Where does the Tea Party stand on legalization of marijuana?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
Does anyone know?

Does the Tea Party even have an official platform, or is it just a bunch of disparate interest groups trying to glom on to the same name?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HcXcYlF3_0]YouTube - Peter Tosh - Legalize it live[/ame]
Does anyone know?

Does the Tea Party even have an official platform, or is it just a bunch of disparate interest groups trying to glom on to the same name?

If they actually believe in freedom and smaller government like they profess then they should be for legalization. If they are blowing smoke like I think they are than they will be against it.

More than likely though some are for it and some are against it, and it will be the same convoluted hodge podge stance they usually take. (Wish they would get a leader and a uniform coheriant platform)
Funny I don't think I've heard anybody say where they stand. But if not an actual TPer, I'm still for what they seem to be about and I would hope they liked the idea of legalized marijuana. If I could go back to the beginning and legalize a drug for the first time, it sure wouldn't be alcohol. People are going to seek an altered state of consciousness, somewhere, sometime, in their lives, it's simple human behavior. AND it grows everywhere! How do you legislate nature?
Well from what I understand they want to cut spending, shrink goernment and return to the Constitution.

That would require that most be for the removal of all prohabition and not just for weed
Does anyone know?

Does the Tea Party even have an official platform, or is it just a bunch of disparate interest groups trying to glom on to the same name?

If they actually believe in freedom and smaller government like they profess then they should be for legalization. If they are blowing smoke like I think they are than they will be against it.

More than likely though some are for it and some are against it, and it will be the same convoluted hodge podge stance they usually take. (Wish they would get a leader and a uniform coheriant platform)

From another post:


I see the Tea party as the common man who has just now found his voice after many years of fat, lazy silence. Right now they are clownish and disorganized in their new reincarnation and need polish and direction but that IS the voice of the common man you are hearing, make no mistake about it. Later it will morph into what it will eventually be, for good or ill but don't be too quick to laugh, my friends. Far smaller factions of far less experienced members have changed the world.

I also see the 'fat, lazy' as just about all of us that have been cruising along for several generations letting the Government run itself while we reaped the benefits. But something has gone terribly wrong there in the last few decades, hasn't it? And it's not just Democrats, and it's not just Republicans and it's not just corporations and it's not just a shaky infrastructure, is it? It's all of us that have stood by while others that did not have our country's best interest at heart have been given full head to do as they wish, politicians from both parties that have passed laws without looking down the road at the possible complications and ramifications or doing so. And why? BECAUSE WE WEREN'T WATCHING.

Well, now a small faction of people that remember when this country was great have gotten a platform and a voice. That is always scary to the leaches because they don't want to let go of their fat host. But the host has been drained almost dry and they'll fall off while the rest of us try to revive it.

That bunch of guys that dumped all the Tetley in the Boston Harbor were a disorganized bunch of rabble too. Never judge anything by it's first reincarnation. And never underestimate the common man when you stir him up. After all, the Boston Tea Partiers were just pissed off over a breakfast beverage.
Does anyone know?

Does the Tea Party even have an official platform, or is it just a bunch of disparate interest groups trying to glom on to the same name?

If they actually believe in freedom and smaller government like they profess then they should be for legalization. If they are blowing smoke like I think they are than they will be against it.

More than likely though some are for it and some are against it, and it will be the same convoluted hodge podge stance they usually take. (Wish they would get a leader and a uniform coheriant platform)

From another post:


I see the Tea party as the common man who has just now found his voice after many years of fat, lazy silence. Right now they are clownish and disorganized in their new reincarnation and need polish and direction but that IS the voice of the common man you are hearing, make no mistake about it. Later it will morph into what it will eventually be, for good or ill but don't be too quick to laugh, my friends. Far smaller factions of far less experienced members have changed the world.

I also see the 'fat, lazy' as just about all of us that have been cruising along for several generations letting the Government run itself while we reaped the benefits. But something has gone terribly wrong there in the last few decades, hasn't it? And it's not just Democrats, and it's not just Republicans and it's not just corporations and it's not just a shaky infrastructure, is it? It's all of us that have stood by while others that did not have our country's best interest at heart have been given full head to do as they wish, politicians from both parties that have passed laws without looking down the road at the possible complications and ramifications or doing so. And why? BECAUSE WE WEREN'T WATCHING.

