Where Gay Americans Can Now Marry

Is it so wonderful to normalize the homosexual lifestyle? Consider the men and boys victimized.

Does it occur to you that we brought this plague of aids upon ourselves? .

Then you should be applauding the decision- the way to fight any STD is to encourage monogamy- which marriage is supposed to do.

Monogamous couples do not get STD's.
just like when blacks were allowed in schools.
Speaking of African Americans and homosexuals:

Gay Adoption Horror Duke University Official Molested Adopted African American Son Pimped Son to Cop in Web Sting - RPVNetwork

Here's some articles about African Americans being fired because they refuse to kowtow to gay activists: Gay Rights vs. Religious Liberty WND Whistleblower Report Documents Victims of Homosexual Agenda Americans for Truth

African American = ethnic group

homosexuality, like obesity = behavior

See the difference?

Homosexuality is the attraction to the same gender- no more behavior than heterosexuality is.

Having sex is behavior- being sexually attracted is.

Posting a bunch of homophobic crap- that is behavior.
They can marry anywhere. They just can't have that marriage accepted everywhere.

There was nothing in that ruling that affected individual tolerance, acceptance or association.

Yep- and that is perfectly fine- the couples wanted to be able to legally marry- and now they can.

They weren't asking for bigots to change their bigotry.
just like when blacks were allowed in schools.
Speaking of African Americans and homosexuals:

Gay Adoption Horror Duke University Official Molested Adopted African American Son Pimped Son to Cop in Web Sting - RPVNetwork

Here's some articles about African Americans being fired because they refuse to kowtow to gay activists: Gay Rights vs. Religious Liberty WND Whistleblower Report Documents Victims of Homosexual Agenda Americans for Truth

African American = ethnic group

homosexuality, like obesity = behavior

See the difference?
No difference in con bigotry either. Hate is hate, no matter if it's gays or blacks or women or the poor, or the elderly.
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They can marry anywhere. They just can't have that marriage accepted everywhere.

There was nothing in that ruling that affected individual tolerance, acceptance or association.

Yep- and that is perfectly fine- the couples wanted to be able to legally marry- and now they can.

They weren't asking for bigots to change their bigotry.
I have to admit Obama made some very good speeches today. I was surprised.

Anyway, a good song to end the day:
Is it so wonderful to normalize the homosexual lifestyle? Consider the men and boys victimized.

Does it occur to you that we brought this plague of aids upon ourselves? .

Then you should be applauding the decision- the way to fight any STD is to encourage monogamy- which marriage is supposed to do.

Monogamous couples do not get STD's.
Every gender and every sexual orientation can get STD's, and there sure is a long list that don't require an ass or a blowjob to get started. ;)
The down side to this, is now con hate crimes are going to explode, just like when blacks were allowed in schools.

There were no con hate crimes before, there aren't going to be any now. Most of the mentally ill losers who engage in hate crimes are homosexuals themselves.
Then you should be applauding the decision- the way to fight any STD is to encourage monogamy- which marriage is supposed to do.

Monogamous couples do not get STD's.
Homosexuals have been getting married for decades! Homosexual couples don't need official approval to get married. Are you really saying you need the government to make you monogamous?!

Does homosexual marriage lead to monogamy?
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The down side to this, is now con hate crimes are going to explode, just like when blacks were allowed in schools.

There were no con hate crimes before, there aren't going to be any now. Most of the mentally ill losers who engage in hate crimes are homosexuals themselves.


The down side to this, is now con hate crimes are going to explode, just like when blacks were allowed in schools.

There were no con hate crimes before, there aren't going to be any now. Most of the mentally ill losers who engage in hate crimes are homosexuals themselves.
Now cons are trying to say that Dylann Roof is a liberal gay.... Well he IS probably going to be a CONvict's girlfriend.
Homosexuality is the attraction to the same gender- no more behavior than heterosexuality is.
People are born with a propensity towards overeating, violence, drug addiction. Are these all ethnic groups rather than behaviors?!

Posting a bunch of homophobic crap- that is behavior.
Wow a gay fanatic screeching "homophobic" because he can't handle the facts. What a surprise.

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