Which Shut Down Will be the Breaking Point for the Ds?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
I have no idea when this political tsunami will hit or in what form but with there are many possible triggers:

Brexit and the Trade War being what the donors are concerned about.

The prospect of RIFs is what the deep state fear.

Blue states with important national parks/ monuments are having to dig down into their rainy day funds to weaken their finances further.

Blue state constituents getting antsy over a whole host of matters that are not being addressed.

Those with the money/skills moving to lower SALT states is the biggest problem for the Ds as a party.

So when will Nancy realize that she forgot to get an exit strategy?
The entire Democratic Party abomination has been a series of breaking, shattering and meltdown points on an almost daily basis since the Obamaggot administration. Their reaction to the slightest disappointment is screaming, violent baby tantrums and utter bloodthirst against us white males. And against America in general - I've never seen anything so vindictive and obsessed with inflicting harm/vengeance on the average-Joe-American. That's why this white male wants the Dem. party annihilated as much as they want me annihilated.
The entire Democratic Party abomination has been a series of breaking, shattering and meltdown points on an almost daily basis since the Obamaggot administration. Their reaction to the slightest disappointment is screaming, violent baby tantrums and utter bloodthirst against us white males. And against America in general - I've never seen anything so vindictive and obsessed with inflicting harm/vengeance on the average-Joe-American. That's why this white male wants the Dem. party annihilated as much as they want me annihilated.
Says the scared little bitch who does nothing but whine all day, every day on a message board.


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