingly frustrated at inequalities.

They get half the pay of whites, only three per cent of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange is black-owned and the four major banks are white-dominated.

Lindiwe Zulu, the ANC’s business minister, said: “The whites made their money during apartheid and they are benefiting more now. If you don’t deal with the marginalisation of blacks in the economy you are going to be in trouble.”

South Africa's white minority warned they face 'uprising' and Zimbabwe-style land grab

So you pretty much just made my case for me. Thanks pal.

Not exactly. What you were shown is that whites still benefit from apartheid. Oh but there's more.

You really look bad in that picture johnnie.

I'm not the one who lies about white farmers being targeted for robbery, torture, rape, and murder. Which is 100% true.

Black farmers are mostly just targeted for the robbery part.

I'm not going to argue with your stupid white disingenuous ass about this.

South Africa's white minority warned they face 'uprising' and Zimbabwe-style land grab

"The country is on a knife edge with 13 politicians murdered in the last month and the national broadcaster refusing to show images of violence fearing it will incite more attacks.

One radical party has called for a Zimbabwe-style land grab of the estimated 80 per cent white-owned land.

There are also fears among the 1.6million British community who have emigrated to South Africa for cheap living that they could be forced home.

Following heavy defeats in this week’s municipal elections politicians from the ruling African National Congress have spoken out against what they call “economic apartheid.”


"They are threatening to nationalise the mines and other radical reforms to win back the black vote.

Kebby Maphatsoe, the veterans’ minister, said: “We are very, very worried if we don’t do anything to change our economy from being in the hands of the minority we will have our people uprising.”

He also suggested the radical step of nationalising the mine industry.

He said: “We should blame ourselves for not being brave enough for radical change in South Africa’s economy. We need black economic empowerment. We need to take over the running of companies. They cannot be in white hands forever.”

The ANC, which under Nelson Mandela was responsible for winning black people the vote and ending apartheid, have dominated elections since 1994. "


"But in municipal elections this week they lost the iconic Nelson Mandela Bay area although the ANC has 54 per cent of the vote nationally.

South Africa’s 55million population is 77 per cent black and nine per cent white but blacks are becoming increasingly frustrated at inequalities.

They get half the pay of whites, only three per cent of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange is black-owned and the four major banks are white-dominated.

Lindiwe Zulu, the ANC’s business minister, said: “The whites made their money during apartheid and they are benefiting more now. If you don’t deal with the marginalisation of blacks in the economy you are going to be in trouble.”

South Africa's white minority warned they face 'uprising' and Zimbabwe-style land grab

So you pretty much just made my case for me. Thanks pal.

Not exactly. What you were shown is that whites still benefit from apartheid. Oh but there's more.

I never said whites don't still benefit from Apartheid. Wtf are you smoking?
Why Land Seizure Is Back in News in South Africa

Arabile Gumede and Amogelang Mbatha
‎March‎ ‎1‎, ‎2018‎ ‎5‎:‎26‎ ‎AM

"More than two decades after white-minority rule ended in South Africa, most of its profitable farms and estates are still owned by white people, and about 95 percent of the country’s wealth is in the hands of 10 percent of the population. The ruling African National Congress has vowed to step up wealth distribution and promised “radical economic transformation,” including constitutional changes to allow the government to expropriate land without paying for it.

1. Why is land ownership an issue?

Under the rule of European colonists, South Africa’s Natives Land Act of 1913 stripped most black people of their right to own property, a policy reinforced decades later by the National Party and its system of apartheid, or apartness. A government land audit released in February showed that farms and agricultural holdings comprise 97 percent of the 121.9 million hectares of the nation’s area, and that whites own 72 percent of the 37 million hectares held by individuals. This tallies with the results of a separate audit released Nov. 1 by Agri Development Solutions and farm lobby group AGRI SA, which found non-whites own 27 percent of the nation’s farmland compared with 14 percent in 1994.

2. What’s been done until now?

Since 1994, when the ANC became the nation’s dominant post-apartheid party, the state has bought 4.9 million hectares -- about 4 percent of the country’s total territory -- for land redistribution, with about 3.4 million hectares assigned to new owners, according to former Land Reform Minister Gugile Nkwinti. Those who didn’t want the land allocated to them opted for money instead, with 11.6 billion rand ($910 million) paid out from 1994 until January 2017. A separate initiative known as the 50-50 program, meant to encourage joint black-white land management, uses government funds to buy half a farmer’s land and give it to laborers working there. It started in 2016.

3. What changes are on the table?

Parliament had proposed legislation that would allow the government to pay “just and equitable” compensation -- meaning, less than market prices -- for land it expropriates. Former President Jacob Zuma sent the bill back to lawmakers, saying it wouldn’t pass constitutional muster. Another bill, offered for public comment in March 2017 by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, would ban foreigners from buying agricultural land and require them instead to enter into long-term leases. It also calls for creating a commission that will set up a register of land ownership that will include race and the size of the holding. On Dec. 20, the ANC, under newly elected party president Cyril Ramaphosa, said expropriating land without compensation should be among mechanisms to effect land reform, as long as it doesn’t undermine the economy, agricultural production and food security.