Well, now a small faction of people that remember when this country was great have gotten a platform and a voice. That is always scary to the leaches because they don't want to let go of their fat host. But the host has been drained almost dry and they'll fall off while the rest of us try to revive it.

That bunch of guys that dumped all the Tetley in the Boston Harbor were a disorganized bunch of rabble too. Never judge anything by it's first reincarnation. And never underestimate the common man when you stir him up. After all, the Boston Tea Partiers were just pissed off over a breakfast beverage.

Well they got the first part, they recognized we got a problem. Now it is time for them to get to the action stage. The Boston Teas Party eventually turned into a revolution if I recall, they got leaders and a unified message and then promptly revolted. Until then they were exactly what they porteyed themselves to be...wild savages.
That bunch of guys that dumped all the Tetley in the Boston Harbor were a disorganized bunch of rabble too.

Yeah, they lacked that aristocratic oversight pulling the strings behind the scenes....
If they actually believe in freedom and smaller government like they profess then they should be for legalization. If they are blowing smoke like I think they are than they will be against it.

More than likely though some are for it and some are against it, and it will be the same convoluted hodge podge stance they usually take. (Wish they would get a leader and a uniform coheriant platform)

From another post:


I see the Tea party as the common man who has just now found his voice after many years of fat, lazy silence. Right now they are clownish and disorganized in their new reincarnation and need polish and direction but that IS the voice of the common man you are hearing, make no mistake about it. Later it will morph into what it will eventually be, for good or ill but don't be too quick to laugh, my friends. Far smaller factions of far less experienced members have changed the world.

I also see the 'fat, lazy' as just about all of us that have been cruising along for several generations letting the Government run itself while we reaped the benefits. But something has gone terribly wrong there in the last few decades, hasn't it? And it's not just Democrats, and it's not just Republicans and it's not just corporations and it's not just a shaky infrastructure, is it? It's all of us that have stood by while others that did not have our country's best interest at heart have been given full head to do as they wish, politicians from both parties that have passed laws without looking down the road at the possible complications and ramifications or doing so. And why? BECAUSE WE WEREN'T WATCHING.

Well, now a small faction of people that remember when this country was great have gotten a platform and a voice. That is always scary to the leaches because they don't want to let go of their fat host. But the host has been drained almost dry and they'll fall off while the rest of us try to revive it.

That bunch of guys that dumped all the Tetley in the Boston Harbor were a disorganized bunch of rabble too. Never judge anything by it's first reincarnation. And never underestimate the common man when you stir him up. After all, the Boston Tea Partiers were just pissed off over a breakfast beverage.

Well they got the first part, they recognized we got a problem. Now it is time for them to get to the action stage. The Boston Teas Party eventually turned into a revolution if I recall, they got leaders and a unified message and then promptly revolted. Until then they were exactly what they porteyed themselves to be...wild savages.

Everything takes time, Spectrum. They're new, lets just wait and see what happens. It's this 'instant gratification' generation that has no patience. If it isn't ready in 3 minutes or less they move on. And more's the pity.
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Does anyone know?

Does the Tea Party even have an official platform, or is it just a bunch of disparate interest groups trying to glom on to the same name?

If they actually believe in freedom and smaller government like they profess then they should be for legalization. If they are blowing smoke like I think they are than they will be against it.

More than likely though some are for it and some are against it, and it will be the same convoluted hodge podge stance they usually take. (Wish they would get a leader and a uniform coheriant platform)

all of the ones I personally know are very strongly against it.
That bunch of guys that dumped all the Tetley in the Boston Harbor were a disorganized bunch of rabble too.

Yeah, they lacked that aristocratic oversight pulling the strings behind the scenes....

They were a bunch of terrorists, dressing up like indians and all that.
That bunch of guys that dumped all the Tetley in the Boston Harbor were a disorganized bunch of rabble too.

Yeah, they lacked that aristocratic oversight pulling the strings behind the scenes....

They were a bunch of terrorists, dressing up like indians and all that.

Yeah, that whole American Revolution thing was so wrong headed. We should still belong to England, right?
That bunch of guys that dumped all the Tetley in the Boston Harbor were a disorganized bunch of rabble too.

Yeah, they lacked that aristocratic oversight pulling the strings behind the scenes....

They were a bunch of terrorists, dressing up like indians and all that.

Yeah, that whole American Revolution thing was so wrong headed. We should still belong to England, right?

Sarcasm recognition FAIL. :thup:

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