White Parents in Virginia shutdown anti white propaganda video!


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
White Parents in Virginia Shutdown White Guilt Video!

Good for the parents! I would have done the same! My daughter brought him a field trip form I THOUGHT was a good idea library,art council etc till I saw the REAL reason for it which was to show them a propaganda video on that moron Jackie Robinson like my 9 year old daughter gives a shit about some coon that "broke the color barrier" in baseball..um no. She said dad I don't want to go see that crap,I said good because you aren't. Simple as that. Raise your kids with NO WHITE GUILT! 100% WHITE PRIDE! I am and its working. She is superior to her classmates and is in the gifted classes at school.
White Parents in Virginia Shutdown White Guilt Video!

Good for the parents! I would have done the same! My daughter brought him a field trip form I THOUGHT was a good idea library,art council etc till I saw the REAL reason for it which was to show them a propaganda video on that moron Jackie Robinson like my 9 year old daughter gives a shit about some coon that "broke the color barrier" in baseball..um no. She said dad I don't want to go see that crap,I said good because you aren't. Simple as that. Raise your kids with NO WHITE GUILT! 100% WHITE PRIDE! I am and its working. She is superior to her classmates and is in the gifted classes at school.

Wow! Gifted classes! That's awesome. What a wonderful parent you are.
White Parents in Virginia Shutdown White Guilt Video!

Good for the parents! I would have done the same! My daughter brought him a field trip form I THOUGHT was a good idea library,art council etc till I saw the REAL reason for it which was to show them a propaganda video on that moron Jackie Robinson like my 9 year old daughter gives a shit about some coon that "broke the color barrier" in baseball..um no. She said dad I don't want to go see that crap,I said good because you aren't. Simple as that. Raise your kids with NO WHITE GUILT! 100% WHITE PRIDE! I am and its working. She is superior to her classmates and is in the gifted classes at school.

Wow! Gifted classes! That's awesome. What a wonderful parent you are.
I know I am. No need for your half ass asinine comment its not wanted,heeded or heard. :)
White Parents in Virginia Shutdown White Guilt Video!

Good for the parents! I would have done the same! My daughter brought him a field trip form I THOUGHT was a good idea library,art council etc till I saw the REAL reason for it which was to show them a propaganda video on that moron Jackie Robinson like my 9 year old daughter gives a shit about some coon that "broke the color barrier" in baseball..um no. She said dad I don't want to go see that crap,I said good because you aren't. Simple as that. Raise your kids with NO WHITE GUILT! 100% WHITE PRIDE! I am and its working. She is superior to her classmates and is in the gifted classes at school.

Wow! Gifted classes! That's awesome. What a wonderful parent you are.
I know I am. No need for your half ass asinine comment its not wanted,heeded or heard. :)

Der......der....I didn't hear what I just responded to. Der......der.

Note to self: Stay out of hillbilly Virginia, for sure.
Thanks for the heads up, OP
White Parents in Virginia Shutdown White Guilt Video!

Good for the parents! I would have done the same! My daughter brought him a field trip form I THOUGHT was a good idea library,art council etc till I saw the REAL reason for it which was to show them a propaganda video on that moron Jackie Robinson like my 9 year old daughter gives a shit about some coon that "broke the color barrier" in baseball..um no. She said dad I don't want to go see that crap,I said good because you aren't. Simple as that. Raise your kids with NO WHITE GUILT! 100% WHITE PRIDE! I am and its working. She is superior to her classmates and is in the gifted classes at school.

Wow! Gifted classes! That's awesome. What a wonderful parent you are.
I know I am. No need for your half ass asinine comment its not wanted,heeded or heard. :)

Der......der....I didn't hear what I just responded to. Der......der.

Anyone home? NO!
Kinda had this idea that this place bans people for using racial slurs. Is that not the case anymore?
Note to self: Stay out of hillbilly Virginia, for sure.
Thanks for the heads up, OP
Good good less trash in my new home state the better. Enough god damn yankees stinking a southern state up as it is. Funny how you whine about "hillbilly" Va because they smashed this pathetic attempt at white guilt propaganda.
Kinda had this idea that this place bans people for using racial slurs. Is that not the case anymore?
Since when? Dude I have used "racial slurs" I said it quite clearly BTW since I have been here. It "blocks" some words but that's about it. Hell this is the ONLY place that I can find I can use whatever language I like. Hell you can't even say n!gger on Stormfront!
Kinda had this idea that this place bans people for using racial slurs. Is that not the case anymore?
Since when? Dude I have used "racial slurs" I said it quite clearly BTW since I have been here. It "blocks" some words but that's about it. Hell this is the ONLY place that I can find I can use whatever language I like. Hell you can't even say n!gger on Stormfront!

Another wingnut on here named Bigfoot got kicked off for saying the n-word a few years ago, that's why I asked.

But hey, you're still a POS whether they let you stay here or not, so it's all good, I guess.
Sigh I remember the good old days when schools were charged with teaching children the 3 R's and not devoted to social engineering.
Kinda had this idea that this place bans people for using racial slurs. Is that not the case anymore?
Since when? Dude I have used "racial slurs" I said it quite clearly BTW since I have been here. It "blocks" some words but that's about it. Hell this is the ONLY place that I can find I can use whatever language I like. Hell you can't even say n!gger on Stormfront!
While I'm 100% with you when it comes to the "white guilt" part, I would suggest you refrain yourself from using racial slurs.
We are not "guilty" partially because we are willing to show people respect which they rightfully deserve.
Kinda had this idea that this place bans people for using racial slurs. Is that not the case anymore?
Since when? Dude I have used "racial slurs" I said it quite clearly BTW since I have been here. It "blocks" some words but that's about it. Hell this is the ONLY place that I can find I can use whatever language I like. Hell you can't even say n!gger on Stormfront!

Another wingnut on here named Bigfoot got kicked off for saying the n-word a few years ago, that's why I asked.

But hey, you're still a POS whether they let you stay here or not, so it's all good, I guess.
Opinions are like assholes...I am sure you know the rest.
Kinda had this idea that this place bans people for using racial slurs. Is that not the case anymore?
Since when? Dude I have used "racial slurs" I said it quite clearly BTW since I have been here. It "blocks" some words but that's about it. Hell this is the ONLY place that I can find I can use whatever language I like. Hell you can't even say n!gger on Stormfront!
While I'm 100% with you when it comes to the "white guilt" part, I would suggest you refrain yourself from using racial slurs.
We are not "guilty" partially because we are willing to show people respect which they rightfully deserve.

Hostility, Contempt and Derision. One of the first steps in guarding our race from such a catastrophic abomination is to have the correct attitude towards the *******. Webster’s dictionary defines “******” as “a vulgar, offensive term of hostility and contempt for the blackman.” Very good. We’ll accept that. That is exactly how we feel about ******* and it describes precisely what the White Man’s proper attitude should be towards these animals. Our attitude towards ******* at all times must be one of hostility, contempt and derision. We must think in terms of: to hell with the *******, to hell with the Jews.

Just part of a longer chapter in a great book.

Ben Klassen on ******* and jews - Vanguard News Network Forum
I don't buy into this very racist "white guilt" or "white priviledge" bullshit.

There is no such thing as white anything for heavens sake. Italians are the same as Danes? French the same as Iranians. give me a freaking break.

YOU of color are the racists. We are of so many ethnicities and we can live together. No problemo. You are the ones with the color problem.

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