4. What is the party’s plan?

On Feb. 27, lawmakers agreed to the principle of land expropriation without compensation, and parliament’s Constitutional Review Committee will report back to lawmakers on changes to section 25 of the Constitution by Aug. 30. The opposition Economic Freedom Fighters party proposed a motion to allow land seizures to the legislature, while the ANC proposed amendments. Zuma has also called for a precolonial audit of land ownership, use and occupation patterns.

5. Is taking land without compensation legal?

Not at the moment. AGRI SA, the biggest organization representing the country’s farmers, says the constitution doesn’t provide for expropriation without “just and equitable” compensation. Deprivation of property without compensation “constitutes a very serious breach of an individual’s rights," it said.

6. Why is the ANC doing this now?

The party was initially reticent to allow expropriation without paying. Under Zuma, it came under pressure as economic growth stagnated, and there were calls for his resignation from the opposition, civic leaders and senior officials in his own party, following a series of scandals and an unpopular cabinet reshuffle. He left as the nation’s president in February and was replaced by Ramaphosa. The ANC lost voters in 2016 local elections to parties including the EFF, and Zuma’s reputation eroded the party’s standing to such an extent that it was at risk of losing its majority in 2019 elections. The party needs policies that will gain traction among the nation’s poor, who make up the majority of the electorate.

7. What’s the outlook in parliament?

Two-thirds of lawmakers would have to assent to change the constitution. The ANC holds 62 percent of the seats. The EFF, South Africa’s third-biggest political party, has 6.4 percent .

The Reference Shelf
•ANC statement on adopting expropriation without compensation
•How Zuma and his deputy differ on "radical economic transformation."
•A possible wealth tax is also being considered as a way to improve the standard of living of black South Africans.
•AGRI SA’s take on the constitutionality of expropriation without compensation.
•The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform’s 2017 land audit, released in February 2018, and its 2013 land audit.
•The University of the Western Cape’s Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies overview of the distribution of land."

Why Land Seizure Is Back in News in South Africa

I'm suggesting that you stop running your mouth off about South Africa. It is very apparent you know nothing about the issue.

Why Land Seizure Is Back in News in South Africa

Arabile Gumede and Amogelang Mbatha
‎March‎ ‎1‎, ‎2018‎ ‎5‎:‎26‎ ‎AM

"More than two decades after white-minority rule ended in South Africa, most of its profitable farms and estates are still owned by white people, and about 95 percent of the country’s wealth is in the hands of 10 percent of the population. The ruling African National Congress has vowed to step up wealth distribution and promised “radical economic transformation,” including constitutional changes to allow the government to expropriate land without paying for it.

1. Why is land ownership an issue?

Under the rule of European colonists, South Africa’s Natives Land Act of 1913 stripped most black people of their right to own property, a policy reinforced decades later by the National Party and its system of apartheid, or apartness. A government land audit released in February showed that farms and agricultural holdings comprise 97 percent of the 121.9 million hectares of the nation’s area, and that whites own 72 percent of the 37 million hectares held by individuals. This tallies with the results of a separate audit released Nov. 1 by Agri Development Solutions and farm lobby group AGRI SA, which found non-whites own 27 percent of the nation’s farmland compared with 14 percent in 1994.

2. What’s been done until now?

Since 1994, when the ANC became the nation’s dominant post-apartheid party, the state has bought 4.9 million hectares -- about 4 percent of the country’s total territory -- for land redistribution, with about 3.4 million hectares assigned to new owners, according to former Land Reform Minister Gugile Nkwinti. Those who didn’t want the land allocated to them opted for money instead, with 11.6 billion rand ($910 million) paid out from 1994 until January 2017. A separate initiative known as the 50-50 program, meant to encourage joint black-white land management, uses government funds to buy half a farmer’s land and give it to laborers working there. It started in 2016.

3. What changes are on the table?

Parliament had proposed legislation that would allow the government to pay “just and equitable” compensation -- meaning, less than market prices -- for land it expropriates. Former President Jacob Zuma sent the bill back to lawmakers, saying it wouldn’t pass constitutional muster. Another bill, offered for public comment in March 2017 by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, would ban foreigners from buying agricultural land and require them instead to enter into long-term leases. It also calls for creating a commission that will set up a register of land ownership that will include race and the size of the holding. On Dec. 20, the ANC, under newly elected party president Cyril Ramaphosa, said expropriating land without compensation should be among mechanisms to effect land reform, as long as it doesn’t undermine the economy, agricultural production and food security.

4. What is the party’s plan?

On Feb. 27, lawmakers agreed to the principle of land expropriation without compensation, and parliament’s Constitutional Review Committee will report back to lawmakers on changes to section 25 of the Constitution by Aug. 30. The opposition Economic Freedom Fighters party proposed a motion to allow land seizures to the legislature, while the ANC proposed amendments. Zuma has also called for a precolonial audit of land ownership, use and occupation patterns.

