Which News Aggregators do you use to get Climate Science Information?


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
I use WUWT daily, and the various links at Bishop Hill frequently to stay relatively up to date with current stories.

I realize this adds a skeptical bent to what I am exposed to but I find it more comprehensive than the alarmist sites. Eg, there is more overlap of topics at WUWT compared to SkS, than the other way around.
American Geophysical Union sites

American Geophysical Union (AGU)

I receive several publications a month from the Geological Society of America, in the mail and online.

Skeptical Science is another good source.

PNAS has most of their publications for free online.

BBC and Nova all have good videos online.

Then there are the real researchers in the field, like Richard Alley that has many good videos.
Thanks for responding.

Your list seems overly represented by videos. That would seem to make the news outdated, and give more opportunities for personal preferences to creep in, but on the flip side, more information can be presented in an easy to digest fashion.
The videos from the AGU conferances generally represent the latest research in the particular subject that they concern. Often presented by the people that did the research. Many of the presenters are from other nations, so you get what is going on in the science of other nations.
WUWT, PNAS, among a whole list of publishers and submitted papers. One of the main ones I use are the blogs of prominent scientists in atmospheric physics. I have many resources that are given to me by my employer and the College where I am doing post graduate work.
Giss, noaa, Uah, nasa and peer reviewed papers.

How do you choose which prp to examine?
Giss, noaa, Uah, nasa and peer reviewed papers.

How do you choose which prp to examine?
Simply put pnas, global warming, and you will see a whole bunch of papers from which to choose. Use Google Scholar, and put on global warming, sea level change, and many other topics concerning the climate forcing we are creating with our emissions. With the AGU videos, as well as others, such as the presentations of Richard Alley, you get more up to date information.

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