White Male Terrorists Are an Issue We Should Discuss


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
My teenage granddaughters class at school is having discussions on this , I am sure this will be an ongoing discussion as those that control the current narrative fade away

Since September 11, 2001, preventing terrorism in the United States has become one of the main concerns of citizens, policymakers, and law enforcement agencies. Leaders believe that battling "terror" isn't just done by waging war on jihadists themselves, but also on their ideology. When an attack whose perpetrator is affiliated with Islam occurs on American soil, the nation collectively recoils in horror at the audacious attack, mourns for those we've lost, and then subsequently doubles down on rooting out any semblance of pro-extremist thought in our society.

When the assailant is identified, intelligence agencies conduct a thorough investigation into the subject's known terror ties. These ties are provided to outlets that, in real time, condemn the violent extremism that animated the subject. When bad actors align themselves with extremist Islamic ideology, information about those who propagate this dangerous dogma is eagerly consumed because we deem it essential — not to just know what happened, buteverything and every person that may have influenced what happened. Yet when it comes to domestic terrorism carried out by white men, such thorough accounting lacks.

It's Time to Talk About What's Radicalizing White Male Terrorists
Maybe race was not the issue-----it is up to the cops to investigate that
issue and they may not be able to REVEAL their criteria before the person
goes on trial. There have been MANY MANY cases of whites shooting things
up that have been determined to be of Racist motivation
My teenage granddaughters class at school is having discussions on this , I am sure this will be an ongoing discussion as those that control the current narrative fade away

Since September 11, 2001, preventing terrorism in the United States has become one of the main concerns of citizens, policymakers, and law enforcement agencies. Leaders believe that battling "terror" isn't just done by waging war on jihadists themselves, but also on their ideology. When an attack whose perpetrator is affiliated with Islam occurs on American soil, the nation collectively recoils in horror at the audacious attack, mourns for those we've lost, and then subsequently doubles down on rooting out any semblance of pro-extremist thought in our society.

When the assailant is identified, intelligence agencies conduct a thorough investigation into the subject's known terror ties. These ties are provided to outlets that, in real time, condemn the violent extremism that animated the subject. When bad actors align themselves with extremist Islamic ideology, information about those who propagate this dangerous dogma is eagerly consumed because we deem it essential — not to just know what happened, buteverything and every person that may have influenced what happened. Yet when it comes to domestic terrorism carried out by white men, such thorough accounting lacks.

It's Time to Talk About What's Radicalizing White Male Terrorists
Sure, let's do that. All 12 of them, the penultimate tip of the iceberg when it comes to real terrorist. Yeah. I am like.. This isn't a diversion, honest! White people are all evil hatemongers, we all know it. Squirrel! Look the other way!

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