Do the Democrats Have an Issue?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Do the Democrats Have an Issue?
August 17, 2019 ~~ By Steve Feinstein
The poor Democrats: As the Russia collusion/Mueller investigation issue disappeared into nothingness like so much skywriting wisping away into the winds, so too did the surefire issue with which the Dems thought the White House would automatically be theirs in 2020. The candidate himself was irrelevant, an afterthought. We have it in the bag, the Dems thought. It's just a matter of to which person we bestow the privilege of the presidency this time around. Let's pick a good one: a woman. No, a woman of color. No, a gay. No, a Hispanic. Perhaps an American Indian. But that slam-dunk Russia issue is gone. Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff are still flailing about, trying to collect their "undeniable" Russian collusion evidence and convince the rest of the Democratic caucus to initiate impeachment proceedings. It looks doubtful that that's going to come to pass. So the "president's a crook" angle apparently is not going to deliver a greased downhill slide into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for the Democrats. It appears — at this juncture, at least — that the Democrats will actually have to come up with a convincing policy platform in order to win the White House. They'll have to identify substantive issues of actual importance and persuade enough undecideds that the Democratic Party will improve their lives and make the country safer and more prosperous. What are their issues? What are the candidates putting forth thus far? Does any of them seem like a game-changer, the lynchpin to electoral victory?
Nothing the Democrats are proposing so far is grounded in even the slimmest notion of feasibility or reality. None of their latest proposals can or will ever happen. They're all just empty promises of free giveaways, made to ignorant, greedy voters, the "low information" voters. Eliminating the insurance industry, free college tuition, reparations, the Green New Deal, none of those will ever happen, ever. The Democrats are not running on any legitimate policy proposals — nothing about finding and producing new energy, nothing about keeping the country safer, no actual ideas to help grow the economy and raise employment, nothing at all about meeting any international challenges in Iran, the Middle East, Russia or elsewhere.
Instead, now that the "Russia-Russia-Russia!" issue is gone, the Democrats have taken to promising anything, saying anything — no matter how outlandish — in order to win back their voters and defeat President Trump.

What are their issues? Open borders and gun free zones. Now think about that. How can you have open borders and no guns? I refer you to "Operation Fast and Furious".
Indeed, Democrats have Issues not an Issue. Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats have a huge issue, a mental health issue. Everyone else has a problem. Not enough sanitariums to house the Democrats.
The issues that Dems say they believe and are running on ought to be enough to get them committed to a mental institution. Killing unborn children is good to them. Removing national borders is also okay. Freeing violent criminals to prevent deportation is awesome to them. Taking away the ability of a citizen to defend themselves is obviously preferred by Dems because resisting might result hurting a bad guy. America first is evil to them.
Actually, PMS/DSA Democrats are not interested in how any of their proposed pie-in-the-sky plans will work. They are meant to fail. Then they can rebuild the World to their liking. They are using the "Cloward-Piven Strategy" a sociopolitical theory developed by left-wing ivory tower-dwellers Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.
Democrats may not have anything of substance to offer but they have three other things. They have the biased media, academia and a number of GOP lightweights aka RINO's on their side. They have a 50% voter base that believes everything they say. They hope they have illegals who will vote in many states with the automatic DMV voter registration.
Basically, PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists issues are freedom from responsibility, accountability (free education and healthcare, "like Sweden!"; and calling of anyone who doesn't agree with them Racists, liars, Uncle Tom's, or Nazi's.
The big problem that exists for PMS/DSA Democrats is the poor state of their Plantation cities they've turned into ghetto garbage pits and festering pools of virulent diseases.
We have all the proof we need that Dems have already lost the 2020 election.

There was no proof that Russia interfered with the 2016 election.
Dems sided with Hispanics and against real Americans on the border issue.
Trump enacted the Muslim ban to keep us safe and Dems went to court to block that.
Anyone with half a brain knows more guns make us safer.
The sooner ObamaCare is repealed the better.
This week, Economic Doom and Recession seems to be the popular narrative.
Next week,
Who the fuck knows. Liberals are like Cybil when it comes to political views.
The Democrats are so screwed in 2020 that even the blind Stevie Wonder can see this one coming.
The Dems have plenty of issues. Just none to run on.....
You really think you're going to win WISC Mich and Penn again ? Don't bet on it
Trump will take Wisconsin. Too bad you missed that the Republican just won the last statewide election (state Supreme. court). Michigan isn't happy with their Anti-Semitic Representative. Dems have issues. Just none that will win them anything. Plenty for the psychiatric couch though.......
The Dems have plenty of issues. Just none to run on.....
You really think you're going to win WISC Mich and Penn again ? Don't bet on it
Trump will take Wisconsin. Too bad you missed that the Republican just won the last statewide election (state Supreme. court). Michigan isn't happy with their Anti-Semitic Representative. Dems have issues. Just none that will win them anything. Plenty for the psychiatric couch though.......
Repubs won all 3 states by about 75 000 total votes Never again
The Democrats are so screwed in 2020 that even the blind Stevie Wonder can see this one coming.

Well gee whiz! I should hope so! Except they just run on a Republican ticket & pander to swing voters with the exact same solid Democrat police-state policies.

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