While Demmies Strain at Getting Rid of Trump, Trump Holds Surprise Roundtable to Educate Minorities


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
I looked up and down the table of contents for Politics, which is nearly all Get Trump, I found this peculiar video of what Trump is doing for minority and handicapped kids across the nation. He could be getting even with mean people trying to damage him more than they already have, but instead, he calls a roundtable to bring students who have benefitted from recent changes in reaching troubled kids, and he brought some very good kids who benefitted from getting to choose their own education's way and worked their way into college that they never would have had the chance to go to before.
Decide for yourself, who's better? Those drawing up fantasy charges to damage President Trump or the guy who's listening to formerly troubled students who fought and won for themselves a better educational path. Fascinating, imho.

What a guy!
Even Hitler used to do "nice things" for the cameras, he was still Hitler. Point is, if you want people to think you are good you have to be good most of the time.
This is what it looks like when a man wants to fix things that are wrong with our nation not just flap his gums like Obama....were not use to this.....a president that really wants to help his fellow Americans....
Even Hitler used to do "nice things" for the cameras, he was still Hitler. Point is, if you want people to think you are good you have to be good most of the time.

Define “Good”? What are your metrics for “good”?
Even Hitler used to do "nice things" for the cameras, he was still Hitler. Point is, if you want people to think you are good you have to be good most of the time.
Hitler did not help handicapped people. He murdered them.

Go stand in the corner, occupied. You earned enough time to watch the video of the object of your hate interacting with beneficiaries of his program to reach out and help those who need help. Vice President Pence made an appearance there, too. What a good team they are.

Of course, hoping to see salacious things being said are spiced up with more Hollyweird false narratives than fit in Schriffs' briefcase are much more interesting to people who have never met a handicapped child having issues at union-run loser schools.

If the Democrats would get off their hate solicitations and knew that time spent helping American students who need their concern to win learning and gain insights into time use to learn by doing their homework and caring for them, their lives wouldn't be so riddled with hatred, nor have Nancy Pelosi's condescending look of disdain etched into the wrinkles around their growing noses.

Here are 3 Pinocchios for the Democrats who are still shooting themselves in the foot by trying to think up more lies to shred Trump with:

I'd post a dozen, but the rules say no more than 3 smilies per post. *sigh*​
Even Hitler used to do "nice things" for the cameras, he was still Hitler. Point is, if you want people to think you are good you have to be good most of the time.
Hitler did not help handicapped people. He murdered them.

Go stand in the corner, occupied. You earned enough time to watch the video of the object of your hate interacting with beneficiaries of his program to reach out and help those who need help. Vice President Pence made an appearance there, too. What a good team they are.

Of course, hoping to see salacious things being said are spiced up with more Hollyweird false narratives than fit in Schriffs' briefcase are much more interesting to people who have never met a handicapped child having issues at union-run loser schools.

If the Democrats would get off their hate solicitations and knew that time spent helping American students who need their concern to win learning and gain insights into time use to learn by doing their homework and caring for them, their lives wouldn't be so riddled with hatred, nor have Nancy Pelosi's condescending look of disdain etched into the wrinkles around their growing noses.

Here are 3 Pinocchios for the Democrats who are still shooting themselves in the foot by trying to think up more lies to shred Trump with:

I'd post a dozen, but the rules say no more than 3 smilies per post. *sigh*​
Wow, nicely said! And I love your current avatar. We have two cats in our household that we spoil constantly. But they're worth it.

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