5. Is taking land without compensation legal?

Not at the moment. AGRI SA, the biggest organization representing the country’s farmers, says the constitution doesn’t provide for expropriation without “just and equitable” compensation. Deprivation of property without compensation “constitutes a very serious breach of an individual’s rights," it said.

6. Why is the ANC doing this now?

The party was initially reticent to allow expropriation without paying. Under Zuma, it came under pressure as economic growth stagnated, and there were calls for his resignation from the opposition, civic leaders and senior officials in his own party, following a series of scandals and an unpopular cabinet reshuffle. He left as the nation’s president in February and was replaced by Ramaphosa. The ANC lost voters in 2016 local elections to parties including the EFF, and Zuma’s reputation eroded the party’s standing to such an extent that it was at risk of losing its majority in 2019 elections. The party needs policies that will gain traction among the nation’s poor, who make up the majority of the electorate.

7. What’s the outlook in parliament?

Two-thirds of lawmakers would have to assent to change the constitution. The ANC holds 62 percent of the seats. The EFF, South Africa’s third-biggest political party, has 6.4 percent .

The Reference Shelf
•ANC statement on adopting expropriation without compensation
•How Zuma and his deputy differ on "radical economic transformation."
•A possible wealth tax is also being considered as a way to improve the standard of living of black South Africans.
•AGRI SA’s take on the constitutionality of expropriation without compensation.
•The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform’s 2017 land audit, released in February 2018, and its 2013 land audit.
•The University of the Western Cape’s Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies overview of the distribution of land."

Why Land Seizure Is Back in News in South Africa

I'm suggesting that you stop running your mouth off about South Africa. It is very apparent you know nothing about the issue.


What does this have to do with the torture and murder of white farmers, that is largely ignored by the government?
I'm not the one who lies about white farmers being targeted for robbery, torture, rape, and murder. Which is 100% true.

Black farmers are mostly just targeted for the robbery part.

I'm not going to argue with your stupid white disingenuous ass about this.

South Africa's white minority warned they face 'uprising' and Zimbabwe-style land grab

"The country is on a knife edge with 13 politicians murdered in the last month and the national broadcaster refusing to show images of violence fearing it will incite more attacks.

One radical party has called for a Zimbabwe-style land grab of the estimated 80 per cent white-owned land.

There are also fears among the 1.6million British community who have emigrated to South Africa for cheap living that they could be forced home.

Following heavy defeats in this week’s municipal elections politicians from the ruling African National Congress have spoken out against what they call “economic apartheid.”


"They are threatening to nationalise the mines and other radical reforms to win back the black vote.

Kebby Maphatsoe, the veterans’ minister, said: “We are very, very worried if we don’t do anything to change our economy from being in the hands of the minority we will have our people uprising.”

He also suggested the radical step of nationalising the mine industry.

He said: “We should blame ourselves for not being brave enough for radical change in South Africa’s economy. We need black economic empowerment. We need to take over the running of companies. They cannot be in white hands forever.”

The ANC, which under Nelson Mandela was responsible for winning black people the vote and ending apartheid, have dominated elections since 1994. "


"But in municipal elections this week they lost the iconic Nelson Mandela Bay area although the ANC has 54 per cent of the vote nationally.

South Africa’s 55million population is 77 per cent black and nine per cent white but blacks are becoming increasingly frustrated at inequalities.

They get half the pay of whites, only three per cent of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange is black-owned and the four major banks are white-dominated.

Lindiwe Zulu, the ANC’s business minister, said: “The whites made their money during apartheid and they are benefiting more now. If you don’t deal with the marginalisation of blacks in the economy you are going to be in trouble.”

South Africa's white minority warned they face 'uprising' and Zimbabwe-style land grab

So you pretty much just made my case for me. Thanks pal.

Not exactly. What you were shown is that whites still benefit from apartheid. Oh but there's more.

I never said whites don't still benefit from Apartheid. Wtf are you smoking?

Apparently you are the one on drugs.. If whites are still benefitting from apartheid then maybe you should shut the hell up and understand that is what's causing the violence.

So in other words, you think it is okay and justified.

Please don't ask why white people are afraid of changing demographics anymore. You are the reason.
Why Land Seizure Is Back in News in South Africa

Arabile Gumede and Amogelang Mbatha
‎March‎ ‎1‎, ‎2018‎ ‎5‎:‎26‎ ‎AM

"More than two decades after white-minority rule ended in South Africa, most of its profitable farms and estates are still owned by white people, and about 95 percent of the country’s wealth is in the hands of 10 percent of the population. The ruling African National Congress has vowed to step up wealth distribution and promised “radical economic transformation,” including constitutional changes to allow the government to expropriate land without paying for it.

