Which Political View Runs Government Schools?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY

And now for the results of indoctrination rather than education:

1. "Across the Board, Scores Drop in Math and Reading for U.S. Students
The latest results from the Nation’s Report Card show declines in student performance across demographics.

2. MATH AND READING SCORES for fourth- and eighth-graders in the United States dropped since 2017, and the decrease in reading achievement has government researchers particularly concerned.

3. "Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest performing students are doing worse," Peggy Carr, associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, said during a press call Tuesday.

4. ...declines in reading at both grades were also seen at all levels of achievement, whether students were high- or low-achieving, with the exception of the highest achieving fourth graders.

5. "Over the long term in reading, the lowest performing students – those readers who struggle the most – have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago," she said.

6. ...the scores of lower performing students declined in three of the four grade-subject combinations and those drops are what accounted for the overall drop in average scores."


It is not the students, the sub-groups, the color, the wealth.....

.....it is the political perspective that owns and operates the schools.


And now for the results of indoctrination rather than education:

1. "Across the Board, Scores Drop in Math and Reading for U.S. Students
The latest results from the Nation’s Report Card show declines in student performance across demographics.

2. MATH AND READING SCORES for fourth- and eighth-graders in the United States dropped since 2017, and the decrease in reading achievement has government researchers particularly concerned.

3. "Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest performing students are doing worse," Peggy Carr, associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, said during a press call Tuesday.

4. ...declines in reading at both grades were also seen at all levels of achievement, whether students were high- or low-achieving, with the exception of the highest achieving fourth graders.

5. "Over the long term in reading, the lowest performing students – those readers who struggle the most – have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago," she said.

6. ...the scores of lower performing students declined in three of the four grade-subject combinations and those drops are what accounted for the overall drop in average scores."


It is not the students, the sub-groups, the color, the wealth.....

.....it is the political perspective that owns and operates the schools.
Young people do not understand school as the I Pod is the vehicle of choice to waft their minds. Learn instead of being so used.
With the introduction of the calculator a few decades ago did that start the decline in Mathematics? And has the diversity of people living here and moving here affected the reading and writing also? As pertaining to English.

And now for the results of indoctrination rather than education:

1. "Across the Board, Scores Drop in Math and Reading for U.S. Students
The latest results from the Nation’s Report Card show declines in student performance across demographics.

2. MATH AND READING SCORES for fourth- and eighth-graders in the United States dropped since 2017, and the decrease in reading achievement has government researchers particularly concerned.

3. "Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest performing students are doing worse," Peggy Carr, associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, said during a press call Tuesday.

4. ...declines in reading at both grades were also seen at all levels of achievement, whether students were high- or low-achieving, with the exception of the highest achieving fourth graders.

5. "Over the long term in reading, the lowest performing students – those readers who struggle the most – have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago," she said.

6. ...the scores of lower performing students declined in three of the four grade-subject combinations and those drops are what accounted for the overall drop in average scores."


It is not the students, the sub-groups, the color, the wealth.....

.....it is the political perspective that owns and operates the schools.

I am all for improving public schools while at the same time I respect a persons right to send their kids to private schools.

I OPPOSE destroying the public education system.

And now for the results of indoctrination rather than education:

1. "Across the Board, Scores Drop in Math and Reading for U.S. Students
The latest results from the Nation’s Report Card show declines in student performance across demographics.

2. MATH AND READING SCORES for fourth- and eighth-graders in the United States dropped since 2017, and the decrease in reading achievement has government researchers particularly concerned.

3. "Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest performing students are doing worse," Peggy Carr, associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, said during a press call Tuesday.

4. ...declines in reading at both grades were also seen at all levels of achievement, whether students were high- or low-achieving, with the exception of the highest achieving fourth graders.

5. "Over the long term in reading, the lowest performing students – those readers who struggle the most – have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago," she said.

6. ...the scores of lower performing students declined in three of the four grade-subject combinations and those drops are what accounted for the overall drop in average scores."


It is not the students, the sub-groups, the color, the wealth.....

.....it is the political perspective that owns and operates the schools.

I gave a slide rule to a neighbors girl a few years ago thinking that the principle might interest her.
She could not grasp the concept that 2.1 could also represent 21, 210, 2,100 or 2,100,000.
She said Thank God for calculators!
When I was in school, you'd get thrown out for using a calculator! Now they NEED them!

And now for the results of indoctrination rather than education:

1. "Across the Board, Scores Drop in Math and Reading for U.S. Students
The latest results from the Nation’s Report Card show declines in student performance across demographics.

2. MATH AND READING SCORES for fourth- and eighth-graders in the United States dropped since 2017, and the decrease in reading achievement has government researchers particularly concerned.

3. "Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest performing students are doing worse," Peggy Carr, associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, said during a press call Tuesday.

4. ...declines in reading at both grades were also seen at all levels of achievement, whether students were high- or low-achieving, with the exception of the highest achieving fourth graders.

5. "Over the long term in reading, the lowest performing students – those readers who struggle the most – have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago," she said.

6. ...the scores of lower performing students declined in three of the four grade-subject combinations and those drops are what accounted for the overall drop in average scores."


