Where there's Blacks & Hispanics there's extreme poverty, violent crime, drugs and general filth


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
What more can government do about the epidemic?
It seems like we funnel them more free shit and they just smoke more weed and drive a little nicer Caddy...their behavior never changes. Clearly more money doesn't work.
I'm thinking low iQ is the real problem...they're unable to consider consequences and make sound decisions like us reasonable humans can. They don't know how to strive to be become better or create ambition.
Since so many Liberals love these amazing beings that bring so much positive to the table in our society...and since Liberals love .gov to pave paths and walk grown adults through life why wouldn't they advocate for programs which aim to increase iQ within our ghettos and barrios?
Do Liberals and Democrats have these peeps right where they want them? Hmmmm
It's human evolution

It will take a thousand years to raise the IQ of the negroid
Why have so many alt right kkk fascist nazis shown up on this board?

And why the constant tearing down of their own country?

And the lies. Crap. I am so sick of the RWNJ lies.
Are you talking about the 14 Red States that run through Appalachia?
Why have so many alt right kkk fascist nazis shown up on this board?

And why the constant tearing down of their own country?

And the lies. Crap. I am so sick of the RWNJ lies.

Lying? What did I say that was racist or a lie?
We're all adults here...we can stop playing pretend and discuss "sensitive" issues...right?
Mama always said never let the truth hurt.
Are you talking about the 14 Red States that run through Appalachia?

Haha...even dean isn't that stupid...Let me know if you need me to waste everyone's time and post statistics. I'm pretty sure no one will buy the bullshit you're selling.
Why have so many alt right kkk fascist nazis shown up on this board?

And why the constant tearing down of their own country?

And the lies. Crap. I am so sick of the RWNJ lies.
There's not high crime where blacks and Hispanics live?
Your race has little to do with what values you hold but the culture has so much more to do with it.
Your race has little to do with what values you hold but the culture has so much more to do with it.

So it's not an iQ thing?
That decides what your values are or how successful you are?

One would think higher iQ folks would have a better idea of right and wrong within any society....no?
not exactly there are both high and low IQ in the political parties if it all was common sense then there wouldn't be multiple parties or at least not as tied as we have.

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