White Racial Resentment Before, During Obama Years.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
And we can add after Obama to this.

White Racial Resentment Before, During Obama Years.
by Robert Bird and Frank Newport

“What impact did the first African-American U.S. president, Barack Obama, have on racial attitudes in the U.S.? Did race relations improve, stay the same or get worse during his administration -- the last perhaps as a result of a "backlash" effect among racially resentful whites? “

“Our recent analysis of several indicators of racial resentment before and during the Obama administration provides evidence that racial resentment decreased among the majority of white Americans during Obama's presidency. Republicans were the only political group who did not decrease in racial resentment -- but they did not increase significantly either.”

Overall, white racial resentment decreased significantly from the years before Obama took office compared with the final two years of his administration. The index fell from .82 in 2004 and 2007 to .75 in 2015 and 2016, a statistically significant change.”

The only political group whose members did not decrease in racial resentment between the two time periods are Republicans.”

The differences between the two periods by party identification are statistically significant and important.

  • Republicans are generally the most racially resentful; Democrats are the least.
  • The decrease in racial resentment among Democrats is statistically significant.
  • Independents also showed a decrease in racial resentment, and this decrease is marginally significant.
  • Republicans did not show a statistically significant change.

White Racial Resentment Before, During Obama Years

Racial resentment among republicans during Obama was .87 and that was higher than the overall index and remained at .87 even as the national average fell to .75. For Independents the index dropped from .86 to .77 and the Democrats were 10 points below the national average to begin with at .75 and their resentment fell 15 points to .62.

And we can add after Obama to this.

White Racial Resentment Before, During Obama Years.
by Robert Bird and Frank Newport

“What impact did the first African-American U.S. president, Barack Obama, have on racial attitudes in the U.S.? Did race relations improve, stay the same or get worse during his administration -- the last perhaps as a result of a "backlash" effect among racially resentful whites? “

“Our recent analysis of several indicators of racial resentment before and during the Obama administration provides evidence that racial resentment decreased among the majority of white Americans during Obama's presidency. Republicans were the only political group who did not decrease in racial resentment -- but they did not increase significantly either.”

Overall, white racial resentment decreased significantly from the years before Obama took office compared with the final two years of his administration. The index fell from .82 in 2004 and 2007 to .75 in 2015 and 2016, a statistically significant change.”

The only political group whose members did not decrease in racial resentment between the two time periods are Republicans.”

The differences between the two periods by party identification are statistically significant and important.

  • Republicans are generally the most racially resentful; Democrats are the least.
  • The decrease in racial resentment among Democrats is statistically significant.
  • Independents also showed a decrease in racial resentment, and this decrease is marginally significant.
  • Republicans did not show a statistically significant change.

White Racial Resentment Before, During Obama Years

Racial resentment among republicans during Obama was .87 and that was higher than the overall index and remained at .87 even as the national average fell to .75. For Independents the index dropped from .86 to .77 and the Democrats were 10 points below the national average to begin with at .75 and their resentment fell 15 points to .62.

We are not "racially resentful whites".

We are whites who resent being falsely accused of racism by fucking assholes for no reason.
is that why blacks murder blacks at 4 times the rate that whites murder?
commit sexual assault and hate crimes at over TWICE the rate
blacks about 13% of the population
whites about 67%
whites that murder blacks = 189
blacks that murder whites = 409
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
What the Regressive Left will never see (such is the nature of hardcore ideology) is the role it has played in exacerbating said resentments.

As obvious as it is, they will never see it. Period.
They see it just fine....But they also know that If the problem goes away, they will have no issue over which to rile up the resentful in their ranks.

It's all very Freudian....If you claim the mantle of victimhood, that requires an oppressor...In order to be continuously oppressed, you need to keep your oppressor alive and close at hand....This dynamic turns the "oppressed" into a twisted version of demon worshipers.

I give you exhibit A:

What the Regressive Left will never see (such is the nature of hardcore ideology) is the role it has played in exacerbating said resentments. As obvious as it is, they will never see it. Period.
They see it just fine....But they also know that If the problem goes away, they will have no issue over which to rile up the resentful in their ranks.
Can't argue.

I do believe that being infected by a hardcore partisan ideology can create a kind of intellectual myopia, though. At a subconscious level, I think those infected can literally talk themselves out of what they see before it hits them on a conscious level.

