White House apologizes to ousted USDA worker

Well, now I've watched the WHOLE thing,

and this lady is a Class Act.

Other than me disagreeing with her about a couple of things,

she sounds like EXACTLY the person I would want in that position.

Her entire speech is a message, for ALL of us.
Well, I think the WH did the right thing here.

I don't. Having hired and managed many people and firing a few during my career - firing someone in haste without proper due diligence is always a mistake. She wasn't caught committing a crime which would require immediate action. She said something years ago that was embarrassing. The only thing that made it time critical was the thin-skinned political nature of this particular White House.

Shame on them.
Well, I think the WH did the right thing here.

I don't. Having hired and managed many people and firing a few during my career - firing someone in haste without proper due diligence is always a mistake. She wasn't caught committing a crime which would require immediate action. She said something years ago that was embarrassing. The only thing that made it time critical was the thin-skinned political nature of this particular White House.

Shame on them.

The tape was just months old and ws altered to make her look bad.

The crime the Obama team committed is trusting Fox news.
Well, now I've watched the WHOLE thing,

and this lady is a Class Act.

Other than me disagreeing with her about a couple of things,

she sounds like EXACTLY the person I would want in that position.

Her entire speech is a message, for ALL of us.

I liked most of what she said. Shirley Sherrod said she signed off on $80 million worth of business & industry loans & not one dime went to black business because none of them came foreword with a business plan worthy of money to start a business or industry. She said blacks have bad credit because of something as stupid as a cell phone they don't need & don't buy farms, business or homes they do need. She also said Blacks will sell their land they inherit for next to nothing because they don,t want to do hard work in the fields. Sherrod also said crime drives business out of black communities.

Funny isn't that what brought down the housing market & the world economy. I just love how the racist white people are always blamed for holding down the blacks. Shirley Sherrod once again confirmed a study by Freddie Mac, confirming earlier Federal Reserve and FDIC studies, contradicts race discrimination arguments for Fannie, Freddie & CRA. The study found that African-Americans with annual incomes of $65,000-$75,000 have on average worse credit records than whites making under $25,000. This showed that the difficulty in qualifying was not because of race but bad credit records. Accordingly, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas entitled a paper "Red Lining or Red Herring?"

Obama probably fired Shirley Sherrod because she said she hadn't lent any government money to Blacks.

Shirley Sherrod said it was to bad there were not white people at this meeting to listed to them. Maybe if they changed their racist name from NAACP to NAAPP (National Association for the Advancement of Poor People) whites would come.
This whole thing smells very bad to me.

It's so orchestrated. we are being manipulated.

The doctored video to blog to fox to full circle she is a reformed racist who now devotes her life to civil rights and service? Please. This is an oprah movie for pete's sake.

the admin tried to bash fox and beck again and AGAIN LOST !!!!! hahahahaha :clap2:
Well, I think the WH did the right thing here.

I don't. Having hired and managed many people and firing a few during my career - firing someone in haste without proper due diligence is always a mistake. She wasn't caught committing a crime which would require immediate action. She said something years ago that was embarrassing. The only thing that made it time critical was the thin-skinned political nature of this particular White House.

Shame on them.

I wonder if Lieutenant General Stanley McChrystal could give Ms. Sharrod the name of a good writer at Rolling Stone?









Fox news ran with this story that they knew came from a unreputable source.

The admins biggest mistake was trusting Fox to vet its stories properly.

Why can't you provide the time and the show Fox allegedly ran this on? Because the only evidence you guys have provided is OReilly and Hannity which aired after she was fired.

But then that doesn't help your propaganda, now does it?
What I do not understand, even listening to the video in full. She was speaking about the 1986- 1987 time frame. Why is she still in that mindset? The "I took him to his own", thing? As as a public servant? She did know the public included people of all color? And why hasn't anyone asked her such in the MSM? Just some questions on my mind.
Fox news ran with this story that they knew came from a unreputable source.

