White Christians, you do realize that without abortion

There would be a ton more non white people in this world, and a ton more non Christians?

All I want is a little consistency. If you are against abortion, then you are not just against it for white people or Christians. You are against it for everyone. Which means there would be a lot more people unlike you.

What the fuck does religion have to do with it?

Who knows. He seems to think people are just against abortion for white christians
If they could find a genetic marker for gay, for sure, Republicans would allow abortion. After all, gays are at the top of every GOP top ten hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

wow! never heard this before! right out of the DNC handbook.
There would be a ton more non white people in this world, and a ton more non Christians?

All I want is a little consistency. If you are against abortion, then you are not just against it for white people or Christians. You are against it for everyone. Which means there would be a lot more people unlike you.
ROFLMMFAO... How long did that take
to make the long and lonely journey
through the wasteland between your ears?
There would be a ton more non white people in this world, and a ton more non Christians?

All I want is a little consistency. If you are against abortion, then you are not just against it for white people or Christians. You are against it for everyone. Which means there would be a lot more people unlike you.
All nutbars can relax, India had 701,000 abortions in the last reported year, 2014.
Historical abortion statistics, India

China has 13 MILLION a year.
What Happens When Only 1.2% of Chinese Women Take the Pill: 13 Million Abortions | TIME.com
When you run out of fresh water and food, will you realize the world can not sustain such a huge population?
Nature made us far more expendable and childbirth far more problematic.

Our extinction will be assured and sooner rather than later.

We have far too many unwanted children and children with special needs that need love. Unwanted and unloved children become a burden on society in many ways.

A child should be wanted not just an accident or result of rape. Parents should be fully prepared to care for the child not milk society to care of it instead.

Some women really should not be a parent or risk too much to try and carry a child themselves. Some have too many children and cannot full give them each what they need.

God/creator/nature did not intend for even potential life to survive in animals or mankind. We consume eggs and young animals for out survival, so do other animals for their's. Some will even eat their own young.

So many animals are going extinct because of the spread of humanity and over population will do the same for us.

Women since recorded time and likely well before have know the herbs and foods to induce miscarriage. Even without clinical invasive abortions, they will not stop in the US or around the world.

Religious objections only apply to those who believe in that particular faith. Now a person can walk into any pharmacy any buy over the counter pills to terminate in the first trimester.

For health reason a pregnancy can be terminated if the life of a woman is at risk. Every doctor and ER will save the life if the woman first not a fetus that has yet to be born.

Women have options later in life to adopt or get surrogate, even to have eggs transplanted. Fertility clinics might produce a dozen embryos but only one or two will be allowed to survive to term.

A woman's body is her own and she should be ready to share her body for a child or have the right not to if she feels that is a better choice for her at that time.

If you know, there are foods in any garden or grocery store that will terminate a pregnancy. Natures abundance, god's medical chest, accessible to any woman.

Each woman has to decide for herself what is best for her life. Other's should mind their own business.

Are there any other human beings you are comfortable with denying rights and personhood to, to help reduce the world's population even more?

Or is your prejudice and bigotry only limited to those in the womb?

Not denying rights to any living breathing person, just giving women choices that have been available to them thought most of history and in almost every country in the world today. Letting women decide what is best for them. Giving them the right to control their own body, be it nine months or the next twenty years.

Women free to decide, to have the right to control their own life.
When you run out of fresh water and food, will you realize the world can not sustain such a huge population?
Nature made us far more expendable and childbirth far more problematic.

Our extinction will be assured and sooner rather than later.

We have far too many unwanted children and children with special needs that need love. Unwanted and unloved children become a burden on society in many ways.

A child should be wanted not just an accident or result of rape. Parents should be fully prepared to care for the child not milk society to care of it instead.

Some women really should not be a parent or risk too much to try and carry a child themselves. Some have too many children and cannot full give them each what they need.

God/creator/nature did not intend for even potential life to survive in animals or mankind. We consume eggs and young animals for out survival, so do other animals for their's. Some will even eat their own young.

So many animals are going extinct because of the spread of humanity and over population will do the same for us.

Women since recorded time and likely well before have know the herbs and foods to induce miscarriage. Even without clinical invasive abortions, they will not stop in the US or around the world.

Religious objections only apply to those who believe in that particular faith. Now a person can walk into any pharmacy any buy over the counter pills to terminate in the first trimester.