I think. Maybe.
What the Regressive Left will never see (such is the nature of hardcore ideology) is the role it has played in exacerbating said resentments.

As obvious as it is, they will never see it. Period.
"Regressive Left"? Is that back again? It still sounds incredibly dumb but if it makes you feel clever, carry on.
What the Regressive Left will never see (such is the nature of hardcore ideology) is the role it has played in exacerbating said resentments.

As obvious as it is, they will never see it. Period.
"Regressive Left"? Is that back again? It still sounds incredibly dumb but if it makes you feel clever, carry on.

Interestingly, the term was coined by a liberal Brit Muslim named Maajid Nawaz, and advanced by other (actual) liberals, all of whom are horrified by the behaviors of the illiberal leftist authoritarians who have taken over the left side of our political spectrum.

I appreciate your interest.
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What the Regressive Left will never see (such is the nature of hardcore ideology) is the role it has played in exacerbating said resentments.

As obvious as it is, they will never see it. Period.
"Regressive Left"? Is that back again? It still sounds incredibly dumb but if it makes you feel clever, carry on.

Interestingly, the term was coined by a liberal Brit Muslim named Maajid Nawaz, and advanced by other (actual) liberals, all of whom are horrified by the behaviors of the illiberal leftist authoritarians who have taken over the left side of our political spectrum.

I appreciate your interest.
It matters not who coined it. It`s stupid and so is your babbling about illiberal leftist authoritarians whatever that`s supposed to be. Give it up and save some dignity.
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What the Regressive Left will never see (such is the nature of hardcore ideology) is the role it has played in exacerbating said resentments.

As obvious as it is, they will never see it. Period.
"Regressive Left"? Is that back again? It still sounds incredibly dumb but if it makes you feel clever, carry on.

Interestingly, the term was coined by a liberal Brit Muslim named Maajid Nawaz, and advanced by other (actual) liberals, all of whom are horrified by the behaviors of the illiberal leftist authoritarians who have taken over the left side of our political spectrum.

I appreciate your interest.
It matters not who coined it. It`s stupid and so is your babbling about illiberal leftist authoritarians whatever that`s supposed to be. Give it up and save some dignity.
Wow, you're very upset. Understandable.

I will continue using that term. If you don't like that, you'll just have to deal with it.
What the Regressive Left will never see (such is the nature of hardcore ideology) is the role it has played in exacerbating said resentments.

As obvious as it is, they will never see it. Period.
"Regressive Left"? Is that back again? It still sounds incredibly dumb but if it makes you feel clever, carry on.

Interestingly, the term was coined by a liberal Brit Muslim named Maajid Nawaz, and advanced by other (actual) liberals, all of whom are horrified by the behaviors of the illiberal leftist authoritarians who have taken over the left side of our political spectrum.

I appreciate your interest.
It matters not who coined it. It`s stupid and so is your babbling about illiberal leftist authoritarians whatever that`s supposed to be. Give it up and save some dignity.
Wow, you're very upset. Understandable.

I will continue using that term. If you don't like that, you'll just have to deal with it.
Help yourself. It`s laughably stupid and it`s not catching on.
  • Thanks
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What the Regressive Left will never see (such is the nature of hardcore ideology) is the role it has played in exacerbating said resentments.

As obvious as it is, they will never see it. Period.
"Regressive Left"? Is that back again? It still sounds incredibly dumb but if it makes you feel clever, carry on.

Interestingly, the term was coined by a liberal Brit Muslim named Maajid Nawaz, and advanced by other (actual) liberals, all of whom are horrified by the behaviors of the illiberal leftist authoritarians who have taken over the left side of our political spectrum.

I appreciate your interest.
It matters not who coined it. It`s stupid and so is your babbling about illiberal leftist authoritarians whatever that`s supposed to be. Give it up and save some dignity.
Wow, you're very upset. Understandable.

I will continue using that term. If you don't like that, you'll just have to deal with it.
Help yourself. It`s laughably stupid and it`s not catching on.
It sure does trigger the Regressives, though.

Look at you, three posts of complaint.

If you're trying to pretend you're not triggered, you're doing a lousy job so far.