It is not the students, the sub-groups, the color, the wealth.....

.....it is the political perspective that owns and operates the schools.
Young people do not understand school as the I Pod is the vehicle of choice to waft their minds. Learn instead of being so used.

Progressives....Liberals....Democrats run the government school system, and issue mandates that blankets all of 'education,'

Wadda ya' think......good job?????

And now for the results of indoctrination rather than education:

1. "Across the Board, Scores Drop in Math and Reading for U.S. Students
The latest results from the Nation’s Report Card show declines in student performance across demographics.

2. MATH AND READING SCORES for fourth- and eighth-graders in the United States dropped since 2017, and the decrease in reading achievement has government researchers particularly concerned.

3. "Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest performing students are doing worse," Peggy Carr, associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, said during a press call Tuesday.

4. ...declines in reading at both grades were also seen at all levels of achievement, whether students were high- or low-achieving, with the exception of the highest achieving fourth graders.

5. "Over the long term in reading, the lowest performing students – those readers who struggle the most – have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago," she said.

6. ...the scores of lower performing students declined in three of the four grade-subject combinations and those drops are what accounted for the overall drop in average scores."


It is not the students, the sub-groups, the color, the wealth.....

.....it is the political perspective that owns and operates the schools.

I am all for improving public schools while at the same time I respect a persons right to send their kids to private schools.

I OPPOSE destroying the public education system.

Where is any recommendation of 'destroying' public education.

Simply make certain that Progressives....Liberals....Democrats are not able to dictate how education is accomplished.

Good plan?

And now for the results of indoctrination rather than education:

1. "Across the Board, Scores Drop in Math and Reading for U.S. Students
The latest results from the Nation’s Report Card show declines in student performance across demographics.

2. MATH AND READING SCORES for fourth- and eighth-graders in the United States dropped since 2017, and the decrease in reading achievement has government researchers particularly concerned.

3. "Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest performing students are doing worse," Peggy Carr, associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, said during a press call Tuesday.

4. ...declines in reading at both grades were also seen at all levels of achievement, whether students were high- or low-achieving, with the exception of the highest achieving fourth graders.

5. "Over the long term in reading, the lowest performing students – those readers who struggle the most – have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago," she said.

6. ...the scores of lower performing students declined in three of the four grade-subject combinations and those drops are what accounted for the overall drop in average scores."


It is not the students, the sub-groups, the color, the wealth.....

.....it is the political perspective that owns and operates the schools.

I gave a slide rule to a neighbors girl a few years ago thinking that the principle might interest her.
She could not grasp the concept that 2.1 could also represent 21, 210, 2,100 or 2,100,000.
She said Thank God for calculators!
When I was in school, you'd get thrown out for using a calculator! Now they NEED them!

Thank John Dewey and the communists who follow him.....and own the schools.

And now for the results of indoctrination rather than education:

1. "Across the Board, Scores Drop in Math and Reading for U.S. Students
The latest results from the Nation’s Report Card show declines in student performance across demographics.

2. MATH AND READING SCORES for fourth- and eighth-graders in the United States dropped since 2017, and the decrease in reading achievement has government researchers particularly concerned.

3. "Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest performing students are doing worse," Peggy Carr, associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, said during a press call Tuesday.

4. ...declines in reading at both grades were also seen at all levels of achievement, whether students were high- or low-achieving, with the exception of the highest achieving fourth graders.

5. "Over the long term in reading, the lowest performing students – those readers who struggle the most – have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago," she said.

6. ...the scores of lower performing students declined in three of the four grade-subject combinations and those drops are what accounted for the overall drop in average scores."


It is not the students, the sub-groups, the color, the wealth.....

.....it is the political perspective that owns and operates the schools.

The right wing attempted and almost succeeded in packing local school boards, until the voters made notice that the Moral Majority was neither moral or a majority.
With the introduction of the calculator a few decades ago did that start the decline in Mathematics? And has the diversity of people living here and moving here affected the reading and writing also? As pertaining to English.

Speaking of English....this post doesn't exactly 'flow.'

What are you trying to say?

And now for the results of indoctrination rather than education:

1. "Across the Board, Scores Drop in Math and Reading for U.S. Students
The latest results from the Nation’s Report Card show declines in student performance across demographics.

2. MATH AND READING SCORES for fourth- and eighth-graders in the United States dropped since 2017, and the decrease in reading achievement has government researchers particularly concerned.

3. "Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest performing students are doing worse," Peggy Carr, associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, said during a press call Tuesday.

4. ...declines in reading at both grades were also seen at all levels of achievement, whether students were high- or low-achieving, with the exception of the highest achieving fourth graders.

5. "Over the long term in reading, the lowest performing students – those readers who struggle the most – have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago," she said.

6. ...the scores of lower performing students declined in three of the four grade-subject combinations and those drops are what accounted for the overall drop in average scores."


It is not the students, the sub-groups, the color, the wealth.....

.....it is the political perspective that owns and operates the schools.

The right wing attempted and almost succeeded in packing local school boards, until the voters made notice that the Moral Majority was neither moral or a majority.

