Which FBI are we talking about?


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Recently, the folks that hate Trump have rushed to the defense of the FBI claiming that any effort to demean them is tantamount to treason. I wonder, is this the same FBI we talked about for years? Is this the same FBI that withheld exculpatory evidence causing a Mistrial with prejudice in the case of Ammon Bundy? Mistrial declared in Bundy trial over withheld evidence

Is this the same FBI that spent weeks pursuing Richard Jewel for spotting a suspicious package and saving lives? The same FBI who improperly tried to get Jewel to wave his rights and confess to a crime he did not commit? Richard Jewell - Wikipedia

Is this the same FBI that sent hundreds of people to prison on Junk Science known as Lead Matching? Pearson - Science News

The FBI is hardly the bastion of honesty and compentence. If anything, it is among the worst examples of criminal policing. Examples like the use of National Security Letters, intended for ticking time bomb scenario Terrorism Investigations, and used for everything but that. FBI Found to Misuse Security Letters

I could go on, and on, and on. The FBI is hardly the great and honorable example of dedicated law enforcement that the Liberals are suddenly pretending.

This is where principles matter. Those principles that people throw away with such ease when they decide the ends justify the means. To those who are now singing the praises of the FBI it is not because they believe the FBI is faultless defenders of law, but because the ends, getting Trump justify any means, no matter how unethical or illegal.

I donated extra money to the ACLU when they defended a White Supremicist’s right to free speech. It wasn’t because I agreed with the idiot. I couldn’t disagree more. However, freedom of speech must apply to all, or it will soon apply to none. I argue regularly about violations of the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments by Police. Why? Not because I want to see criminals go free, but because without those defenses, the rights will continue eroding past where they are now.

Principles matter, or nothing else does. Without principles, we are little more than animals, the only difference is we walk upright.

If an organization regularly lies, why would you believe them? Is it only because the target this time is someone you hate? If that is the answer, then you can guess the next question. How do you defend the next victim of the lies, and abuses, when you would not defend the current victims?

I don’t truth the FBI any more than I trust the local cops. I weigh each statement with a lot of doubt, and if history is any indicator, chances are that doubt will be justified when the whole story comes out.

The black bag jobs, or surreptitious entries, are still being done, only now it’s electronic more than physical. How can you defend an organization that violates civil rights hundreds of times every week?

Either principles matter, or they don’t. For me, they always matter regardless of who the target is today.
There is an F.B.I. before Obama corrupted the whole Justice Department.

And, there is an F.B.I. after Obama corrupted the whole Justice Department.
There is an F.B.I. before Obama corrupted the whole Justice Department.

And, there is an F.B.I. after Obama corrupted the whole Justice Department.

Um. No. During the Bush years the FBI regularly violated Civil Rights via National Security Letters. It was well within the Bush Years before they finally admitted their magic test on lead marching was bullshit. Seriously it was w’s second term.

Black Bag jobs were still going on. Carnivore was searching emails. Secret rooms in the AT&T building to monitor all cell phone calls? Remember any of that?

The FBI has never been what you imagine it to be.
Yeah but putting counter intelligence, crime records and investigations all in the same bureau is just asking for trouble.

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