Go ahead, let it all out.
What the Regressive Left will never see (such is the nature of hardcore ideology) is the role it has played in exacerbating said resentments.

As obvious as it is, they will never see it. Period.

Yep. Republicans are racists. Not all, but. Anyone to blame for that? Of course... Those little kids were compelled, and by none other than Democrats. It's also obvious, and obviously, Democrats can't even see it. Or, shall we say, the "Regressive Left", a group best left undefined, for that obviates the need to explain their exact behavior, and the exact way in which that behavior relates to the increased racism on the right. And, since they cannot possibly see it, their objections just confirm the fact that they cannot see it.

A hermetically closed world-view, and how it shields itself against the onslaught of facts and logic, is a wonder to behold.
And we can add after Obama to this.

White Racial Resentment Before, During Obama Years.
by Robert Bird and Frank Newport

“What impact did the first African-American U.S. president, Barack Obama, have on racial attitudes in the U.S.? Did race relations improve, stay the same or get worse during his administration -- the last perhaps as a result of a "backlash" effect among racially resentful whites? “

“Our recent analysis of several indicators of racial resentment before and during the Obama administration provides evidence that racial resentment decreased among the majority of white Americans during Obama's presidency. Republicans were the only political group who did not decrease in racial resentment -- but they did not increase significantly either.”

Overall, white racial resentment decreased significantly from the years before Obama took office compared with the final two years of his administration. The index fell from .82 in 2004 and 2007 to .75 in 2015 and 2016, a statistically significant change.”

The only political group whose members did not decrease in racial resentment between the two time periods are Republicans.”

The differences between the two periods by party identification are statistically significant and important.

  • Republicans are generally the most racially resentful; Democrats are the least.
  • The decrease in racial resentment among Democrats is statistically significant.
  • Independents also showed a decrease in racial resentment, and this decrease is marginally significant.
  • Republicans did not show a statistically significant change.

White Racial Resentment Before, During Obama Years

Racial resentment among republicans during Obama was .87 and that was higher than the overall index and remained at .87 even as the national average fell to .75. For Independents the index dropped from .86 to .77 and the Democrats were 10 points below the national average to begin with at .75 and their resentment fell 15 points to .62.
We know this to be true because whites never got over 39% in their demographic for the Black POTUS while every single other racial demographic was at least above 60% in their support for Obama. I say it scared the shit out of conservative whites and most likely some liberal ones as well. I predicted the backlash.
What the Regressive Left will never see (such is the nature of hardcore ideology) is the role it has played in exacerbating said resentments.

As obvious as it is, they will never see it. Period.

So the so called Regressive Lefts opposition to white racism played a role in exacerbating racial resentment.

And you cannot see just how stupid what you believe is.
What the Regressive Left will never see (such is the nature of hardcore ideology) is the role it has played in exacerbating said resentments.

As obvious as it is, they will never see it. Period.
"Regressive Left"? Is that back again? It still sounds incredibly dumb but if it makes you feel clever, carry on.
You certainly aren’t “progressive” when you think a president that explicitly encouraged racial riots multiple times, explicitly hired a racist to do his traditional presidential and first lady portraits, and repeatedly attacked those who didn’t vote for him is somehow the victim of racism.

What else would you psychopaths like to be called?
What the Regressive Left will never see (such is the nature of hardcore ideology) is the role it has played in exacerbating said resentments.

As obvious as it is, they will never see it. Period.

So the so called Regressive Lefts opposition to white racism played a role in exacerbating racial resentment.

And you cannot see just how stupid what you believe is.
So called “white racism”.
What the Regressive Left will never see (such is the nature of hardcore ideology) is the role it has played in exacerbating said resentments.

As obvious as it is, they will never see it. Period.

So the so called Regressive Lefts opposition to white racism played a role in exacerbating racial resentment.

And you cannot see just how stupid what you believe is.
So called “white racism”.

White racism. There is no so called about it.
What the Regressive Left will never see (such is the nature of hardcore ideology) is the role it has played in exacerbating said resentments.

As obvious as it is, they will never see it. Period.

So the so called Regressive Lefts opposition to white racism played a role in exacerbating racial resentment.

And you cannot see just how stupid what you believe is.
So called “white racism”.

White racism. There is no so called about it.
White people having children and simply breathing is considered racism to privileged racist pieces of shit like you.

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