1. Why is land ownership an issue?

Under the rule of European colonists, South Africa’s Natives Land Act of 1913 stripped most black people of their right to own property, a policy reinforced decades later by the National Party and its system of apartheid, or apartness. A government land audit released in February showed that farms and agricultural holdings comprise 97 percent of the 121.9 million hectares of the nation’s area, and that whites own 72 percent of the 37 million hectares held by individuals. This tallies with the results of a separate audit released Nov. 1 by Agri Development Solutions and farm lobby group AGRI SA, which found non-whites own 27 percent of the nation’s farmland compared with 14 percent in 1994.

2. What’s been done until now?

Since 1994, when the ANC became the nation’s dominant post-apartheid party, the state has bought 4.9 million hectares -- about 4 percent of the country’s total territory -- for land redistribution, with about 3.4 million hectares assigned to new owners, according to former Land Reform Minister Gugile Nkwinti. Those who didn’t want the land allocated to them opted for money instead, with 11.6 billion rand ($910 million) paid out from 1994 until January 2017. A separate initiative known as the 50-50 program, meant to encourage joint black-white land management, uses government funds to buy half a farmer’s land and give it to laborers working there. It started in 2016.

3. What changes are on the table?

Parliament had proposed legislation that would allow the government to pay “just and equitable” compensation -- meaning, less than market prices -- for land it expropriates. Former President Jacob Zuma sent the bill back to lawmakers, saying it wouldn’t pass constitutional muster. Another bill, offered for public comment in March 2017 by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, would ban foreigners from buying agricultural land and require them instead to enter into long-term leases. It also calls for creating a commission that will set up a register of land ownership that will include race and the size of the holding. On Dec. 20, the ANC, under newly elected party president Cyril Ramaphosa, said expropriating land without compensation should be among mechanisms to effect land reform, as long as it doesn’t undermine the economy, agricultural production and food security.

4. What is the party’s plan?

On Feb. 27, lawmakers agreed to the principle of land expropriation without compensation, and parliament’s Constitutional Review Committee will report back to lawmakers on changes to section 25 of the Constitution by Aug. 30. The opposition Economic Freedom Fighters party proposed a motion to allow land seizures to the legislature, while the ANC proposed amendments. Zuma has also called for a precolonial audit of land ownership, use and occupation patterns.

5. Is taking land without compensation legal?

Not at the moment. AGRI SA, the biggest organization representing the country’s farmers, says the constitution doesn’t provide for expropriation without “just and equitable” compensation. Deprivation of property without compensation “constitutes a very serious breach of an individual’s rights," it said.

6. Why is the ANC doing this now?

The party was initially reticent to allow expropriation without paying. Under Zuma, it came under pressure as economic growth stagnated, and there were calls for his resignation from the opposition, civic leaders and senior officials in his own party, following a series of scandals and an unpopular cabinet reshuffle. He left as the nation’s president in February and was replaced by Ramaphosa. The ANC lost voters in 2016 local elections to parties including the EFF, and Zuma’s reputation eroded the party’s standing to such an extent that it was at risk of losing its majority in 2019 elections. The party needs policies that will gain traction among the nation’s poor, who make up the majority of the electorate.

7. What’s the outlook in parliament?

Two-thirds of lawmakers would have to assent to change the constitution. The ANC holds 62 percent of the seats. The EFF, South Africa’s third-biggest political party, has 6.4 percent .

The Reference Shelf
•ANC statement on adopting expropriation without compensation
•How Zuma and his deputy differ on "radical economic transformation."
•A possible wealth tax is also being considered as a way to improve the standard of living of black South Africans.
•AGRI SA’s take on the constitutionality of expropriation without compensation.
•The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform’s 2017 land audit, released in February 2018, and its 2013 land audit.
•The University of the Western Cape’s Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies overview of the distribution of land."

Why Land Seizure Is Back in News in South Africa

I'm suggesting that you stop running your mouth off about South Africa. It is very apparent you know nothing about the issue.


What does this have to do with the torture and murder of white farmers, that is largely ignored by the government?

If that was the case everything. Whites still controlling land they stole in the ancestral lands of hos blacks, controlling the economy they refused to allow blacks to participate in within the own homeland by the very means you are whining about. I don't know what kind of crazy, fucked up, twisted selfish ass world whites like you live in, but in the real world you don't get to mistreat people now for at least 105 years and not expect retaliation.
Why Land Seizure Is Back in News in South Africa

Arabile Gumede and Amogelang Mbatha
‎March‎ ‎1‎, ‎2018‎ ‎5‎:‎26‎ ‎AM

"More than two decades after white-minority rule ended in South Africa, most of its profitable farms and estates are still owned by white people, and about 95 percent of the country’s wealth is in the hands of 10 percent of the population. The ruling African National Congress has vowed to step up wealth distribution and promised “radical economic transformation,” including constitutional changes to allow the government to expropriate land without paying for it.

1. Why is land ownership an issue?

Under the rule of European colonists, South Africa’s Natives Land Act of 1913 stripped most black people of their right to own property, a policy reinforced decades later by the National Party and its system of apartheid, or apartness. A government land audit released in February showed that farms and agricultural holdings comprise 97 percent of the 121.9 million hectares of the nation’s area, and that whites own 72 percent of the 37 million hectares held by individuals. This tallies with the results of a separate audit released Nov. 1 by Agri Development Solutions and farm lobby group AGRI SA, which found non-whites own 27 percent of the nation’s farmland compared with 14 percent in 1994.