For health reason a pregnancy can be terminated if the life of a woman is at risk. Every doctor and ER will save the life if the woman first not a fetus that has yet to be born.

Women have options later in life to adopt or get surrogate, even to have eggs transplanted. Fertility clinics might produce a dozen embryos but only one or two will be allowed to survive to term.

A woman's body is her own and she should be ready to share her body for a child or have the right not to if she feels that is a better choice for her at that time.

If you know, there are foods in any garden or grocery store that will terminate a pregnancy. Natures abundance, god's medical chest, accessible to any woman.

Each woman has to decide for herself what is best for her life. Other's should mind their own business.

Are there any other human beings you are comfortable with denying rights and personhood to, to help reduce the world's population even more?

Or is your prejudice and bigotry only limited to those in the womb?

Not denying rights to any living breathing person, just giving women choices that have been available to them thought most of history and in almost every country in the world today. Letting women decide what is best for them. Giving them the right to control their own body, be it nine months or the next twenty years.

Women free to decide, to have the right to control their own life.

Children in the womb are living, breathing human beings too. (Google cellular respiration) but don't let that have any effect on your professed bias against them...

When you run out of fresh water and food, will you realize the world can not sustain such a huge population?
Nature made us far more expendable and childbirth far more problematic.

Our extinction will be assured and sooner rather than later.

We have far too many unwanted children and children with special needs that need love. Unwanted and unloved children become a burden on society in many ways.

A child should be wanted not just an accident or result of rape. Parents should be fully prepared to care for the child not milk society to care of it instead.

Some women really should not be a parent or risk too much to try and carry a child themselves. Some have too many children and cannot full give them each what they need.

God/creator/nature did not intend for even potential life to survive in animals or mankind. We consume eggs and young animals for out survival, so do other animals for their's. Some will even eat their own young.

So many animals are going extinct because of the spread of humanity and over population will do the same for us.

Women since recorded time and likely well before have know the herbs and foods to induce miscarriage. Even without clinical invasive abortions, they will not stop in the US or around the world.

Religious objections only apply to those who believe in that particular faith. Now a person can walk into any pharmacy any buy over the counter pills to terminate in the first trimester.

For health reason a pregnancy can be terminated if the life of a woman is at risk. Every doctor and ER will save the life if the woman first not a fetus that has yet to be born.

Women have options later in life to adopt or get surrogate, even to have eggs transplanted. Fertility clinics might produce a dozen embryos but only one or two will be allowed to survive to term.

A woman's body is her own and she should be ready to share her body for a child or have the right not to if she feels that is a better choice for her at that time.

If you know, there are foods in any garden or grocery store that will terminate a pregnancy. Natures abundance, god's medical chest, accessible to any woman.

Each woman has to decide for herself what is best for her life. Other's should mind their own business.

Are there any other human beings you are comfortable with denying rights and personhood to, to help reduce the world's population even more?

Or is your prejudice and bigotry only limited to those in the womb?

Not denying rights to any living breathing person, just giving women choices that have been available to them thought most of history and in almost every country in the world today. Letting women decide what is best for them. Giving them the right to control their own body, be it nine months or the next twenty years.

Women free to decide, to have the right to control their own life.

Children in the womb are living, breathing human beings too. (Google cellular respiration) but don't let that have any effect on your professed bias against them...


Till birth they have fluid in the lungs. The mother does the work not the infant. The fetus is not living on it's own, it is leaching off the women.

How do babies breathe in the womb? - Quora
How do babies breathe in the womb? - Quora
They don't. Unborn babies get their oxygen from their Mom through the umbilical cord's blood ... At birth, the baby's lungs are filled with amniotic fluid. ... Babies get their oxygen for cellular respiration by diffusion directly into the blood, through ...

If a women chooses not to let a tape worm or cancer feed off her, she has their removed.

If a woman does not want to give an embryo a place to grow for nine months, she terminates.

Her body, her choice.

Denying abortions will led to more deaths. A woman should not be forced to be an incubator to a child she does not want. The only way child should be brought into the world is wanted and loved.

Even with the best medical care, 25% of women will miscarry at least once. Not all embryos/fetus will come to term. More than a 2/4 million women in the US will die of complication during pregnancy and childbirth.

It has to be a risk a woman is fully and freely willing to take, not one forced on her by religious moralists.

You do not get to tell a woman she has no option but to put her life at stake for a child she does not want.

