White racism and suboptimal psychological functioning among White Americans

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
The Bass will post some key points from this study.

Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development Article date:April 1, 2002 Author: Utsey, Shawn O. ; McCarthy, Eileen ; Eubanks, Robin ; Adrian, Genaro

White racism and suboptimal psychological functioning among White Americans: implications for counseling and prejudice prevention.

Although recent empirical research is scarce, some anecdotal evidence suggests that Whites do experience psychological and emotional distress related to White racism. For example, Whites have reported experiencing anxiety, frustration, guilt, and shame when confronted with issues related to their own racism or to societal racism in general (Bowser & Hunt, 1996; Pettigrew, 1973; Welsing, 1991). According to Carter and Jones (1996), Whites often experience feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety, and helplessness interwoven with a sense of intense confusion around issues related to racism. Furthermore, Whites who consider themselves to be egalitarian, while simultaneously holding that some forms of discrimination against Blacks are justified, have been found to experience emotional and psychological discomfort regarding discrimination (Wright, 1981). Simpson and Yinger (1985) posited that White Americans experience a personality distortion from the tension associated with this sense of moral ambivalence.

More recently, researchers examined the role of White racial identity attitudes in understanding the dynamics of White racism (Carter & Jones, 1996; Helms, 1990, 1994; Ponterotto, 1991). Helms (1994) identified the following six ego statuses (formerly stages) to describe the development of racial identity attitudes in Whites: Contact, Disintegration, Reintegration, Pseudo-Independence, Immersion-Emersion, and Autonomy. Of the six White racial identity statuses described by Helms, the first three (i.e., Contact, Disintegration, and Reintegration) represent the struggle of Whites to abandon racism. The remaining three White racial identity statuses (i.e., Pseudo-Independence, Immersion-Emersion, and Autonomy) are characteristic of Whites adopting a nonracist White identity. According to Helms (1990), in order for Whites to develop a nonracist White identity, they must accept their "Whiteness" and acknowledge those ways in which they collude with and benefit from racism.

That last bolded text the Bass cannot stress enough, unless whites get out of denial of how racism has benefited and continues to benefit them they will maintain a racist white identity, whether they are aware of it or not. Moving on:

More recently, object relations theory has been used to conceptualize the psychological mechanisms responsible for the development and maintenance of White racism. According to Timimi (1996), racism is driven by the underlying anxiety that is associated with a person's difficulty in tolerating that which is dissimilar and the inability to resist attempts to control or dominate individuals who are perceived as being different. Hence, persons for whom racism serves as a means of controlling external objects that are different from self will tend to manifest increased levels of underlying anxiety. Defense mechanisms, such as projection, are often used to manage feelings of anxiety by identifying those aspects of self that are despised with individuals who are viewed as separate and different (Timimi, 1996). Here, the self (ego) is concerned solely with safety and seeks to avoid anxiety at any cost; power, status, and prestige are the primary mechanisms through which safety is sought (Greenberg & Mitchell, 1983). By viewing Blacks as inferior and representing all that is evil, individuals harboring racial animosity are able to project those aspects of self that are despised and disowned onto Blacks, thereby reducing their feelings of anxiety and achieving a sense of psychological safety (Timimi, 1996).
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The Bass will post some key points from this study.

Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development Article date:April 1, 2002 Author: Utsey, Shawn O. ; McCarthy, Eileen ; Eubanks, Robin ; Adrian, Genaro

White racism and suboptimal psychological functioning among White Americans: implications for counseling and prejudice prevention.

Although recent empirical research is scarce, some anecdotal evidence suggests that Whites do experience psychological and emotional distress related to White racism. For example, Whites have reported experiencing anxiety, frustration, guilt, and shame when confronted with issues related to their own racism or to societal racism in general (Bowser & Hunt, 1996; Pettigrew, 1973; Welsing, 1991). According to Carter and Jones (1996), Whites often experience feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety, and helplessness interwoven with a sense of intense confusion around issues related to racism. Furthermore, Whites who consider themselves to be egalitarian, while simultaneously holding that some forms of discrimination against Blacks are justified, have been found to experience emotional and psychological discomfort regarding discrimination (Wright, 1981). Simpson and Yinger (1985) posited that White Americans experience a personality distortion from the tension associated with this sense of moral ambivalence.

More recently, researchers examined the role of White racial identity attitudes in understanding the dynamics of White racism (Carter & Jones, 1996; Helms, 1990, 1994; Ponterotto, 1991). Helms (1994) identified the following six ego statuses (formerly stages) to describe the development of racial identity attitudes in Whites: Contact, Disintegration, Reintegration, Pseudo-Independence, Immersion-Emersion, and Autonomy. Of the six White racial identity statuses described by Helms, the first three (i.e., Contact, Disintegration, and Reintegration) represent the struggle of Whites to abandon racism. The remaining three White racial identity statuses (i.e., Pseudo-Independence, Immersion-Emersion, and Autonomy) are characteristic of Whites adopting a nonracist White identity. According to Helms (1990), in order for Whites to develop a nonracist White identity, they must accept their "Whiteness" and acknowledge those ways in which they collude with and benefit from racism.