2. What’s been done until now?

Since 1994, when the ANC became the nation’s dominant post-apartheid party, the state has bought 4.9 million hectares -- about 4 percent of the country’s total territory -- for land redistribution, with about 3.4 million hectares assigned to new owners, according to former Land Reform Minister Gugile Nkwinti. Those who didn’t want the land allocated to them opted for money instead, with 11.6 billion rand ($910 million) paid out from 1994 until January 2017. A separate initiative known as the 50-50 program, meant to encourage joint black-white land management, uses government funds to buy half a farmer’s land and give it to laborers working there. It started in 2016.

3. What changes are on the table?

Parliament had proposed legislation that would allow the government to pay “just and equitable” compensation -- meaning, less than market prices -- for land it expropriates. Former President Jacob Zuma sent the bill back to lawmakers, saying it wouldn’t pass constitutional muster. Another bill, offered for public comment in March 2017 by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, would ban foreigners from buying agricultural land and require them instead to enter into long-term leases. It also calls for creating a commission that will set up a register of land ownership that will include race and the size of the holding. On Dec. 20, the ANC, under newly elected party president Cyril Ramaphosa, said expropriating land without compensation should be among mechanisms to effect land reform, as long as it doesn’t undermine the economy, agricultural production and food security.

4. What is the party’s plan?

On Feb. 27, lawmakers agreed to the principle of land expropriation without compensation, and parliament’s Constitutional Review Committee will report back to lawmakers on changes to section 25 of the Constitution by Aug. 30. The opposition Economic Freedom Fighters party proposed a motion to allow land seizures to the legislature, while the ANC proposed amendments. Zuma has also called for a precolonial audit of land ownership, use and occupation patterns.

5. Is taking land without compensation legal?

Not at the moment. AGRI SA, the biggest organization representing the country’s farmers, says the constitution doesn’t provide for expropriation without “just and equitable” compensation. Deprivation of property without compensation “constitutes a very serious breach of an individual’s rights," it said.

6. Why is the ANC doing this now?

The party was initially reticent to allow expropriation without paying. Under Zuma, it came under pressure as economic growth stagnated, and there were calls for his resignation from the opposition, civic leaders and senior officials in his own party, following a series of scandals and an unpopular cabinet reshuffle. He left as the nation’s president in February and was replaced by Ramaphosa. The ANC lost voters in 2016 local elections to parties including the EFF, and Zuma’s reputation eroded the party’s standing to such an extent that it was at risk of losing its majority in 2019 elections. The party needs policies that will gain traction among the nation’s poor, who make up the majority of the electorate.

7. What’s the outlook in parliament?

Two-thirds of lawmakers would have to assent to change the constitution. The ANC holds 62 percent of the seats. The EFF, South Africa’s third-biggest political party, has 6.4 percent .

The Reference Shelf
•ANC statement on adopting expropriation without compensation
•How Zuma and his deputy differ on "radical economic transformation."
•A possible wealth tax is also being considered as a way to improve the standard of living of black South Africans.
•AGRI SA’s take on the constitutionality of expropriation without compensation.
•The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform’s 2017 land audit, released in February 2018, and its 2013 land audit.
•The University of the Western Cape’s Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies overview of the distribution of land."

Why Land Seizure Is Back in News in South Africa

I'm suggesting that you stop running your mouth off about South Africa. It is very apparent you know nothing about the issue.


What does this have to do with the torture and murder of white farmers, that is largely ignored by the government?

If that was the case everything. Whites still controlling land they stole in the ancestral lands of hos blacks, controlling the economy they refused to allow blacks to participate in within the own homeland by the very means you are whining about. I don't know what kind of crazy, fucked up, twisted selfish ass world whites like you live in, but in the real world you don't get to mistreat people now for at least 105 years and not expect retaliation.

You condone murder, torture, and rape on the basis of skin color. You've confirmed it. Think that's all anyone needs to know about you, mate.
I'm not going to argue with your stupid white disingenuous ass about this.

South Africa's white minority warned they face 'uprising' and Zimbabwe-style land grab

"The country is on a knife edge with 13 politicians murdered in the last month and the national broadcaster refusing to show images of violence fearing it will incite more attacks.

One radical party has called for a Zimbabwe-style land grab of the estimated 80 per cent white-owned land.

There are also fears among the 1.6million British community who have emigrated to South Africa for cheap living that they could be forced home.

Following heavy defeats in this week’s municipal elections politicians from the ruling African National Congress have spoken out against what they call “economic apartheid.”


"They are threatening to nationalise the mines and other radical reforms to win back the black vote.

Kebby Maphatsoe, the veterans’ minister, said: “We are very, very worried if we don’t do anything to change our economy from being in the hands of the minority we will have our people uprising.”