You want the child, you carry it. Don't tell women what they must do with their body.

Having a child is a choice, not a requirement for women.

Butt out of a woman's choice to reproduce or not. It is her body not yours
When you run out of fresh water and food, will you realize the world can not sustain such a huge population?
Nature made us far more expendable and childbirth far more problematic.

Our extinction will be assured and sooner rather than later.

We have far too many unwanted children and children with special needs that need love. Unwanted and unloved children become a burden on society in many ways.

A child should be wanted not just an accident or result of rape. Parents should be fully prepared to care for the child not milk society to care of it instead.

Some women really should not be a parent or risk too much to try and carry a child themselves. Some have too many children and cannot full give them each what they need.

God/creator/nature did not intend for even potential life to survive in animals or mankind. We consume eggs and young animals for out survival, so do other animals for their's. Some will even eat their own young.

So many animals are going extinct because of the spread of humanity and over population will do the same for us.

Women since recorded time and likely well before have know the herbs and foods to induce miscarriage. Even without clinical invasive abortions, they will not stop in the US or around the world.

Religious objections only apply to those who believe in that particular faith. Now a person can walk into any pharmacy any buy over the counter pills to terminate in the first trimester.

For health reason a pregnancy can be terminated if the life of a woman is at risk. Every doctor and ER will save the life if the woman first not a fetus that has yet to be born.

Women have options later in life to adopt or get surrogate, even to have eggs transplanted. Fertility clinics might produce a dozen embryos but only one or two will be allowed to survive to term.

A woman's body is her own and she should be ready to share her body for a child or have the right not to if she feels that is a better choice for her at that time.

If you know, there are foods in any garden or grocery store that will terminate a pregnancy. Natures abundance, god's medical chest, accessible to any woman.

Each woman has to decide for herself what is best for her life. Other's should mind their own business.

Are there any other human beings you are comfortable with denying rights and personhood to, to help reduce the world's population even more?

Or is your prejudice and bigotry only limited to those in the womb?

Not denying rights to any living breathing person, just giving women choices that have been available to them thought most of history and in almost every country in the world today. Letting women decide what is best for them. Giving them the right to control their own body, be it nine months or the next twenty years.

Women free to decide, to have the right to control their own life.

Children in the womb are living, breathing human beings too. (Google cellular respiration) but don't let that have any effect on your professed bias against them...


Till birth they have fluid in the lungs. The mother does the work not the infant. The fetus is not living on it's own, it is leaching off the women.

How do babies breathe in the womb? - Quora
How do babies breathe in the womb? - Quora
They don't. Unborn babies get their oxygen from their Mom through the umbilical cord's blood ... At birth, the baby's lungs are filled with amniotic fluid. ... Babies get their oxygen for cellular respiration by diffusion directly into the blood, through ...

If a women chooses not to let a tape worm or cancer feed off her, she has their removed.

If a woman does not want to give an embryo a place to grow for nine months, she terminates.

Her body, her choice.

Denying abortions will led to more deaths. A woman should not be forced to be an incubator to a child she does not want. The only way child should be brought into the world is wanted and loved.

Even with the best medical care, 25% of women will miscarry at least once. Not all embryos/fetus will come to term. More than a 2/4 million women in the US will die of complication during pregnancy and childbirth.

It has to be a risk a woman is fully and freely willing to take, not one forced on her by religious moralists.

You do not get to tell a woman she has no option but to put her life at stake for a child she does not want.

You want the child, you carry it. Don't tell women what they must do with their body.

Having a child is a choice, not a requirement for women.

Butt out of a woman's choice to reproduce or not. It is her body not yours


". . . Evolutionary history can be seen in the way that an embryo breathes in its mother's womb, not by drawing in oxygen through its lungs but through gill-like mechanisms that disappear as the embryo develops.

How ironic and fucking hilarious it is too... that you would cite a source that calls them "babies"

Last edited:
I understand many who oppose abortions are not catholic but the RC has been the basis for many so called moralists who use the bible and religion as a foundation for their ideas.

Trouble is they are idiots who have no sense of history or reason for their stand.

Abortions and birth control have been permitted for many reason since the dawn of christian history through today.





Birth control for medical reason including Zika are permitted.

Natural forms of birth control or abortion, such as plants, are permitted.

Underage girls and those who have been raped are permitted to have abortions.