That last bolded text the Bass cannot stress enough, unless whites get out of denial of how racism has benefited and continues to benefit them they will maintain a racist white identity, whether they are aware of it or not. Moving on:

More recently, object relations theory has been used to conceptualize the psychological mechanisms responsible for the development and maintenance of White racism. According to Timimi (1996), racism is driven by the underlying anxiety that is associated with a person's difficulty in tolerating that which is dissimilar and the inability to resist attempts to control or dominate individuals who are perceived as being different. Hence, persons for whom racism serves as a means of controlling external objects that are different from self will tend to manifest increased levels of underlying anxiety. Defense mechanisms, such as projection, are often used to manage feelings of anxiety by identifying those aspects of self that are despised with individuals who are viewed as separate and different (Timimi, 1996). Here, the self (ego) is concerned solely with safety and seeks to avoid anxiety at any cost; power, status, and prestige are the primary mechanisms through which safety is sought (Greenberg & Mitchell, 1983). By viewing Blacks as inferior and representing all that is evil, individuals harboring racial animosity are able to project those aspects of self that are despised and disowned onto Blacks, thereby reducing their feelings of anxiety and achieving a sense of psychological safety (Timimi, 1996).

BTW, Bass ... you got a link for this? It'd break my heart to have to delete it.:eusa_whistle:
What would you every do without "Cut and Paste?"

Or something to cry about ...

Racists whites, whether latent or covert normally say what you say when confronted with the truth, its a clever ad-hominem.

Wrong Tuna boy.

So let me ask you a couple of questions.

1. Blacks sold blacks into slavery. Why don't we ever hear about that?

2. My family tree has been traced back to the 1500's. No where, repeat NO WHERE, is there any proof that my family owned, sold, bought, had anything to do with slavery. Why do I need to pay reparations?

3. Do you agree with me that there are people out there (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton) who have made quite a good living keeping the "whites have held us down" argument to increase their personal checkbook? Blackmailing major U.S. corporations for donations or Board of Director seats - is this what young African Americans should strive for?

4. Speaking of the dynamic duo, are those two really role models in the black community? Affairs, out of wedlock children, tax evasion, etc?

5. It seems much easier for African Americans to rally behind the "white people owe me" argument than to rally behind the points that say, Bill Cosby has brought up. Why is that?
The Bass will post some key points from this study.

Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development Article date:April 1, 2002 Author: Utsey, Shawn O. ; McCarthy, Eileen ; Eubanks, Robin ; Adrian, Genaro

White racism and suboptimal psychological functioning among White Americans: implications for counseling and prejudice prevention.

Although recent empirical research is scarce, some anecdotal evidence suggests that Whites do experience psychological and emotional distress related to White racism. For example, Whites have reported experiencing anxiety, frustration, guilt, and shame when confronted with issues related to their own racism or to societal racism in general (Bowser & Hunt, 1996; Pettigrew, 1973; Welsing, 1991). According to Carter and Jones (1996), Whites often experience feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety, and helplessness interwoven with a sense of intense confusion around issues related to racism. Furthermore, Whites who consider themselves to be egalitarian, while simultaneously holding that some forms of discrimination against Blacks are justified, have been found to experience emotional and psychological discomfort regarding discrimination (Wright, 1981). Simpson and Yinger (1985) posited that White Americans experience a personality distortion from the tension associated with this sense of moral ambivalence.

More recently, researchers examined the role of White racial identity attitudes in understanding the dynamics of White racism (Carter & Jones, 1996; Helms, 1990, 1994; Ponterotto, 1991). Helms (1994) identified the following six ego statuses (formerly stages) to describe the development of racial identity attitudes in Whites: Contact, Disintegration, Reintegration, Pseudo-Independence, Immersion-Emersion, and Autonomy. Of the six White racial identity statuses described by Helms, the first three (i.e., Contact, Disintegration, and Reintegration) represent the struggle of Whites to abandon racism. The remaining three White racial identity statuses (i.e., Pseudo-Independence, Immersion-Emersion, and Autonomy) are characteristic of Whites adopting a nonracist White identity. According to Helms (1990), in order for Whites to develop a nonracist White identity, they must accept their "Whiteness" and acknowledge those ways in which they collude with and benefit from racism.