The admins biggest mistake was trusting Fox to vet its stories properly.

Why can't you provide the time and the show Fox allegedly ran this on? Because the only evidence you guys have provided is OReilly and Hannity which aired after she was fired.

But then that doesn't help your propaganda, now does it?

Yup, Breitbart posted his article Monday Jul 19th 2010 at 8:18 am

Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism?2010 - Big Government

And she had resigned by Monday same day by 7 PM.
It was a conservative blogger who did the misrepresenting and I wouldn't even bother visiting that blog if I were you (im not mentioning it as i dont want to give it any screentime).

Obama "acted stupidly" on this one. The reason I said "acted stupidly" because the last time he rushed to judgement and jumped the gun on a racial issue was with that officer crowley and professor gates incident.

I hope the pres has learned from this and does not jump the gun on race issues in the future.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice ;)

I haven't seen any evidence that Brietbart did the misrepresenting or the editting.

In fact, the only evidence seems to indicate that the NAACP was the only one who had a copy of the full tape. Which makes it extremely odd that they responded to this so quickly condemning it when they made the tape and the President of the NAACP was present when this speech was given and even mentioned by her in the full video.

Very odd.

Find me evidence that Brietbart did the editting, and I'll blame him. But until I see evidence, I am not going to follow the White House's stupid example and act without information.
Well, now I've watched the WHOLE thing,

and this lady is a Class Act.

Other than me disagreeing with her about a couple of things,

she sounds like EXACTLY the person I would want in that position.

Her entire speech is a message, for ALL of us.

Probably the real reason they fired her:p
CaféAuLait;2532349 said:
Fox news ran with this story that they knew came from a unreputable source.

The admins biggest mistake was trusting Fox to vet its stories properly.

Why can't you provide the time and the show Fox allegedly ran this on? Because the only evidence you guys have provided is OReilly and Hannity which aired after she was fired.

But then that doesn't help your propaganda, now does it?

Yup, Breitbart posted his article Monday Jul 19th 2010 at 8:18 am

Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism?2010 - Big Government

And she had resigned by Monday same day by 7 PM.

She was asked to resign before 5PM according to her side of the story.

But this doesn't tell us when Fox aired the story.
I haven't seen any evidence that Brietbart did the misrepresenting or the editting.

In fact, the only evidence seems to indicate that the NAACP was the only one who had a copy of the full tape. Which makes it extremely odd that they responded to this so quickly condemning it when they made the tape and the President of the NAACP was present when this speech was given and even mentioned by her in the full video.

Very odd.

Find me evidence that Brietbart did the editting, and I'll blame him. But until I see evidence, I am not going to follow the White House's stupid example and act without information.

From what he said on Hannity last night he was sent two excerpts of the video.

Andrew Breitbart on 'Hannity': 'This Is Not About Shirley Sherrod' - Hannity - FOXNews.com
If I was Shirley, I'd take the job back, and then say something like, "OK, fuckwads, this is how you're gonna dance to my tune for the next two years."
CaféAuLait;2532349 said:
Why can't you provide the time and the show Fox allegedly ran this on? Because the only evidence you guys have provided is OReilly and Hannity which aired after she was fired.

But then that doesn't help your propaganda, now does it?

Yup, Breitbart posted his article Monday Jul 19th 2010 at 8:18 am

Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism?2010 - Big Government

And she had resigned by Monday same day by 7 PM.

She was asked to resign before 5PM according to her side of the story.

But this doesn't tell us when Fox aired the story.

The story moved from the Internet to Fox News Channel on Monday night. In seeking her resignation, Sherrod said, a USDA deputy undersecretary told her the story was going to appear on Beck's program late Monday afternoon. Instead, Beck didn't discuss it that day; it first appeared a few hours later on the top-rated prime-time show "The O'Reilly Factor."

Sherrod Case Shows Power Of Conservative Media : NPR
Thank you. This confirms that Fox didn't air anything until after she was forced to resign.

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