Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

Thank you! And that's just a partial list. I mean, water baptism is clearly tied to belief and repentance over and over in the New Testament.
The passage that was left out was the one of Jesus being baptized. What repentance was needed? What sins were forgiven? Jesus was indicating the new beginning in his life. No sins and no repentance needed. Its the same with a new life entering the world. A new beginning, not only for the child, but the history of mankind--into a life where Satan has already been rejected and where sins are forgiven.
I was baptized at age 20. This was after my experiences with the occult. The minister who performed my Baptism visited with me several times before he determined I was ready. At the time I really wasn't sure what he was looking for. Later I understood.

Sadly, he died about a year later in a traffic accident while doing "The Work."

That's really good that he spent time with you and made sure you were ready.

My water baptism was in a swimming pool in Kona Hawaii where I was at the time doing a Discipleship Training School (DTS) through YWAM.

It was one of the best days of my life. I absolutely LOVE water baptisms. (when it's the real deal, of course) There's something about it that is indescribable.... pure joy, and it's hard to put into words but it's an amazing understanding that everything is brand new. That's why I love seeing water baptisms, because I know what a special day it is for that person, and I'm excited for them.
That's really good that he spent time with you and made sure you were ready.

My water baptism was in a swimming pool in Kona Hawaii where I was at the time doing a Discipleship Training School (DTS) through YWAM.

It was one of the best days of my life. I absolutely LOVE water baptisms. (when it's the real deal, of course) There's something about it that is indescribable.... pure joy, and it's hard to put into words but it's an amazing understanding that everything is brand new. That's why I love seeing water baptisms, because I know what a special day it is for that person, and I'm excited for them.
In the video I posted of Russell Brand I saw that same JOY you desscribe and I too remember.
It doesn't. I have read the Bible. I know it's a shock to hear a Catholic say that, but it's a true story. I've actually read or heard it over and over because the Catholic Church gives us scripture every day, not just on Sunday.

Anyhow, it does not say in the Bible you can't baptize infants and it is inferred that infants were indeed baptized. In Acts, it says "whole households" were baptized. Most households had infants and/or children.

Jesus said to let the children come to Him.

You can baptize people in comas and even dead bodies too. Same thing.
I've had three children. At the birth of each, I was ready at a moment's notice to baptize them in case they weren't going to make it.

The Church has no official answer as to what happens to unbaptized babies who die. They used to say they go to Limbo, but that was retracted as error.
And they keep saying "we" believe you HAVE TO be an adult. That isn't necessarily true.

A person does have to reach the age of accountability. That can vary.

At age 12 Jesus was found in the Temple discussing the Scriptures on their level. He already was able to discuss these things with sincere men MUCH older than He. And this was at age 12! Yet He was baptized at age 30 to set an example for us.

But Jesus was a Jew and they don't believe in original sin.. Christians do, so it follows they would baptize infants.
It doesn't. I have read the Bible. I know it's a shock to hear a Catholic say that, but it's a true story. I've actually read or heard it over and over because the Catholic Church gives us scripture every day, not just on Sunday.

Anyhow, it does not say in the Bible you can't baptize infants and it is inferred that infants were indeed baptized. In Acts, it says "whole households" were baptized. Most households had infants and/or children.

Jesus said to let the children come to Him.

I would say not until the age of accountability but sprinkling a baby does nothing. That is fact
I would say not until the age of accountability but sprinkling a baby does nothing. That is fact
Children have the stain of original sin on them and that is washed away with baptism

I know it's not popular to believe in original sin anymore, but oh well. Jesus never was very popular.. the hatred shown His Church is

abundant evidence of that

"You will be hated by all" Jesus said'
Children have the stain of original sin on them and that is washed away with baptism

I know it's not popular to believe in original sin anymore, but oh well. Jesus never was very popular.. the hatred shown His Church is

abundant evidence of that

"You will be hated by all" Jesus said'
True but without the knowledge of such why would they need baptism? I am just saying there is an age at which they understand that, and then only salvation saves them, baptism is an outward indication of an inward change, and an act of obedience following Christ in baptism
True but without the knowledge of such why would they need baptism? I am just saying there is an age at which they understand that, and then only salvation saves them, baptism is an outward indication of an inward change, and an act of obedience following Christ in baptism
no, baptism washes away original sin which we are all born with