White House Summit on Violent Extremism opens with Muslim prayer – no other faiths represented


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
(CNSNews.com) – A Muslim prayer was recited at the start of the second day of the White House summit on “Countering Violent Extremism,” but no other religious text was presented during the portion of the event that was open to the press.

Imam Sheikh Sa'ad Musse Roble, president of the World Peace Organization in Minneapolis, Minn., recited a “verse from the Quran” following remarks by Obama administration officials and Democratic members of Congress.


Imam Abdisalam Adam of the Islamic Civil Society of America offered a translation of the verses:

“In translation those verses of the Quran mean ‘Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption in the land, it’s as if he has slain mankind entirely, and whoever saves one life, it’s as if he has saved mankind entirely,’” Adam said.

“Mosques serve as (sic) beacon of hope,” Adam said. “While imams’ provide moral compass for the Muslim community in navigating life.”

Adam said “religious leaders” want to have “dialogue” with the U.S. government about “issues of concern” and said that Muslim imams have spoken out against terrorism.

“The peace, safety and security of the United States are of fundamental importance to the Muslim American community, and we oppose any form or shape of violent extremism that threatens peaceful coexistence,” Adam said.

“We believe in the right of all people to live in peace and security,” Adam said. “Muslim imams have condemned and continue to denounce anyone who tries to use the religion of Islam to support terrorism.”

Roble spoke in English on behalf of his organization, asking people to “make peace.”

“Make peace in yourself, in your family, in your friends, in your neighbors, in your state, in your country and of the war because you are brothers and sisters,” Roble said. “And God bless you.”


Could you all imagine if this was a Christian prayer and obama attended it?

Here is the reaction we would get from left wingers.


Or perhaps.....


Certainly a reaction like this.


But, since this was a muslim prayer from a person who is a darker than beige, well here is the reaction we get from those same liberals.....

What is the reaction from liberals (including Abe Foxman, leader of the anti-defamation league and who led protests against the movie The Passion) to Netanyahu coming to speak to congress?


Remember when that father led that muslim prayer on the white house lawn when this president illegally traded five prisoners for one deserter?


What was their reaction to that?


Fucking liberals everyone. Actually, to clarify. They are socialist/Marxist pieces of American hating, Christian hating, Israel hating (especially Jewish Americans) who we call liberals.
They are Hypocrites......................YES INDEED......................

It is not Politically Correct to say anything bad about the Islam Religion because someone might get OFFENDED...............

BBBBUTTTTTT is OK to OFFEND CHRISTIANS...................That is Politically CORRECT to them.............as they attack ALL OTHER RELIGIONS.......................

We INFIDELS have no right to bitch about Islam Murdering and Butchering their fellow man..............It's NOT ALL ISLAM BTW..............as we say all the time..............BUT OF COURSE to the LEFT WE ATTACK THE INNOCENT ONES.

To the headline of the OP..................

I have No PROBLEM with them OPENING WITH AN ISLAMIC PRAYER.......................

As it is FITTING to the World's current problems with RADICAL ISLAM...................At least they are at the right place to DEAL WITH RADICAL ISLAM....................

But that would BE PROFILING..............are they PROFILING MUSLIMS HERE..............

A Muslim conference exploring the options in confronting jihadism is opened with prayer and the reactionary far right Christians are going all

A Muslim conference exploring the options in confronting jihadism is opened with prayer and the reactionary far right Christians are going all

Which part can't you read Fakey.............

I stated it was fitting..............and at the right place..................

Where should the conference be held, at a BUDDIST TEMPLE..............

At least they are at the right place.

The Hypocrisy of the left, which includes you, are it's OK to attack Christians but your a BIGOT if you dare say anything that offends a Muslim.................

That's BS Mr. FAKE. Which was my point.
A Muslim conference exploring the options in confronting jihadism is opened with prayer and the reactionary far right Christians are going all


it was a muslim prayer, why not a muslim prayer followed by a Christian prayer, a Jewish prayer, a hindu prayer, and a shinto prayer? Why only a muslim prayer?

obama and you libs say the problem is not islam but you start a conference on the problem with a muslim prayer----------WTF?

Obama's father and step father were muslims, he attended muslim madrassas in Indonesia, he said that the muslim call to prayer is the "prettiest sound on earth". Can you honestly say that obama is not a muslim sympathizer?
it was a muslim prayer, why not a muslim prayer followed by a Christian prayer, a Jewish prayer, a hindu prayer, and a shinto prayer? Why only a muslim prayer?
As before, it was a muslim conference about confronting jihadism.

bub, the far right American reactionary Christian community no longer rules this country.
Prayers happen every day in Congress...What' the hubbub,,,bub?
Why don't you get off your HIGH HORSE.....................

No problem with the prayer at that place.............My problem is how easy it is for the left to attack Christians and say it's righteous but evil to say anything about ISLAM as they might get offended.

Moral of the Story..............You can offend ALL OTHER RELIGIONS BUT ISLAM..................

Why's that....................and it only applies to you if the shoe fits.
The hypocrisy is that you are whining at getting kicked in the face for your stupid comment. It is a Muslim conference about confronting jihadism.

Act stupid, get treated as stupid.
Prayers happen every day in Congress...What' the hubbub,,,bub?
Why don't you get off your HIGH HORSE.....................

No problem with the prayer at that place.............My problem is how easy it is for the left to attack Christians and say it's righteous but evil to say anything about ISLAM as they might get offended.

Moral of the Story..............You can offend ALL OTHER RELIGIONS BUT ISLAM..................

Why's that....................and it only applies to you if the shoe fits.
What a crock of shit...Where is thy armor of God????
The hypocrisy is that you are whining at getting kicked in the face for your stupid comment.

Act stupid, get treated as stupid.
Coming from you I'll take that as a compliment.

Again, I'll ask the question..............


Can you read, and you know it's true............

Step up to the microphone FAKEY................
it was a muslim prayer, why not a muslim prayer followed by a Christian prayer, a Jewish prayer, a hindu prayer, and a shinto prayer? Why only a muslim prayer?
As before, it was a muslim conference about confronting jihadism.

bub, the far right American reactionary Christian community no longer rules this country.

was everyone who attended a muslim?

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