He also suggested the radical step of nationalising the mine industry.

He said: “We should blame ourselves for not being brave enough for radical change in South Africa’s economy. We need black economic empowerment. We need to take over the running of companies. They cannot be in white hands forever.”

The ANC, which under Nelson Mandela was responsible for winning black people the vote and ending apartheid, have dominated elections since 1994. "


"But in municipal elections this week they lost the iconic Nelson Mandela Bay area although the ANC has 54 per cent of the vote nationally.

South Africa’s 55million population is 77 per cent black and nine per cent white but blacks are becoming increasingly frustrated at inequalities.

They get half the pay of whites, only three per cent of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange is black-owned and the four major banks are white-dominated.

Lindiwe Zulu, the ANC’s business minister, said: “The whites made their money during apartheid and they are benefiting more now. If you don’t deal with the marginalisation of blacks in the economy you are going to be in trouble.”

South Africa's white minority warned they face 'uprising' and Zimbabwe-style land grab

So you pretty much just made my case for me. Thanks pal.

Not exactly. What you were shown is that whites still benefit from apartheid. Oh but there's more.

I never said whites don't still benefit from Apartheid. Wtf are you smoking?

Apparently you are the one on drugs.. If whites are still benefitting from apartheid then maybe you should shut the hell up and understand that is what's causing the violence.

So in other words, you think it is okay and justified.

Please don't ask why white people are afraid of changing demographics anymore. You are the reason.

.I think you lied.

South Africa's Ramaphosa warns against land invasions

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa warned on Sunday that land invasions would not be tolerated as the ruling African National Congress (ANC) moves to change the constitution to expropriate property without compensation.

Land remains an emotive issue in South Africa and most of it remains in white hands over two decades after apartheid’s demise, despite government programmes aimed at redistribution to narrow glaring racial disparities in ownership.

Speaking to the media in televised remarks near Pretoria after spending the day on a voter registration drive, Ramaphosa was asked about invasions this week of vacant land in a suburb between Johannesburg and Pretoria which have provoked clashes with police.

“We should not tolerate disorder and lawlessness of that type. Nobody has any right to invade land, to violate other people’s rights,” Ramaphosa said.

“All those who want to invade land they will get to know that we will not allow that.”

South Africa's Ramaphosa warns against land invasions

And let me address your last sentence. You whites have ben killing us for the last 400 years and I'm supposed t be concerned that you who are racist whites are scared of a demographic shift? Have you lost your m-f'ng mind white boy? Fuck you!
So you pretty much just made my case for me. Thanks pal.

Not exactly. What you were shown is that whites still benefit from apartheid. Oh but there's more.

I never said whites don't still benefit from Apartheid. Wtf are you smoking?

Apparently you are the one on drugs.. If whites are still benefitting from apartheid then maybe you should shut the hell up and understand that is what's causing the violence.

So in other words, you think it is okay and justified.

Please don't ask why white people are afraid of changing demographics anymore. You are the reason.

.I think you lied.

South Africa's Ramaphosa warns against land invasions

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa warned on Sunday that land invasions would not be tolerated as the ruling African National Congress (ANC) moves to change the constitution to expropriate property without compensation.

Land remains an emotive issue in South Africa and most of it remains in white hands over two decades after apartheid’s demise, despite government programmes aimed at redistribution to narrow glaring racial disparities in ownership.

Speaking to the media in televised remarks near Pretoria after spending the day on a voter registration drive, Ramaphosa was asked about invasions this week of vacant land in a suburb between Johannesburg and Pretoria which have provoked clashes with police.

“We should not tolerate disorder and lawlessness of that type. Nobody has any right to invade land, to violate other people’s rights,” Ramaphosa said.

“All those who want to invade land they will get to know that we will not allow that.”

South Africa's Ramaphosa warns against land invasions

And let me address your last sentence. You whites have ben killing us for the last 400 years and I'm supposed t be concerned that you who are racist whites are scared of a demographic shift? Have you lost your m-f'ng mind white boy? Fuck you!

Talk is cheap.

End of the day, you're a racist who believes people should be treated differently based on the color of their skin. You've pretty much come out and said it yourself. You've dismantled yourself, mate. And I've enjoyed watching you do it! Nothing you have to say from this point forward has any merit, really. Any further response from me or anyone else is more than you really deserve, and should be taken not as a validation of your horrible opinions, but as a desire to watch you further destroy yourself.
Why Land Seizure Is Back in News in South Africa

Arabile Gumede and Amogelang Mbatha
‎March‎ ‎1‎, ‎2018‎ ‎5‎:‎26‎ ‎AM

"More than two decades after white-minority rule ended in South Africa, most of its profitable farms and estates are still owned by white people, and about 95 percent of the country’s wealth is in the hands of 10 percent of the population. The ruling African National Congress has vowed to step up wealth distribution and promised “radical economic transformation,” including constitutional changes to allow the government to expropriate land without paying for it.

