CDZ Which issue is more important: Homelessness or Gang Violence?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
Which issue is more important? Why?

If we could solve on completely tomorrow, which would you choose?
gang violence

Here's a question though......
If there was no homelessness, do you think there would still be gang violence?
Do you think there is any relationship between the 2?
I'll go with gang violence as well.
At least the homeless don't go around physically hurting anyone (not as a rule, at any rate).
I'm trying to think how homelessness "hurts" others.... gang violence does seem to make the most sense.
I am not sure how many children are homeless... there are many that choose/prefer to be homeless.
There was a movie about that topic with DeNiro... forget the name...
Homelessness is not a problem per se: It is merely the manifestation of allowing mentally ill and/or drug addicted people to roam the streets. Do you want to take away their freedom?

Likewise, poverty is the manifestation of destructive social values, including gang violence. Do you want to force people to behave in a responsible manner?
gang violence. It is manifested through poverty and mothers with too many children without a father figure. We can't mandate fathers be involved with their children but if we could eradicate the violence that takes young lives everyday, we have accomplished something.

Trump's first order of business is going after the illegals involved in gangs. Too bad it would be just illegals. We should eradicate all gangs regardless of their citizenship.
gang violence. It is manifested through poverty and mothers with too many children without a father figure. We can't mandate fathers be involved with their children but if we could eradicate the violence that takes young lives everyday, we have accomplished something.

Trump's first order of business is going after the illegals involved in gangs. Too bad it would be just illegals. We should eradicate all gangs regardless of their citizenship.
Yeah, the Mafia had those problems also, well really they didn't...but they would kill you to take over your operation...

Tough choice...

...We have a bunch of idiots running around thinkin' they're some sort of military outfit, who kill civilians in their conflicts indiscriminately and with little or no outcry from the major media outlets, and who'd be capped off in any firefight if they actually did run into a squad or two of trained US Marines...

...While on the other hand, as of a report I read a few years ago, about fifty percent of the homeless are actually former US vets.

*****SAD SMILE*****

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Without a doubt, gangs. Gangs do the most destruction to citizens, families, and law enforcement. The homeless folks I've known don't do real damage. Yes, they are tough to witness, and their pandering can become a nuisance. For the most part, I only see them causing harm to themselves. Even the ones on drugs don't seem to be aggressive toward others. In winter, my heart goes out to them. I'd be more willing to help them out, but it seems they've brought most of what they're going through on themselves.
Most gang violence has nothing to do with drugs. The same causes are the causes of war. Borders, turf, expansion. Legalize drugs and the gang wars will still rage on.

Cheryl Green was a young teenage girl living in the LA strip. The Hispanic gang in the area had a street that they considered their border. Black people could not cross that street. Cheryl crossed the street to go to a store and was shot dead. No drugs involved. She crossed the street into a "foreign country".
...While on the other hand, as of a report I read a few years ago, about fifty percent of the homeless are actually former US vets.

More like 10%. The majority of homeless persons are mentally ill and/or substance addicted adults.


The figure for how many homeless are veterans there are today is 1 in 4 or 25%...

Veterans make up 1 in 4 homeless -

I'll bet that figures low considering that the higher percentages for homeless veterans are the blacks, Hispanics, and poor whites...

National Coalition for Homeless Veterans

...and the governments probably playing with the figures to make itself look better.

Don't know where you came with your figure unless your using the figure of how many veterans make up the US population which happens to be 10%.


gang violence

Here's a question though......
If there was no homelessness, do you think there would still be gang violence?
Do you think there is any relationship between the 2?
Gang violence stems from drug sales and territory, just like during alcohol prohibition, they had drive by shootings and gangs in the 1920's...

We have drugs here but no gang violence, try again
Don't know where you came with your figure unless your using the figure of how many veterans make up the US population which happens to be 10%.

Veterans who are Homeless
According to
Veteran Homelessness: A Supplement to the 2009 Annual Homelessness Report
released in January 2011 by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development

An estimated
veterans (male and female) were homeless on a single night in January

veterans experienced homelessness over the course of the year (about
of the total homeless population


44,000 to 66,000 veterans
are experiencing chronic homelessness.

of all homeless veterans on a single night were located in just four states:
California, Florida, New York, and Texas.

Almost all
of sheltered homeless veterans are single adults, however
are part of families.
They tend to be younger, African-American, and female.

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