White House Bi-Partisan Meeting Eye Opening!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
This past Tuesday televised bi-partisan meeting on immigration held by President Trump was really an eye opening event it really shined a spotlight revealing that this issue remains a vexing problem for America. Anyone with a reasonable claim to having a great perspective on what is going on in Washington would conclude from watching this meeting there is no chance by January 20 or March 5 legislation can be passed that legalizes the DACA (Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals) Program. The sides are too far apart the Democrats Representative Cuellar, Representative Diaz-Balart, Senator Durbin and Representative Hoyer essentially clearly stated the Democrats position which is they are open to a deal only on DACA and Border Security nothing else they view the other conditions as comprehensive immigration reform which triggers a lot of other Democrat Party demands. Representative McCarthy clearly gave the Republicans position which is in order to do a deal legalizing DACA three other conditions must be met the legislation satisfactorily addresses border security, chain migration and the lottery distribution of visas.

The only hope that came from yesterday is Judge William Alsup's decision enjoining DHS from ending the DACA program for people already in it. Judge Alsup's opinion was a good opinion in my judgement because the opinion says that the government's claim is illegitimate that they did not have the legal authority to give deferred action status to this class of people comprised of people brought to the U.S. as children even though children have no control over this situation because the equities involved compelling call for DHS having such power the deferred action program is designed just for these types of situation where the equities cry out for letting such people stay In America, for instance, natural disasters and wars. Nevertheless, this court case's help is just based on a technicality that buys the Federal government some time to hopefully resolve the issue through legislation because the very deferred-action program involved here is a temporary program that by its definition the executive branch of government cannot be forced to continue the program indefinitely the system is set-up where if these people involved are to get defacto or otherwise legal permission to remain in America, Congress must authorize this status for these people. The DACA protections for these people is at best a stop-gap help, everyone in America needs to get this! I don't know what the Democrats should do on the issue of whether or not to de-couple DACA legalization from the Budget as a citizen that doesn't want to see a lot of people hurt by a government shut down I hope for an obvious temporary solution where the President agrees that if an appellate court lifts this injunction on DHS the President will by executive order command DHS to continue all the DACA protections for these people involved until the budget in existence at that time runs out.

If the Democrats and Republicans do find a way to separate the DACA issue from the looming need to pass a budget by January 20th I would like to proffer the following path be taken, in light of what the American people learned from the bi-partisan meeting, the Republican leadership has to forego satisfying or seeking the voting support of a significant part of their caucus! The only deal that has the possibility of garnishing needed bi-partisan votes to become law in the foreseeable future is the Democrat option on steroids, the DACA legalization with improved border security option. Make this option super attractive and very defensible for the members of Congress that vote for it. Instead of just legalizing DACA which gives the affected people just two years of protection which must be continually renewed on a program which by its very definition is temporary pass Dream Act provisions giving these innocent people permanent legal status and in return not only agree to building a significant length of the wall but give help to the Secretary of DHS that she was asking for in the bi-partisan meeting when she identified the crisis problem that her agency has had for the longest time where they apprehend people in the country illegally but the system doesn't have the wherewithal to deport the numbers that they apprehend. To anyone that is serious and credible about stopping illegal immigration they support a steel-reinforced concrete wall across portions of our borders because a wall is just a stronger fence that America won't have to rebuild every ten to fifteen years and fences or walls work in reducing illegal entry through our borders if one goes back to the Bush Administration and asks Border Patrol officials that were on the job before the fences were built and remained in their job after the fences were built they would tell you the construction of the fences had a significant positive impact in reducing illegal entry!

Some Republican policy positions on the current overall immigration issue are frankly shocking

they really need to do some soul searching and jettison some of their agenda. The Republican position against chain migration is disgraceful and significantly. Chain migration involves the immigration that results from a person emigrating to the U.S. legally and then he or she using that status to get visa for their immediate family members to come to this county. To a very large degree there is nothing the government needs to fix, the law here is fully good, except for tweaking it in the area of giving visas to siblings of U.S. citizens. A responsible American wants our laws to be virtuous and promote virtue. One has a duty to take care of one's children and one's parents as circumstances warrant. Giving visa preferences to children and parents of Lawful Permanent Residents is perfectly fine it's a great thing

we want these Residents to be good people meaning in part to take care of their children and parents.

Republicans are from Mars claiming there is a wrongdoing going on here, it is rather unbelievable their behavior here. The one area the Republicans have some merit here is for the visa preference for siblings America can only absorb a limited amount of people emigrating to America, the jobs and other things in America are first for American citizens this is what is good we must first do right by American citizens then we can look to help others meaning there will always be a limited number of visas the country can issue for people to live in America. When we issue 67500 visa per year to adult siblings of US citizens that is 67500 visas we aren't issuing to people to emigrate to the U.S. that could have a significant beneficial economic and/or social impact in the country. For helping immigration of siblings of U.S. citizens there isn't as strong a case as for children and/or parents of U.S. citizens one should understand the love between siblings and recognize that as good and something we want to recognize as good but we also need to recognize the country can only pay a limited price supporting U.S. citizens in this way. The merits of the issue seem to justify a reduction in the allotment of these visas to 25,000 to 35,000 per year, so if Washington does pursue comprehensive immigration reform this is an area where a good negotiation is warranted!

What also is terrible is the Republicans opposition and seeking to end the Diversity Immigration Visa Program, the green card lottery. This program issues visas to people based on a lottery or more precisely a computer generated random selection method and after the people from foreign countries are selected they have to go through a vetting process to insure they are good candidates to be allowed to emigrate to the U.S. . This program is a great program because it is fair and this is of utmost importance because we tell people throughout the world to come to American legally come to America the right way don't break our laws to come here well if we don't have a fair system like the DIV program than our request here will have little and/or no meaning. Common sense indicates that eliminating the DIV program will increase illegal immigration which begs the question what the hell are the Republicans trying to do here? Furthermore what is all this belittling and repulsion about foreigners emigrating to America that only initially offer to do manual labor. For most American our ancestors that emigrated to America offered only that type of labor. Republicans are really out in left field with their disparagement and rejection of this group of visa holders!

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