1. Why is land ownership an issue?

Under the rule of European colonists, South Africa’s Natives Land Act of 1913 stripped most black people of their right to own property, a policy reinforced decades later by the National Party and its system of apartheid, or apartness. A government land audit released in February showed that farms and agricultural holdings comprise 97 percent of the 121.9 million hectares of the nation’s area, and that whites own 72 percent of the 37 million hectares held by individuals. This tallies with the results of a separate audit released Nov. 1 by Agri Development Solutions and farm lobby group AGRI SA, which found non-whites own 27 percent of the nation’s farmland compared with 14 percent in 1994.

2. What’s been done until now?

Since 1994, when the ANC became the nation’s dominant post-apartheid party, the state has bought 4.9 million hectares -- about 4 percent of the country’s total territory -- for land redistribution, with about 3.4 million hectares assigned to new owners, according to former Land Reform Minister Gugile Nkwinti. Those who didn’t want the land allocated to them opted for money instead, with 11.6 billion rand ($910 million) paid out from 1994 until January 2017. A separate initiative known as the 50-50 program, meant to encourage joint black-white land management, uses government funds to buy half a farmer’s land and give it to laborers working there. It started in 2016.

3. What changes are on the table?

Parliament had proposed legislation that would allow the government to pay “just and equitable” compensation -- meaning, less than market prices -- for land it expropriates. Former President Jacob Zuma sent the bill back to lawmakers, saying it wouldn’t pass constitutional muster. Another bill, offered for public comment in March 2017 by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, would ban foreigners from buying agricultural land and require them instead to enter into long-term leases. It also calls for creating a commission that will set up a register of land ownership that will include race and the size of the holding. On Dec. 20, the ANC, under newly elected party president Cyril Ramaphosa, said expropriating land without compensation should be among mechanisms to effect land reform, as long as it doesn’t undermine the economy, agricultural production and food security.

4. What is the party’s plan?

On Feb. 27, lawmakers agreed to the principle of land expropriation without compensation, and parliament’s Constitutional Review Committee will report back to lawmakers on changes to section 25 of the Constitution by Aug. 30. The opposition Economic Freedom Fighters party proposed a motion to allow land seizures to the legislature, while the ANC proposed amendments. Zuma has also called for a precolonial audit of land ownership, use and occupation patterns.

5. Is taking land without compensation legal?

Not at the moment. AGRI SA, the biggest organization representing the country’s farmers, says the constitution doesn’t provide for expropriation without “just and equitable” compensation. Deprivation of property without compensation “constitutes a very serious breach of an individual’s rights," it said.

6. Why is the ANC doing this now?

The party was initially reticent to allow expropriation without paying. Under Zuma, it came under pressure as economic growth stagnated, and there were calls for his resignation from the opposition, civic leaders and senior officials in his own party, following a series of scandals and an unpopular cabinet reshuffle. He left as the nation’s president in February and was replaced by Ramaphosa. The ANC lost voters in 2016 local elections to parties including the EFF, and Zuma’s reputation eroded the party’s standing to such an extent that it was at risk of losing its majority in 2019 elections. The party needs policies that will gain traction among the nation’s poor, who make up the majority of the electorate.

7. What’s the outlook in parliament?

Two-thirds of lawmakers would have to assent to change the constitution. The ANC holds 62 percent of the seats. The EFF, South Africa’s third-biggest political party, has 6.4 percent .

The Reference Shelf
•ANC statement on adopting expropriation without compensation
•How Zuma and his deputy differ on "radical economic transformation."
•A possible wealth tax is also being considered as a way to improve the standard of living of black South Africans.
•AGRI SA’s take on the constitutionality of expropriation without compensation.
•The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform’s 2017 land audit, released in February 2018, and its 2013 land audit.
•The University of the Western Cape’s Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies overview of the distribution of land."

Why Land Seizure Is Back in News in South Africa

I'm suggesting that you stop running your mouth off about South Africa. It is very apparent you know nothing about the issue.


What does this have to do with the torture and murder of white farmers, that is largely ignored by the government?

If that was the case everything. Whites still controlling land they stole in the ancestral lands of hos blacks, controlling the economy they refused to allow blacks to participate in within the own homeland by the very means you are whining about. I don't know what kind of crazy, fucked up, twisted selfish ass world whites like you live in, but in the real world you don't get to mistreat people now for at least 105 years and not expect retaliation.

You condone murder, torture, and rape on the basis of skin color. You've confirmed it. Think that's all anyone needs to know about you, mate.

I've done nothing of the sort. But you have shown that you support the idea that whites should get to continue benefiting from murder, torture, and rape on the basis of skin color. You've confirmed it. Think that's all anyone needs to know about you, mate.
Last edited:
Why Land Seizure Is Back in News in South Africa

Arabile Gumede and Amogelang Mbatha
‎March‎ ‎1‎, ‎2018‎ ‎5‎:‎26‎ ‎AM

"More than two decades after white-minority rule ended in South Africa, most of its profitable farms and estates are still owned by white people, and about 95 percent of the country’s wealth is in the hands of 10 percent of the population. The ruling African National Congress has vowed to step up wealth distribution and promised “radical economic transformation,” including constitutional changes to allow the government to expropriate land without paying for it.