When the facts indict the Left, here you are prepared with lies to shield your cult.

Here's what happened:

  1. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.
  2. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51
  3. “[The radicals] did not go away or change their minds; the New Left shattered into a multitude of single-issue groups. We now have, to name a few, radical feminists, black extremists, animal rights groups, radical environmentalists, activist homosexual organizations, multiculturalists, organizations such as People for the American Way, the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), the National Organization for Women (NOW), and Planned Parenthood.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 53

They took over the schools......and America suffers the result.
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Democrats and educrats....have destroyed the schools.
The OP provides the dire results of Liberals/Progressives/Democrats controlling the schools.

They turn out cookie-cutter communists who vote Democrat, and favor socialism over capitalism, collectivism over individualism

1. Department of Education is, of course, unconstitutional.
The Constitution clearly states that powers not granted to the federal government belong to the states. So where is the impetus for its creation? Unions. The National Education Association (NEA) “In 1972, the massive union formed a political action committee…released ‘Needed: A Cabinet Department of Education’ in 1975, but its most significant step was to endorse a presidential candidate- Jimmy Carter- for the first time in the history of the organization.”
D.T. Stallngs, “A Brief History of the Department of Education: 1979-2002,” p. 3.

2. When formed, its budget was $13.1 billion (in 2007 dollars) and it employed 450 people. IN 2010, the estimated budget is $107 billion, and there are 4,800 employees.

3. “In November 1995, when the federal government shut down over a budget crisis, 89.4 percent of the department’s employees were deemed ‘nonessential’ and sent home.”
Beck and Balfe, “Broke,” p.304

And now for the results of indoctrination rather than education:

1. "Across the Board, Scores Drop in Math and Reading for U.S. Students
The latest results from the Nation’s Report Card show declines in student performance across demographics.

2. MATH AND READING SCORES for fourth- and eighth-graders in the United States dropped since 2017, and the decrease in reading achievement has government researchers particularly concerned.

3. "Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest performing students are doing worse," Peggy Carr, associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, said during a press call Tuesday.

4. ...declines in reading at both grades were also seen at all levels of achievement, whether students were high- or low-achieving, with the exception of the highest achieving fourth graders.

5. "Over the long term in reading, the lowest performing students – those readers who struggle the most – have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago," she said.

6. ...the scores of lower performing students declined in three of the four grade-subject combinations and those drops are what accounted for the overall drop in average scores."


It is not the students, the sub-groups, the color, the wealth.....

.....it is the political perspective that owns and operates the schools.

The right wing attempted and almost succeeded in packing local school boards, until the voters made notice that the Moral Majority was neither moral or a majority.

When the facts indict the Left, here you are prepared with lies to shield your cult.

Here's what happened:

  1. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.
  2. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51
  3. “[The radicals] did not go away or change their minds; the New Left shattered into a multitude of single-issue groups. We now have, to name a few, radical feminists, black extremists, animal rights groups, radical environmentalists, activist homosexual organizations, multiculturalists, organizations such as People for the American Way, the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), the National Organization for Women (NOW), and Planned Parenthood.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 53

They took over the schools......and America suffers the result.

Nothing you post is credible. That's quite remarkable, you are now free to call me names, claim I'm and idiot or anyone of the personal attacks on me which you use on all posters who do not kiss your ass.

In fact, you are Trumpian, with all of his character flaws.

And now for the results of indoctrination rather than education:

1. "Across the Board, Scores Drop in Math and Reading for U.S. Students
The latest results from the Nation’s Report Card show declines in student performance across demographics.

2. MATH AND READING SCORES for fourth- and eighth-graders in the United States dropped since 2017, and the decrease in reading achievement has government researchers particularly concerned.

3. "Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest performing students are doing worse," Peggy Carr, associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, said during a press call Tuesday.

4. ...declines in reading at both grades were also seen at all levels of achievement, whether students were high- or low-achieving, with the exception of the highest achieving fourth graders.

5. "Over the long term in reading, the lowest performing students – those readers who struggle the most – have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago," she said.

6. ...the scores of lower performing students declined in three of the four grade-subject combinations and those drops are what accounted for the overall drop in average scores."


It is not the students, the sub-groups, the color, the wealth.....

.....it is the political perspective that owns and operates the schools.

The right wing attempted and almost succeeded in packing local school boards, until the voters made notice that the Moral Majority was neither moral or a majority.

When the facts indict the Left, here you are prepared with lies to shield your cult.

Here's what happened:

  1. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.
  2. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51
  3. “[The radicals] did not go away or change their minds; the New Left shattered into a multitude of single-issue groups. We now have, to name a few, radical feminists, black extremists, animal rights groups, radical environmentalists, activist homosexual organizations, multiculturalists, organizations such as People for the American Way, the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), the National Organization for Women (NOW), and Planned Parenthood.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 53

They took over the schools......and America suffers the result.

Nothing you post is credible. That's quite remarkable, you are now free to call me names, claim I'm and idiot or anyone of the personal attacks on me which you use on all posters who do not kiss your ass.

In fact, you are Trumpian, with all of his character flaws.

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