White Privilege in America.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
What is “White Privilege”? White Privilege definitely exists but it is not what most people believe it is.

“White Privilege” is a derogatory term used by actual privileged white people to describe “bad” white people who are not riding on the bandwagon of politic correctness; the kind of people who cling to their guns and religion. Genuine privileged white people in the US are comprised of politicians, journalists, educators, judges, legislators and religious figures that foster turncoat racism and bigotry against uncooperative Caucasians. They are modern Benedict Arnolds protecting their special status.

Like Jews that betrayed and reported fellow Jews during Hitler’s early rise to power, America’s privileged whites seek to maintain their special perch by giving aid and comfort to the hordes they see scaling the walls of identity politics. They want their houses to be spared when the pall of the plague sweeps the streets taking out the first-born of those who didn’t “play ball” with the directed thought process of the ideological and corporate upper class.

Professional privileged whites have been presiding over the use of Opiates, Adderall, Ritalin and medical marijuana in a chemical attack on common sense. It’s a tactical, calculated poisoning of the spirit that produces a voluntary cultural suicide making it much easier to throw their pale-faced brethren into the path of the approaching stampedes.

Privileged whites overrun the media and they use it as a propaganda weapon that compliments the chemical clouds. Witness the Kentucky Covington students ambushed by hateful groupthink. They were quickly accosted by a media cavalry flying the flag of axiomatic blame that became automatic prejudice.

White privilege is everywhere in our society and it is not going to step down from that privilege. It will eat its own to survive and that’s exactly what it is doing. It’s pragmatic racism on a scale not seen in modern culture until now. It’s a perverse and clever attack on democracy that is new, improved and unanticipated.

White Privilege in America betrays middle class white society because whites are not seen as the future. It banks on the hopes that Trump haters are so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that the revolution will be all over before they realize what happened.

Trump’s election threw a huge wrench into the gears of Pavlovian puppetry and now government is paralyzed. They’ll destroy us all to get rid of him.
Yeah them white elitist privileged liberal homo fascists, make me wanna puke.
What does this have to do with politics?
What is “White Privilege”? White Privilege definitely exists but it is not what most people believe it is.

“White Privilege” is a derogatory term used by actual privileged white people to describe “bad” white people who are not riding on the bandwagon of politic correctness; the kind of people who cling to their guns and religion. Genuine privileged white people in the US are comprised of politicians, journalists, educators, judges, legislators and religious figures that foster turncoat racism and bigotry against uncooperative Caucasians. They are modern Benedict Arnolds protecting their special status.

Like Jews that betrayed and reported fellow Jews during Hitler’s early rise to power, America’s privileged whites seek to maintain their special perch by giving aid and comfort to the hordes they see scaling the walls of identity politics. They want their houses to be spared when the pall of the plague sweeps the streets taking out the first-born of those who didn’t “play ball” with the directed thought process of the ideological and corporate upper class.

Professional privileged whites have been presiding over the use of Opiates, Adderall, Ritalin and medical marijuana in a chemical attack on common sense. It’s a tactical, calculated poisoning of the spirit that produces a voluntary cultural suicide making it much easier to throw their pale-faced brethren into the path of the approaching stampedes.

Privileged whites overrun the media and they use it as a propaganda weapon that compliments the chemical clouds. Witness the Kentucky Covington students ambushed by hateful groupthink. They were quickly accosted by a media cavalry flying the flag of axiomatic blame that became automatic prejudice.

White privilege is everywhere in our society and it is not going to step down from that privilege. It will eat its own to survive and that’s exactly what it is doing. It’s pragmatic racism on a scale not seen in modern culture until now. It’s a perverse and clever attack on democracy that is new, improved and unanticipated.

White Privilege in America betrays middle class white society because whites are not seen as the future. It banks on the hopes that Trump haters are so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that the revolution will be all over before they realize what happened.

Trump’s election threw a huge wrench into the gears of Pavlovian puppetry and now government is paralyzed. They’ll destroy us all to get rid of him.
As I have said before, "white privilege" is simply being decedents of those whose families were not completely destroyed by the slave trade. That is an advantage. If they want to make themselves feel better by calling it a filthy racists name like "white privilege" then whatever. All that does is invalidate a valid argument.
If you are a successful Black Man or Woman, and a liberal doesn't know you are Black, you only are successful because of White Privilege.
What is “White Privilege”? White Privilege definitely exists but it is not what most people believe it is.

“White Privilege” is a derogatory term used by actual privileged white people to describe “bad” white people who are not riding on the bandwagon of politic correctness; the kind of people who cling to their guns and religion. Genuine privileged white people in the US are comprised of politicians, journalists, educators, judges, legislators and religious figures that foster turncoat racism and bigotry against uncooperative Caucasians. They are modern Benedict Arnolds protecting their special status.

Like Jews that betrayed and reported fellow Jews during Hitler’s early rise to power, America’s privileged whites seek to maintain their special perch by giving aid and comfort to the hordes they see scaling the walls of identity politics. They want their houses to be spared when the pall of the plague sweeps the streets taking out the first-born of those who didn’t “play ball” with the directed thought process of the ideological and corporate upper class.

Professional privileged whites have been presiding over the use of Opiates, Adderall, Ritalin and medical marijuana in a chemical attack on common sense. It’s a tactical, calculated poisoning of the spirit that produces a voluntary cultural suicide making it much easier to throw their pale-faced brethren into the path of the approaching stampedes.

Privileged whites overrun the media and they use it as a propaganda weapon that compliments the chemical clouds. Witness the Kentucky Covington students ambushed by hateful groupthink. They were quickly accosted by a media cavalry flying the flag of axiomatic blame that became automatic prejudice.

White privilege is everywhere in our society and it is not going to step down from that privilege. It will eat its own to survive and that’s exactly what it is doing. It’s pragmatic racism on a scale not seen in modern culture until now. It’s a perverse and clever attack on democracy that is new, improved and unanticipated.

White Privilege in America betrays middle class white society because whites are not seen as the future. It banks on the hopes that Trump haters are so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that the revolution will be all over before they realize what happened.

Trump’s election threw a huge wrench into the gears of Pavlovian puppetry and now government is paralyzed. They’ll destroy us all to get rid of him.
Former CBS Director of Diversity: Network Has a ‘White Problem.’

In a rather damning opinion piece written for Variety, former director of Entertainment Diversity & Inclusion Whitney Davis chronicled what has now become a familiar story from women in Hollywood: years of enduring harassment for fear of losing a job she was truly grateful to get when she got out of college.

On top of the harassment, Davis says that CBS has a “white problem” that is systemic:

Did you know that there’s not one black creative executive working at CBS Television Network or CBS Television Studios? Of the network’s 36 creative executives — all upper management roles that deal with content development, casting, current production, daytime and alternative programming — there are only three women of color, none black. There is not one executive of color working in casting at CBS. The one Latinx executive hired in casting last year lasted eight months. He works at Netflix now.

As any conservative consumer of Hollywood entertainment is painfully aware, the leftist preaching in movies and on television never stops.​

The Left projects its sins onto others, always.
White Privilege is a tool developed by Identity Politics hustlers to manipulate white people to serve a totalitarian agenda.
White Privilege is a tool developed by Identity Politics hustlers to manipulate white people to serve a totalitarian agenda.
No its minorities who see the whites as being in control and living in wealth. It's that frame of mind a 17 year old has when they are thinking about having to support themselves and start at the bottom.

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