White Christian Conservatives Demographic Disappearing in USA


May 23, 2014
We're at the end of white Christian America. What will that mean?
What will this mean for the future of the United States? I think it will have a negative impact and marks the downfall of our nation. I hope when the tumult comes all those suburbanite whites that voted Democrat for generations suffer greatly. Hypocrite Hollywood liberals will pay for private security to protect their estates with assault weapons. Rest of the white Christian Conservatives in the United States will have to fend for themselves. I would like to see Nancy, Bernie, Beto, Lizzie, Clinton’s and Mayor Pete try to negotiate with gangs of Black Lives Matter and illegals when they come after them.
When we lose our moral compass we create a monster. Hope Democrats can deal with it.
Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
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Exemplary for OP's article is the Pentecostal psychosis. Why this sectarian model?
Liberals need hardworking white people to pay taxes so libs can fund their welfare programs.
Liberals need hardworking white people to pay taxes so libs can fund their welfare programs.

I don't know how one would define a "liberal" in the first place. You are implying that only white "conservative" republicans are hardworking. I haven't seen them work any harder than anyone else of any color or politics.
We're at the end of white Christian America. What will that mean?
What will this mean for the future of the United States? I think it will have a negative impact and marks the downfall of our nation. I hope when the tumult comes all those suburbanite whites that voted Democrat for generations suffer greatly. Hypocrite Hollywood liberals will pay for private security to protect their estates with assault weapons. Rest of the white Christian Conservatives in the United States will have to fend for themselves. I would like to see Nancy, Bernie, Beto, Lizzie, Clinton’s and Mayor Pete try to negotiate with gangs of Black Lives Matter and illegals when they come after them.
When we lose our moral compass we create a monster. Hope Democrats can deal with it.
Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
that article is two years old.
Howbout something more recent.
Donald Trump has made it clear: the only 'real Americans' are white and Christian
We're at the end of white Christian America. What will that mean?
What will this mean for the future of the United States? I think it will have a negative impact and marks the downfall of our nation. I hope when the tumult comes all those suburbanite whites that voted Democrat for generations suffer greatly. Hypocrite Hollywood liberals will pay for private security to protect their estates with assault weapons. Rest of the white Christian Conservatives in the United States will have to fend for themselves. I would like to see Nancy, Bernie, Beto, Lizzie, Clinton’s and Mayor Pete try to negotiate with gangs of Black Lives Matter and illegals when they come after them.
When we lose our moral compass we create a monster. Hope Democrats can deal with it.
Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
What will it mean?

Hopefully the only thing it means is that we don't have people (of any religion) trying to codify ancient scripture.

The fact that so many people don't understand the history of women covering their heads (an old Arab cultural tradition that carries over to this day among Christians and Jews in houses of worship), isn't as annoying as the fact that so many younger men today don't realize that a gentleman should NOT wear a hat indoors under most circumstances.
Liberals need hardworking white people to pay taxes so libs can fund their welfare programs.

I don't know how one would define a "liberal" in the first place. You are implying that only white "conservative" republicans are hardworking. I haven't seen them work any harder than anyone else of any color or politics.
You will see when they are gone.....You don't get something for nothing real long. you really do not know how much they mean to the economy in so many ways and for so many ways to help people.
If right wing Christians feel their way of life is dying they have no one but themselves to blame.
We're at the end of white Christian America. What will that mean?
What will this mean for the future of the United States? I think it will have a negative impact and marks the downfall of our nation. I hope when the tumult comes all those suburbanite whites that voted Democrat for generations suffer greatly. Hypocrite Hollywood liberals will pay for private security to protect their estates with assault weapons. Rest of the white Christian Conservatives in the United States will have to fend for themselves. I would like to see Nancy, Bernie, Beto, Lizzie, Clinton’s and Mayor Pete try to negotiate with gangs of Black Lives Matter and illegals when they come after them.
When we lose our moral compass we create a monster. Hope Democrats can deal with it.
Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

This is happening because many people that labeled themselves themselves as such no longer do, though our views have not changed. What was a "conservative" in the 70s is no longer what is a conservative today. At one time conservatives supported smaller government, less government interference in our lives and more personal freedoms. Today's conservatives support none of those things.

The same holds true for Christians, or ones that used to call themselves that. The Church in America today is more about politics than religion and many people that used to attend no longer do, but they still hold the same faith.
#11: lips off but has not commented on the recent expose of the hijab in the religious forum.
#15: you were duped, Einstein. morality is a human attribute, not a divine attribute artificially attached to a non-existent entity that supposedly cares for a group. Knowledge is replacing faith. Are the xians, rather than averse to politics, migrating to the closet that used to house homosexuality and lesbianism rather than forego the live porn of seeing their theologian (and themselves) getting sprayed with gunfire?
#11: lips off but has not commented on the recent expose of the hijab in the religious forum.
#15: you were duped, Einstein. morality is a human attribute, not a divine attribute .... ?

You are mistaken.
#15: you were duped, Einstein. morality is a human attribute, not a divine attribute artificially attached to a non-existent entity that supposedly cares for a group. Knowledge is replacing faith. Are the xians, rather than averse to politics, migrating to the closet that used to house homosexuality and lesbianism rather than forego the live porn of seeing their theologian (and themselves) getting sprayed with gunfire?

What the fuck does that have anything to do with what is in post #15?
#18: no, you have not commented on the hijab as a mask for hegira (migration) in the religion forum nor in this thread.
#19: morality is your problematic in post #15 when we see the attempt to divide an indivisible immutable characteristic such as morality by suggesting a "new" white xianity now gone political, which is only a game of the signifier-signified. Nazism is morality itself. No sense in making a case against that. This same morality binds all xian mafia protection-racket denominations, and there is more to say in OP's attempt to use the Pentecostal mafia model as an example in the study of demographics. Still no stones to address the issue of Pentecostal crotch-clowns operating in Wisconsin?

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