Medicine, treatment of a woman, where the embryo/fetus is lost, not specifically intentional abortion, is not held against the woman or doctor.

Removal of ovaries, tube or uterus of a pregnant woman is permitted.

Now an abortion can be forgiven.

The very fact that a persons medical records are private, no one should even be aware of the treatment a woman and her doctor decide in, so her choice of birth control or abortion should never be known let alone held against her, or the doctor.

Even the history of abortions in the US was not for "moral" or religious reason.

A woman has a right to make choices about her body and her life. There is no reason she should be forced to carry or give birth, she is not a slave. Having a child should be undertaken when she is ready and with love.

Religion should have no legal part. If she has any particular faith, it is up to her if she decides it might effect her decision. It should not be forced on her, especially someone else's faith and beliefs.

If you have an objection to birth control or abortions, it should be only your opinion for you body, not anyone else's.

Sterilization, chemical or surgical, is legally permitted so abortion should be as well.

This should not be about race, income or religion but a woman's choice for her life and her body. The risk, and it is a risk, should be up to her, not forced on her by strangers that know nothing about her life, hopes or circumstances.

Even under the best of circumstances, a woman who wants a child will go through a roller coaster of physical, mental and emotional changes during pregnancy. Does not matter if it is a first or fifth pregnancy, each one is different and the most loving woman could find herself rejecting the child during pregnancy or afterwards. Some women might even become allergic or have a chemical imbalance to a fetus/baby.

Pregnancy is a serious commitment and a woman should never be forced to take on the responsibility if she is not ready to.

We do not need more children, we need more love and community support so each child that is born has the best chance in life and become a positive contribution to family and society.

We responsibly try to control population and suffering of animals. We don't want stray, injured or ill animals to be a burden or risk to people or other animals. Why, when there are already so many unwanted and insufficiently cared for or abused children already in the world, should responsible choices by a woman whether or not to have child should be morally wrong? We have a right to decide if we want medical treatment and what kind for ourselves, even to decide is we want to seek medical assistance to end suffering, death with dignity. We have the right to decide on our medical directive or to give others a proxy to decide and carry out if we are unable. Why should the choice to have a child be any different?


  • upload_2017-5-24_12-18-28.png
    17.3 KB · Views: 24
I understand many who oppose abortions are not catholic but the RC has been the basis for many so called moralists who use the bible and religion as a foundation for their ideas.

Trouble is they are idiots who have no sense of history or reason for their stand.

Abortions and birth control have been permitted for many reason since the dawn of christian history through today.

View attachment 128599

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View attachment 128619

View attachment 128621

Birth control for medical reason including Zika are permitted.

Natural forms of birth control or abortion, such as plants, are permitted.

Underage girls and those who have been raped are permitted to have abortions.

Medicine, treatment of a woman, where the embryo/fetus is lost, not specifically intentional abortion, is not held against the woman or doctor.

Removal of ovaries, tube or uterus of a pregnant woman is permitted.

Now an abortion can be forgiven.

The very fact that a persons medical records are private, no one should even be aware of the treatment a woman and her doctor decide in, so her choice of birth control or abortion should never be known let alone held against her, or the doctor.

Even the history of abortions in the US was not for "moral" or religious reason.

A woman has a right to make choices about her body and her life. There is no reason she should be forced to carry or give birth, she is not a slave. Having a child should be undertaken when she is ready and with love.

Religion should have no legal part. If she has any particular faith, it is up to her if she decides it might effect her decision. It should not be forced on her, especially someone else's faith and beliefs.

If you have an objection to birth control or abortions, it should be only your opinion for you body, not anyone else's.

Sterilization, chemical or surgical, is legally permitted so abortion should be as well.

This should not be about race, income or religion but a woman's choice for her life and her body. The risk, and it is a risk, should be up to her, not forced on her by strangers that know nothing about her life, hopes or circumstances.

Even under the best of circumstances, a woman who wants a child will go through a roller coaster of physical, mental and emotional changes during pregnancy. Does not matter if it is a first or fifth pregnancy, each one is different and the most loving woman could find herself rejecting the child during pregnancy or afterwards. Some women might even become allergic or have a chemical imbalance to a fetus/baby.

Pregnancy is a serious commitment and a woman should never be forced to take on the responsibility if she is not ready to.

We do not need more children, we need more love and community support so each child that is born has the best chance in life and become a positive contribution to family and society.