That last bolded text the Bass cannot stress enough, unless whites get out of denial of how racism has benefited and continues to benefit them they will maintain a racist white identity, whether they are aware of it or not. Moving on:

More recently, object relations theory has been used to conceptualize the psychological mechanisms responsible for the development and maintenance of White racism. According to Timimi (1996), racism is driven by the underlying anxiety that is associated with a person's difficulty in tolerating that which is dissimilar and the inability to resist attempts to control or dominate individuals who are perceived as being different. Hence, persons for whom racism serves as a means of controlling external objects that are different from self will tend to manifest increased levels of underlying anxiety. Defense mechanisms, such as projection, are often used to manage feelings of anxiety by identifying those aspects of self that are despised with individuals who are viewed as separate and different (Timimi, 1996). Here, the self (ego) is concerned solely with safety and seeks to avoid anxiety at any cost; power, status, and prestige are the primary mechanisms through which safety is sought (Greenberg & Mitchell, 1983). By viewing Blacks as inferior and representing all that is evil, individuals harboring racial animosity are able to project those aspects of self that are despised and disowned onto Blacks, thereby reducing their feelings of anxiety and achieving a sense of psychological safety (Timimi, 1996).

BTW, Bass ... you got a link for this? It'd break my heart to have to delete it.:eusa_whistle:

White Racism and Suboptimal Psychological Functioning among White Americans: Implications for Counseling and Prejudice Prevention.

Study requires access
Or something to cry about ...

Racists whites, whether latent or covert normally say what you say when confronted with the truth, its a clever ad-hominem.

Wrong Tuna boy.

So let me ask you a couple of questions.

1. Blacks sold blacks into slavery. Why don't we ever hear about that?

2. My family tree has been traced back to the 1500's. No where, repeat NO WHERE, is there any proof that my family owned, sold, bought, had anything to do with slavery. Why do I need to pay reparations?

3. Do you agree with me that there are people out there (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton) who have made quite a good living keeping the "whites have held us down" argument to increase their personal checkbook? Blackmailing major U.S. corporations for donations or Board of Director seats - is this what young African Americans should strive for?

4. Speaking of the dynamic duo, are those two really role models in the black community? Affairs, out of wedlock children, tax evasion, etc?

5. It seems much easier for African Americans to rally behind the "white people owe me" argument than to rally behind the points that say, Bill Cosby has brought up. Why is that?

This is ad-hominem trolling and off-topic.
Racists whites, whether latent or covert normally say what you say when confronted with the truth, its a clever ad-hominem.

Wrong Tuna boy.

So let me ask you a couple of questions.

1. Blacks sold blacks into slavery. Why don't we ever hear about that?

2. My family tree has been traced back to the 1500's. No where, repeat NO WHERE, is there any proof that my family owned, sold, bought, had anything to do with slavery. Why do I need to pay reparations?

3. Do you agree with me that there are people out there (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton) who have made quite a good living keeping the "whites have held us down" argument to increase their personal checkbook? Blackmailing major U.S. corporations for donations or Board of Director seats - is this what young African Americans should strive for?

4. Speaking of the dynamic duo, are those two really role models in the black community? Affairs, out of wedlock children, tax evasion, etc?

5. It seems much easier for African Americans to rally behind the "white people owe me" argument than to rally behind the points that say, Bill Cosby has brought up. Why is that?

This is ad-hominem trolling and off-topic.

Forget the topic. I didn't want to start a new thread.

I'm just axing you these questions.
More "Hate Honky" Propaganda ... yawn

More white denial, the more you deny the more mentally sick you will become.

Yawn ... again....:cuckoo:

A lot of us White folks have trouble feeling guilty about things over which we had no responsibility.

We're funny that way, I guess.

Nevertheless when I see large groups of young Black men who are not in a marching band, I do tend to cross the street to avoid them.

On the other hand I tend to do that when I see large groups of cops, too.

I'm sort of an equal opportunity avoider of potential trouble in that sense.

Then I go home and sleep the guilt-free sleep of a baby, Bass.

Guess you'll have to go peddle your White guilt somewheres else, eh?
Keep avoiding my questions.

Oh....I know. Let me guess.

It's my fault you aren't answering the questions right?
Yawn ... again....:cuckoo:

Your anxiety driven post is based on ignorance and lame strawmen, however that doesn't refute the reality in the pic below thats backed up by statistics:


I don't know what part of the country you live in but in Jefferson Parish by New Orleans, a famous Sheriff use to stop beat up cars driving late at night in affluent white areas. The majority of people he stopped were black. The policy worked and Jefferson Parish has a very low crime rate compared to Orleans. The kicker is the Sheriff was 100% Chinese. I guess old Harry Lee was a Chinese black racists.
Sheriff Harry Lee
If you have white kids driving around bad black areas late at night I think they should be stopped because 9 in 10 times they are trying to score drugs. I have no problem with racial profiling.

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