Where Does All That Money Come From, Obozo?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Dad29 @ Dad29: Where Does All That Money Come From, Obozo?

You knew this from the last time around. .

..Since February 2012, the Obama campaign has received a total of $2,983,854.78 in donations with invalid ZIP codes, versus the Romney campaign’s $244,287.01—a figure one-twelfth of Obama’s.

The GAI report also includes an analysis of the 2008 presidential campaign. There again, the Obama campaign collected far more donations with invalid ZIP codes than did Republican presidential challenger Sen. John McCain. The figures: $2,778,808.97 for Obama and $431,046 for McCain...

Yah, well, he's a crook and everybody knows it.

However, there's more to it than just that. Recall that the Clinton's first PRIMARY campaign was in deep financial trouble until the Chinese Communists bailed him out. The ChiComs love them some (D) Presidents, because to (D) Presidents, both US workers and US national defense are throw-aways.

So? Well read more at above link.

Obama Campaign Borrows $15M from Bank of America

Obama For America took out a $15 million loan from Bank of America last month, according to the campaign’s October monthly FEC report. The loan was incurred on September 4 and is due November 14, eight days after the election. OFA received an interest rate of 2.5% plus the current Libor rate.

Warren Buffett, Obama donor and namesake of the infamous “Buffett Rule,” invested $5 billion in Bank of America last year in an effort to help the ailing financial institution. Last month, two weeks after OFA took out the loan, Bank of America announced a plan that would lay off 16,000 workers by the end of the year.

Obama has a complicated relationship with Bank of America. The bank contributed $20 million toward the cost of the Democrat National Convention earlier this year. Bank of America stadium, home to the Carolina Panthers, was supposed to host Obama’s acceptance speech. At the last moment, the campaign switched to a significantly smaller venue. The campaign claimed that an impending storm would not allow the President to deliver his address. Many questioned whether move was made because the campaign was having trouble filling such a large stadium...

Obama Campaign Borrows $15M from Bank of America | Washington Free Beacon
Barack Obama has received more money from Corporate Banks than any other Politician in History. That's just fact. His Obamabots will never accept that, but it is reality.
Where Does All That Money Come From, Obozo?

October 22, 2012

Military Contributions Favor


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:


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I gave to Obama at least a dozen times since the conventions.
I gave to Obama at least a dozen times since the conventions.

As it was created from an all girl's school, native Floridians tend to describe FSU as an institution: "where the women are women and the men are too". You must be a graduate.

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