Where do you find good unbiased news?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
Where do you find good unbiased news? I realize that all news organizations are biased to some extent, however some clearly have an agenda. Here is what I came up with. Do you agree? If not where would you turn to get fair news coverage?

The Best:
BBC News
Christian Science Monitor
Washington Post

The Worst:
Fox News
EIB Network
Air American

What about the Internet? I have no idea. There are loads of news web sites but most have strong right or left leanings.
Where do you find good unbiased news? I realize that all news organizations are biased to some extent, however some clearly have an agenda. Here is what I came up with. Do you agree? If not where would you turn to get fair news coverage?

The Best:
BBC News
Christian Science Monitor
Washington Post

The Worst:
Fox News
EIB Network
Air American

What about the Internet? I have no idea. There are loads of news web sites but most have strong right or left leanings.

I pretty much agree with everything you said...
including your lists.

though not actually NEWS SHOWS, I find that the daily show and colbert report, though obviously liberal, tend to be fair to both sides when they cover the news topics of the day

if a dem behaves badly you can be sure that he/she will NOT get a free pass from either of these 2 shows
I asked this a month back or so and didn't really get much feedback. I think in a few hours you'll have someone tear down all the ones you think are good. I'm not...just saying someone else might.
This is a really tough question.

The short answer is read a lot of different things from all sides, use your brain to weed out the bullshit, and try to form an independent common sense opinion.
Where do you find good unbiased news? I realize that all news organizations are biased to some extent, however some clearly have an agenda. Here is what I came up with. Do you agree? If not where would you turn to get fair news coverage?

The Best:
BBC News
Christian Science Monitor
Washington Post

The Worst:
Fox News
EIB Network
Air American

What about the Internet? I have no idea. There are loads of news web sites but most have strong right or left leanings.

real clear poltiics
Where do you find good unbiased news? I realize that all news organizations are biased to some extent, however some clearly have an agenda. Here is what I came up with. Do you agree? If not where would you turn to get fair news coverage?

The Best:
BBC News
Christian Science Monitor
Washington Post

The Worst:
Fox News
EIB Network
Air American

What about the Internet? I have no idea. There are loads of news web sites but most have strong right or left leanings.

BBC has been know to lean liberal as has PBS and the editorial pages of the WA Post.

Fox and eib are definately right leaning while msnbc and air america are definately left leaning.

CNN, depending on the anchor, can be either nuetral or liberal.

I never really used the christian science monitor but it sounds conservative :lol:

I'm not saying you are right/wrong just saying my opinion is different than yours.

There are no unbiased sources. This is why you have to watch multiple sources to get your information then decide what you feel is the most accurate.

Personally I read al-jezeera online a lot for news about America in the international community.
The Washington Post is one of the most outwardly biased, least credible, obscenely unreliable and dishonest major outlets in America. The editorial board are uniformly laissez-faire, pro-war in any instance, staunchly zionist, obsequious and deferential to power, administration water carriers. They never met an anonymous government source they didn't like and serve as an outlet for the last two administrations to pass on whatever propaganda they want.

Democracy Now A daily TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 800 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the U.S. is perhaps the best online news source

I don't really think there's a national TV channel or newspaper that isn't seriously influenced by its corporate owners to not be adversarial to government and corporate power the way that all journalists should be. Most wind up being mindless stenographers of government claims.
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No such thing as unbiased news. I find that I like talk radio since I listen to most of my news in the car and you can switch between the liberal and the conservative shows to avoid the commercials. Many of the liberal talk radio shows are majorly lacking but there are a few good ones out there. It is really entertaining to hear Hannity covering the same topic as one of the liberal talking heads at the same time. It can give you real insight into the nuances that reveal bias. It is truly amazing how far some of these can be blown out of proportion.
real clear poltiics

The Cheneys are now a stripped-down operation: Dick Cheney keeps an office at the conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute, where he has an aide, Peter Long, helping him with research. But mostly he works from home. On weekdays, Liz leaves her small children with a nanny, so she can work on the memoir either at her house or at her parents’. When her father has something to say about Obama, the former vice-president takes a break from the book to prepare a political attack, feeding statements to his preferred media conduit, Politico.com.

-- http://nymag.com/news/politics/64601/index1.html

Politico: Dick Cheney's Personal Megaphone
Where do you find good unbiased news? I realize that all news organizations are biased to some extent, however some clearly have an agenda. Here is what I came up with. Do you agree? If not where would you turn to get fair news coverage?

The Best:
BBC News
Christian Science Monitor
Washington Post

The Worst:
Fox News
EIB Network
Air American

What about the Internet? I have no idea. There are loads of news web sites but most have strong right or left leanings.

politifact seems to be one of the more balanced, but I don't know that it's really "News."

A/P is one of the more balanced, IMHO.
I agree with most in here. There are no unbiased news outlets. You have to watch/listen to both. There are various sites to use as references to things you hear on the news. If you want voting tendencies of a Senator or Congressman or a new bill is introduced and you want to know about it then you go to govtrack.us. Most of the .gov sites tend to be nonbiased when you are looking for historical information, just ensure you stay away from their blog sites as they will be biased based on thier party alignment. It takes research and multiple sources to finally formulate a unbiased educated opinion.
Where do you find good unbiased news? I realize that all news organizations are biased to some extent, however some clearly have an agenda. Here is what I came up with. Do you agree? If not where would you turn to get fair news coverage?

The Best:
BBC News
Christian Science Monitor
Washington Post

The Worst:
Fox News
EIB Network
Air American

What about the Internet? I have no idea. There are loads of news web sites but most have strong right or left leanings.

You should take a look at the Wall Street Journal. The editorial page offers the best conservative/business viewpoint and makes no pretense of being without that bias; but the main reporting section, on the other hand, is bias free.

C-SPAN is good for reasonably balanced reporting by selecting news items from both sides of the spectrum of bias, reading from them and taking viewer’s calls pretty much as they come.

You really should not look for, rely on, or expect newspaper or TV and Cable News reporting to be without bias. You should watch and read both sides, do some reading from elsewhere, talk to friends who make an honest effort to keep up with political (and other) events, and then make informed opinions intellectually, not emotionally.
Any reporting that makes emotional arguments, or puts news stories in an emotional context should be considered suspect.

The fact that you classify "EIB" as an actual source purporting to be "unbiased" is a little disturbing. It doesn't, it isn't, and you should already know that if you look for actdual news reporting.

The BBC ought to be reliably bias free for American readers, simply because they dare report what would be politically incorrect to report in this country, but they also have a bias; in their being in the pocket of their own government, their reporters see events from the viewpoint of a quasi government agency.

Our NPR has the same sort of suspect relationship, not because of financial support, but because of the fealty of their reporters; notice the caste or color they put on the stories they report on. You will notice that they cast any Democratic Presidents programs/policies in a positive light, and any Republican’s in a negative light. Take into consideration how they report on the administration’s opposition to see that coloration more easily.
Just have the guts to think on your own instead of having to rely on spoon fed information. Fox news is my favorite but that doesn't mean they are perfect everytime. It is truth we should seek and not the 'correct bias' that happens to support our political position.
Where do you find good unbiased news?

I get it right from this message board. You can't find more fair and balanced polite discourse than right here

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