Where is Obama? Any place but the White House!!!!


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Where is Obama? Any place but the White House!!!!

!. Obama has been hunker down for three full days of debate prep at a resort in Williamsburg, Va. Romney practice for several hours Saturday in Ohio with Portman before making two campaign stops then returning to Massachusetts for more practice.

2. It's no accident that Obama chose this battleground of Virginia for debate preparations again. In the run-up to the first debate, Obama did his prep sessions in Nevada, which enabled him to visit a campaign office there to thank his volunteers and fire up his base at a large rally in Las Vegas.
Read more: Obama team vows president will have aggressive debate, puts Bain on the table | Fox News

3. After months on the road with fundraisers and speeches, just when does this president see the need to visit the White House for internal meetings with Intelligence Directors, White House Aides who communicate various issues of the day including communiques from abroad, domestic issues needing attention?

4. Between vacations, campaigning it is apparent this president does not want the job of the president but dearly loves the title he is fighting so hard to keep.

5. Please tell me there is a reason that Obama could not do his debate prep at the White House and assume some of the responsibilities of the job in his "off time!"
Where is Obama? Any place but the White House!!!!

!. Obama has been hunker down for three full days of debate prep at a resort in Williamsburg, Va. Romney practice for several hours Saturday in Ohio with Portman before making two campaign stops then returning to Massachusetts for more practice.

2. It's no accident that Obama chose this battleground of Virginia for debate preparations again. In the run-up to the first debate, Obama did his prep sessions in Nevada, which enabled him to visit a campaign office there to thank his volunteers and fire up his base at a large rally in Las Vegas.
Read more: Obama team vows president will have aggressive debate, puts Bain on the table | Fox News

3. After months on the road with fundraisers and speeches, just when does this president see the need to visit the White House for internal meetings with Intelligence Directors, White House Aides who communicate various issues of the day including communiques from abroad, domestic issues needing attention?

4. Between vacations, campaigning it is apparent this president does not want the job of the president but dearly loves the title he is fighting so hard to keep.

5. Please tell me there is a reason that Obama could not do his debate prep at the White House and assume some of the responsibilities of the job in his "off time!"
i am suprised he not doing debate prep in white house. But he still has to do as he was not prepared for the last debate enough and it showed.
The White House goes wherever the President is. He can read intelligence briefs himself wherever he is. Presidents have been doing it for years. Bush just needed someone to dice up the briefings and feed them to him personally in dumbed down bite sized pieces. This President doesn't.
It is OBVIOUS, really clear cut, that reading intelligence briefings wherever he is isn't a good enough performance. That's why we just had a massacre in Libya. obama claims he didn't know. Maybe it's because he just skimmed over the intelligence briefing he was supposed to read.
Obama is not confined to the WH. He is president where ever he is. He is multiple task president and can rub his head and pat his tummy at the same time. How much time did Romney appear in Mass. as Governor? I believe it was like 400 days.
The White House goes wherever the President is. He can read intelligence briefs himself wherever he is. Presidents have been doing it for years. Bush just needed someone to dice up the briefings and feed them to him personally in dumbed down bite sized pieces. This President doesn't.

Sorry, Seawytch, not so. Other presidents received their briefing papers before their meetings with the Intelligence Director and had their questions ready for their meetings. They were ENGAGED. Sometimes when the Director could not answer the questions asked by the president, a second meeting was called for that same day with more information gathering.
It is OBVIOUS, really clear cut, that reading intelligence briefings wherever he is isn't a good enough performance. That's why we just had a massacre in Libya. obama claims he didn't know. Maybe it's because he just skimmed over the intelligence briefing he was supposed to read.

Like Bush did for 9/11?
Obama is not confined to the WH. He is president where ever he is. He is multiple task president and can rub his head and pat his tummy at the same time. How much time did Romney appear in Mass. as Governor? I believe it was like 400 days.
it true that the president don,t need to be in white house for briefings. He can rid them on air force one or someone else while he going to swing states
Presidents have be engaged, they are fulfilling the obligations of employment. Kings do not have to be engaged, they are Kings no matter what they do.
Presidents have be engaged, they are fulfilling the obligations of employment. Kings do not have to be engaged, they are Kings no matter what they do.
It is true and they must always not forget they have a day job to do even while out trying to win relection. that stands for anybody in any leadership role in any country.
Obama should be grounded. We know he's supposed to be home by 9 O'clock but is he, No. He's out gallivanting about, probably with his Democratic friends.
Obama should be grounded. We know he's supposed to be home by 9 O'clock but is he, No. He's out gallivanting about, probably with his Democratic friends.
thats a bit harsh. Like anyone he needs to be out their like anybody trying to win reelection.