We responsibly try to control population and suffering of animals. We don't want stray, injured or ill animals to be a burden or risk to people or other animals. Why, when there are already so many unwanted and insufficiently cared for or abused children already in the world, should responsible choices by a woman whether or not to have child should be morally wrong? We have a right to decide if we want medical treatment and what kind for ourselves, even to decide is we want to seek medical assistance to end suffering, death with dignity. We have the right to decide on our medical directive or to give others a proxy to decide and carry out if we are unable. Why should the choice to have a child be any different?

If a child does not have a right to their life and to the equal protections of our laws . . . Or if their rights only begin at some point where idiots like you can no longer deny them anymore... then what's the use of having any rights at all?
Betsy DeVos All Smiles as She Endorses States’ Rights to Discriminate Against Children

Clark offered one last jibe: “I am shocked that you cannot come up with one example of discrimination that you would stand up for students.”

No cookie-cutter integrated school solutions for DeVos, who once praised education under Jim Crow as a pioneering example of school choice!


Wow, Republicans being granted the power to discriminate against children and the RW A$$ Wholes here at USMB cry liar. Come on, Betsy Baby is a typical Republican. She represents.
I understand many who oppose abortions are not catholic but the RC has been the basis for many so called moralists who use the bible and religion as a foundation for their ideas.

Trouble is they are idiots who have no sense of history or reason for their stand.

Abortions and birth control have been permitted for many reason since the dawn of christian history through today.

View attachment 128599

View attachment 128600

View attachment 128619

View attachment 128621

Birth control for medical reason including Zika are permitted.

Natural forms of birth control or abortion, such as plants, are permitted.

Underage girls and those who have been raped are permitted to have abortions.

Medicine, treatment of a woman, where the embryo/fetus is lost, not specifically intentional abortion, is not held against the woman or doctor.

Removal of ovaries, tube or uterus of a pregnant woman is permitted.

Now an abortion can be forgiven.

The very fact that a persons medical records are private, no one should even be aware of the treatment a woman and her doctor decide in, so her choice of birth control or abortion should never be known let alone held against her, or the doctor.

Even the history of abortions in the US was not for "moral" or religious reason.

A woman has a right to make choices about her body and her life. There is no reason she should be forced to carry or give birth, she is not a slave. Having a child should be undertaken when she is ready and with love.

Religion should have no legal part. If she has any particular faith, it is up to her if she decides it might effect her decision. It should not be forced on her, especially someone else's faith and beliefs.

If you have an objection to birth control or abortions, it should be only your opinion for you body, not anyone else's.

Sterilization, chemical or surgical, is legally permitted so abortion should be as well.

This should not be about race, income or religion but a woman's choice for her life and her body. The risk, and it is a risk, should be up to her, not forced on her by strangers that know nothing about her life, hopes or circumstances.

Even under the best of circumstances, a woman who wants a child will go through a roller coaster of physical, mental and emotional changes during pregnancy. Does not matter if it is a first or fifth pregnancy, each one is different and the most loving woman could find herself rejecting the child during pregnancy or afterwards. Some women might even become allergic or have a chemical imbalance to a fetus/baby.

Pregnancy is a serious commitment and a woman should never be forced to take on the responsibility if she is not ready to.

We do not need more children, we need more love and community support so each child that is born has the best chance in life and become a positive contribution to family and society.

We responsibly try to control population and suffering of animals. We don't want stray, injured or ill animals to be a burden or risk to people or other animals. Why, when there are already so many unwanted and insufficiently cared for or abused children already in the world, should responsible choices by a woman whether or not to have child should be morally wrong? We have a right to decide if we want medical treatment and what kind for ourselves, even to decide is we want to seek medical assistance to end suffering, death with dignity. We have the right to decide on our medical directive or to give others a proxy to decide and carry out if we are unable. Why should the choice to have a child be any different?

If a child does not have a right to their life and to the equal protections of our laws . . . Or if their rights only begin at some point where idiots like you can no longer deny them anymore... then what's the use of having any rights at all?

Church will not baptize a still born or miscarriage. Most of church history a fetus does not have a soul till around the fifth month. There is no compensation of punishment if a child is killed by accident or intent before the end of the first month.

This notion of abortion as some moral sin is a modern one.

In the US, the church does not dictate the law. Many faith permit or have nothing to say about abortion.

If you object then you will choose not to have an abortion. You do not get to tell other women what to do.