1. Why is land ownership an issue?

Under the rule of European colonists, South Africa’s Natives Land Act of 1913 stripped most black people of their right to own property, a policy reinforced decades later by the National Party and its system of apartheid, or apartness. A government land audit released in February showed that farms and agricultural holdings comprise 97 percent of the 121.9 million hectares of the nation’s area, and that whites own 72 percent of the 37 million hectares held by individuals. This tallies with the results of a separate audit released Nov. 1 by Agri Development Solutions and farm lobby group AGRI SA, which found non-whites own 27 percent of the nation’s farmland compared with 14 percent in 1994.

2. What’s been done until now?

Since 1994, when the ANC became the nation’s dominant post-apartheid party, the state has bought 4.9 million hectares -- about 4 percent of the country’s total territory -- for land redistribution, with about 3.4 million hectares assigned to new owners, according to former Land Reform Minister Gugile Nkwinti. Those who didn’t want the land allocated to them opted for money instead, with 11.6 billion rand ($910 million) paid out from 1994 until January 2017. A separate initiative known as the 50-50 program, meant to encourage joint black-white land management, uses government funds to buy half a farmer’s land and give it to laborers working there. It started in 2016.

3. What changes are on the table?

Parliament had proposed legislation that would allow the government to pay “just and equitable” compensation -- meaning, less than market prices -- for land it expropriates. Former President Jacob Zuma sent the bill back to lawmakers, saying it wouldn’t pass constitutional muster. Another bill, offered for public comment in March 2017 by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, would ban foreigners from buying agricultural land and require them instead to enter into long-term leases. It also calls for creating a commission that will set up a register of land ownership that will include race and the size of the holding. On Dec. 20, the ANC, under newly elected party president Cyril Ramaphosa, said expropriating land without compensation should be among mechanisms to effect land reform, as long as it doesn’t undermine the economy, agricultural production and food security.

4. What is the party’s plan?

On Feb. 27, lawmakers agreed to the principle of land expropriation without compensation, and parliament’s Constitutional Review Committee will report back to lawmakers on changes to section 25 of the Constitution by Aug. 30. The opposition Economic Freedom Fighters party proposed a motion to allow land seizures to the legislature, while the ANC proposed amendments. Zuma has also called for a precolonial audit of land ownership, use and occupation patterns.

5. Is taking land without compensation legal?

Not at the moment. AGRI SA, the biggest organization representing the country’s farmers, says the constitution doesn’t provide for expropriation without “just and equitable” compensation. Deprivation of property without compensation “constitutes a very serious breach of an individual’s rights," it said.

6. Why is the ANC doing this now?

The party was initially reticent to allow expropriation without paying. Under Zuma, it came under pressure as economic growth stagnated, and there were calls for his resignation from the opposition, civic leaders and senior officials in his own party, following a series of scandals and an unpopular cabinet reshuffle. He left as the nation’s president in February and was replaced by Ramaphosa. The ANC lost voters in 2016 local elections to parties including the EFF, and Zuma’s reputation eroded the party’s standing to such an extent that it was at risk of losing its majority in 2019 elections. The party needs policies that will gain traction among the nation’s poor, who make up the majority of the electorate.

7. What’s the outlook in parliament?

Two-thirds of lawmakers would have to assent to change the constitution. The ANC holds 62 percent of the seats. The EFF, South Africa’s third-biggest political party, has 6.4 percent .

The Reference Shelf
•ANC statement on adopting expropriation without compensation
•How Zuma and his deputy differ on "radical economic transformation."
•A possible wealth tax is also being considered as a way to improve the standard of living of black South Africans.
•AGRI SA’s take on the constitutionality of expropriation without compensation.
•The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform’s 2017 land audit, released in February 2018, and its 2013 land audit.
•The University of the Western Cape’s Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies overview of the distribution of land."

Why Land Seizure Is Back in News in South Africa

I'm suggesting that you stop running your mouth off about South Africa. It is very apparent you know nothing about the issue.


What does this have to do with the torture and murder of white farmers, that is largely ignored by the government?

If that was the case everything. Whites still controlling land they stole in the ancestral lands of hos blacks, controlling the economy they refused to allow blacks to participate in within the own homeland by the very means you are whining about. I don't know what kind of crazy, fucked up, twisted selfish ass world whites like you live in, but in the real world you don't get to mistreat people now for at least 105 years and not expect retaliation.

You condone murder, torture, and rape on the basis of skin color. You've confirmed it. Think that's all anyone needs to know about you, mate.

I've dine nothing of the sort. But you have shown that you support the idea that whites should get to continue benefiting from murder, torture, and rape on the basis of skin color. You've confirmed it. Think that's all anyone needs to know about you, mate.

Lol. Nice try, but I don't support anything of the sort. You do, clearly, but you're also an abhorrent person. And that has nothing to do with your skin color.

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