But look your right that most important he focuses on his day job first.

in end you looking like get your wish of romney win. so should not be to worried.
The White House goes wherever the President is. He can read intelligence briefs himself wherever he is. Presidents have been doing it for years. Bush just needed someone to dice up the briefings and feed them to him personally in dumbed down bite sized pieces. This President doesn't.

1. That said, the news that President Obama has been absent from so many of his daily intelligence briefings is a stunner. There's simply no good excuse for it. It comes on the heels of reports from Bob Woodward that Obama doesn't regularly attend "security briefings."

2. According to a study by the Government Accountability Institute, based on the publicly available White House calendar, Obama failed to attend a single Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) in the week leading up to 9/11 and the chaos that erupted in the Arab world. The mere fact that we were approaching 9/11 was itself a crucial reason for attending not one but all of the briefings. Obama attended none.

3. Worse, this is apparently nothing new. Obama attended only 43.8 percent of his Presidential Daily Briefs in the first 1,225 days of his administration; that's less than a majority.

4. To my knowledge, as a presidential historian, this is extremely unusual -- probably unprecedented for a president. Has there ever been a president, certainly in the post-WWII period (when the CIA was established), who has blithely missed so many intelligence briefings? I don't think so. George W. Bush didn't. He attended the PDB six times per week, as Thiessen notes.

5. Reagan, in fact, attended the daily intelligence briefing. I could lay this out at great length, but here I'll offer just two Reagan sources, both still living, who can speak to this:
Bill Casey would, by courier, send the President's Daily Brief each morning at about 5:00 a.m. to our war room downstairs in our [National] Security Council. It was a very limited edition, five colors showing the activity across the globe for the preceding 24 hours. It would be delivered to the president in his residence before he came over [by 7:00 a.m.]. His first question for a long period of time was usually, "What is happening in Poland this morning?" He'd write questions all over the margins about things that weren't clear in the briefing. And, of course, the agency [CIA] would come down with further explanations.

6. Clark recalls how Reagan craved that regular morning update. He would read it and then they would meet. Reagan ate up these briefings. He didn't skip them. He asked questions of his advisers. He probed for ideas. There was give-and-take. Reagan attended the briefings and used them as presidents should and always have --until now, apparently. That's presidential decision-making.

7. When Reagan finished his presidency, after two terms, genuine freedom and democracy were surging all over the communist world, beginning in Poland.

8. As for Obama, if he's in the process of finishing his presidency, after one term, he's facing a surge of radical Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East, and the dashing of hope for freedom and democracy. Can any of that be blamed on Obama's failure to attend these routine briefings? Maybe, maybe not. It certainly can't help. But do enough Americans even care?
The American Spectator : Obama's Daily Intelligence Brief
It is OBVIOUS, really clear cut, that reading intelligence briefings wherever he is isn't a good enough performance. That's why we just had a massacre in Libya. obama claims he didn't know. Maybe it's because he just skimmed over the intelligence briefing he was supposed to read.

Like Bush did for 9/11?

When you come up with evidence that the 9/11/01 attack was going to happen was as specific as the 9/11/12 attack we'll discuss.
It is OBVIOUS, really clear cut, that reading intelligence briefings wherever he is isn't a good enough performance. That's why we just had a massacre in Libya. obama claims he didn't know. Maybe it's because he just skimmed over the intelligence briefing he was supposed to read.

Like Bush did for 9/11?

When you come up with evidence that the 9/11/01 attack was going to happen was as specific as the 9/11/12 attack we'll discuss.

I'm sure there will be no intelligent discussion forthcoming from a foaming liberal. :lol:
Really, one of these fucking whiny threads? I hated this shit when dems did it during the Bush years.

President + Election season = Par for the course, doesn't matter who it is. :lol:

It's 2012! The POTUS is mobile now, has been since the late 90's. :lol:

Fuck off.

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