There have been and still are many reasons for religion not to be involved in a woman's choice. Her life and her choice take president.

If she does choose to abort she can be forgiven by the church. It is not for you or your faith to make the choice for her.

You can disagree with history or the church, but you do not get to force a woman to risk her life if she is not ready or unwilling to carry a fetus to term.

Children should be wanted, not just an accident, health risk or consequence of abuse.

It should be the woman's right to control her reproduction, not dictated by strangers
I understand many who oppose abortions are not catholic but the RC has been the basis for many so called moralists who use the bible and religion as a foundation for their ideas.

Trouble is they are idiots who have no sense of history or reason for their stand.

Abortions and birth control have been permitted for many reason since the dawn of christian history through today.

View attachment 128599

View attachment 128600

View attachment 128619

View attachment 128621

Birth control for medical reason including Zika are permitted.

Natural forms of birth control or abortion, such as plants, are permitted.

Underage girls and those who have been raped are permitted to have abortions.

Medicine, treatment of a woman, where the embryo/fetus is lost, not specifically intentional abortion, is not held against the woman or doctor.

Removal of ovaries, tube or uterus of a pregnant woman is permitted.

Now an abortion can be forgiven.

The very fact that a persons medical records are private, no one should even be aware of the treatment a woman and her doctor decide in, so her choice of birth control or abortion should never be known let alone held against her, or the doctor.

Even the history of abortions in the US was not for "moral" or religious reason.

A woman has a right to make choices about her body and her life. There is no reason she should be forced to carry or give birth, she is not a slave. Having a child should be undertaken when she is ready and with love.

Religion should have no legal part. If she has any particular faith, it is up to her if she decides it might effect her decision. It should not be forced on her, especially someone else's faith and beliefs.

If you have an objection to birth control or abortions, it should be only your opinion for you body, not anyone else's.

Sterilization, chemical or surgical, is legally permitted so abortion should be as well.

This should not be about race, income or religion but a woman's choice for her life and her body. The risk, and it is a risk, should be up to her, not forced on her by strangers that know nothing about her life, hopes or circumstances.

Even under the best of circumstances, a woman who wants a child will go through a roller coaster of physical, mental and emotional changes during pregnancy. Does not matter if it is a first or fifth pregnancy, each one is different and the most loving woman could find herself rejecting the child during pregnancy or afterwards. Some women might even become allergic or have a chemical imbalance to a fetus/baby.

Pregnancy is a serious commitment and a woman should never be forced to take on the responsibility if she is not ready to.

We do not need more children, we need more love and community support so each child that is born has the best chance in life and become a positive contribution to family and society.

We responsibly try to control population and suffering of animals. We don't want stray, injured or ill animals to be a burden or risk to people or other animals. Why, when there are already so many unwanted and insufficiently cared for or abused children already in the world, should responsible choices by a woman whether or not to have child should be morally wrong? We have a right to decide if we want medical treatment and what kind for ourselves, even to decide is we want to seek medical assistance to end suffering, death with dignity. We have the right to decide on our medical directive or to give others a proxy to decide and carry out if we are unable. Why should the choice to have a child be any different?

If a child does not have a right to their life and to the equal protections of our laws . . . Or if their rights only begin at some point where idiots like you can no longer deny them anymore... then what's the use of having any rights at all?

Church will not baptize a still born or miscarriage. Most of church history a fetus does not have a soul till around the fifth month. There is no compensation of punishment if a child is killed by accident or intent before the end of the first month.

This notion of abortion as some moral sin is a modern one.

In the US, the church does not dictate the law. Many faith permit or have nothing to say about abortion.

If you object then you will choose not to have an abortion. You do not get to tell other women what to do.

There have been and still are many reasons for religion not to be involved in a woman's choice. Her life and her choice take president.

If she does choose to abort she can be forgiven by the church. It is not for you or your faith to make the choice for her.

You can disagree with history or the church, but you do not get to force a woman to risk her life if she is not ready or unwilling to carry a fetus to term.

Children should be wanted, not just an accident, health risk or consequence of abuse.

It should be the woman's right to control her reproduction, not dictated by strangers

You need to try that emotional bullshit on someone who actually gives a rats ass about the religious aspects.

I don't.

More important than that, the Constitution forbids the establishment of any one religion so, your futile attempt to drag religion into an otherwise secular issue is a complete waste of all of our time.

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