‘White Only’ Pool Sign Discriminatory, Not Decorative Commission Rules

Have you ever heard of the 1st Amendment?

On my personal property I can display basically anything that I want.

And if you walk by and don't like what you see; than that's just tough.

In other words; don't look and you won't be offended.

Gawd I hate PC pukes that want the government to control every aspect of "other" peoples lives.

There, did that learn ya?? :cool:
I wonder what would happen if a brudder put Blacks Only by his pool ?
OOPS. I'm sorry. This is in case there are African-murkins viewing.:cuckoo:

Ek wonder wat sou gebeur as 'n bradder slegs swartes deur sy swembad?


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Have you ever heard of the 1st Amendment?

On my personal property I can display basically anything that I want.

And if you walk by and don't like what you see; than that's just tough.

In other words; don't look and you won't be offended.

Gawd I hate PC pukes that want the government to control every aspect of "other" peoples lives.

There, did that learn ya?? :cool:
You can eh? Hmmm It is my bet that you can't, but you are the teacher here today, so I am listening...

If you display something like a sign of a naked woman on your property, that is seen by the public on the street, and for which is highly offensive to the public & especially inappropriate for the children to see, so what do you think will happen next proffessor ? If I ain't mistaken, you would probably be in violation of several city codes and/or ordinances for starters, and that would be the first place they would be looking in order to deal with someone like you, that's if you put that up for all to see.
You can eh? Hmmm It is my bet that you can't, but you are the teacher here today, so I am listening...

If you display something like a sign of a naked woman on your property, that is seen by the public on the street, and for which is highly offensive to the public & especially inappropriate for the children to see, so what do you think will happen next proffessor ? If I ain't mistaken, you would probably be in violation of several city codes and/or ordinances for starters, and that would be the first place they would be looking in order to deal with someone like you, that's if you put that up for all to see.
Now you are switching the issue from offending people's personal "values".

To offending peoples "morals" by displaying pornography.

Look, I don't know what your agenda is about or why you are posting on this thread.

But I am not interested in playing your silly little game. :doubt:
apartment complex pool......excuse was the hair product was bad for the pool
I few years back I had a full size in the ground cement swimming pool.

My children used to invite their friends over to swim.

I could always tell when they had their black friends over for a swim.

Because there would always be a stain at the water line all around the pool.

Kind of like a bath tub ring.

I finally had to tell my children to tell their black friends that I didn't mind them coming over to go swimming.

But that they needed to wash out the Afro Sheen or what ever the gook is that they put in their hair before coming over to swim in my pool.

Because I was tired of having to scrub the tile to get rid of the greasy ring they were leaving.

Was that racist? :cool:

This has to be a joke.
It's meant as kitsch. It's meant tongue in cheek. How many “non whites” were hurt here? Isn't that the defining point?
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It seems to me racism is as rampant as it ever was, it feels like 1949 Mississipi on these fuckin boards sometimes.

It might seem that way, but race relations are much better now. Actually, it is nice that folks can be so frank, I think THAT is much better. You can post here now loud and clear, years ago you might have been afraid to whisper a contrary opinion. That is something we all should be proud of as Americans.
You didn't read the LA times article nor the quote I posted from it.

Now have to just wonder about your claim that warm weather can make a pool cloudy. Especially since I used to live in Nevada, in the Mojave Desert. It could get up to 130, I never saw our pool cloudy. Not once. As many times as I've been to Las Vegas, never known for cool summers, I never saw one pool cloudy because of warm weather. I never saw any pool in Palm Springs or Rancho Mirage cloudy because of warm weather. Aside from your personal experience in heat causing pools to become cloudy what else have you got?

Put a lot of people into a pool on a hot day and it will get cloudy.

not if they're all wearing white hoods

No, ESPECIALLY if they're all wearing white hoods! Have you seen the kind of people who still do that? In my experience, their attitude, mental acuity, and habits of personal hygiene all leave quite a lot to be desired.

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