Which day did olbermann make hasan worst person

The answer is never.

Olbermann never called hasan the worst person in the world.

I guess killing 13 soldiers in the worst terrorist attack on American soil since
9-11 isn't as bad as not wanting public health care
The answer is never.

Olbermann never called hasan the worst person in the world.

I guess killing 13 soldiers in the worst terrorist attack on American soil since
9-11 isn't as bad as not wanting public health care

nope and he never will, he will however grieve and make a big toooooo doooo over a killed abortionist.
The answer is never.

Olbermann never called hasan the worst person in the world.

I guess killing 13 soldiers in the worst terrorist attack on American soil since
9-11 isn't as bad as not wanting public health care

Olbermann and those other two guys, Matthews and Maddow, at the cable channel no one watches wear blinders that only allow them to see Bush, Cheney, O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, and a few other folks on the right. And dead soldiers only count if they die in Iraq or Afghanistan, or at least they did when W was in the big chair.

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