Where are your priorities?

If you are republican/conservative which of the two options would select if you had to choose one.

1) We have a Democrat for a president and the country flourishes during his term. Everyone prospers for the most part and life is very good for all Americans.

2) We have a Democrat for president and life is miserable, nothing goes well and morale of the country is at an all-time low.

Which would you rather see happen and why?

Good question. And here is an even better answer:

The true answer is in what one defines as "flourish".

Republicans, or conservatives, would say "flourishing" would mean low taxes, less political correctness, secure borders, fighting our enemies and defeating them rather than coddling them, a slow return to social morality, and a decent economy. America excelling above the rest of the world, and voluntary charity.

To Dems, far left wingers and phony RINOS, "flourishing" would mean more entitlements from the government, amnesty to illegals and a soft border, appeasing enemies in hopes they'll see it our way and lay down their arms, a cap on carbon, taxing the rich back down to Earth so they live like the middle class, positioning America in a global fashion so that we are equal, no better or worse, than other nations in the world, and a social agenda that bans anything that may be seen as harmful or offensive in a hope that we can live safe, unoffended lives.

So really, for a conservative to live under a Democratic president while the nation is "flourishing" would mean that president is failing miserably in his goals, and to live under a Democratic president where the country is struggling (in a cons interpretation) would mean the Dem is succeeding in his goals.

But yeah, if our nation is "flourshing" by my definition of flourishing, I'd be more than happy to have a Democrat president at the helm with that happening. Although, he'd either be a failing Democrat, or a phony Democrat in name only acting like a conservative.
If you are republican/conservative which of the two options would select if you had to choose one.

1) We have a Democrat for a president and the country flourishes during his term. Everyone prospers for the most part and life is very good for all Americans.

2) We have a Democrat for president and life is miserable, nothing goes well and morale of the country is at an all-time low.

Which would you rather see happen and why?

A choice between a conservative democrat and a liberal democrat? Obviously I'll take option 1, the conservative democrat. What a stupid question.

#1 was Clinton.

remember the world imploded because of him. :cuckoo:

Clinton, the guy who proposed Hillarycare? The guy who pushed teh Assault Weapons Ban? The guy who increased the min wage? Inaugurated SCHIP?
I guess since he didn't advocate nationalizing industries and surrendering to foreign enemies he looks like a conservative.
If you are republican/conservative which of the two options would select if you had to choose one.

1) We have a Democrat for a president and the country flourishes during his term. Everyone prospers for the most part and life is very good for all Americans.

2) We have a Democrat for president and life is miserable, nothing goes well and morale of the country is at an all-time low.

Which would you rather see happen and why?

A choice between a conservative democrat and a liberal democrat? Obviously I'll take option 1, the conservative democrat. What a stupid question.

#1 was Clinton.

remember the world imploded because of him. :cuckoo:

So, because Clinton could fall within the realm of #1, I should take #2, Obama? The OP gave two choices and I chose the one I liked the best. I don't think I'm the one who's :cuckoo:
If you are republican/conservative which of the two options would select if you had to choose one.

1) We have a Democrat for a president and the country flourishes during his term. Everyone prospers for the most part and life is very good for all Americans.

2) We have a Democrat for president and life is miserable, nothing goes well and morale of the country is at an all-time low.

Which would you rather see happen and why?

A choice between a conservative democrat and a liberal democrat? Obviously I'll take option 1, the conservative democrat. What a stupid question.

#1 was Clinton.

remember the world imploded because of him. :cuckoo:

Dont forget Clinton had a Republican dominated House and Senate. Thats a huge part of why he was seen as successful.

Now, if only he hadn't told the CIA to "stand down" when they literally had Bin Laden in the crosshair of a rifle, twice, in the late 90's, who knows where we'd be right now.

Oh, that, and he lifted the ban on selling super-computers to China......the exact super computers China needed to make their nuclear missiles capable of becoming intercontinental. See, they didn't have these computers, Russia wouldn't sell it to them, and the US banned the sale of them to others, but Clinton lifted that, allowing Beijing to officially put the US on their target list with missiles. Thanks Bill.
The question is based on a false premise: That there can be a liberal president (presumably enacting his agenda) and things can go well for the country. It is patently false. It has been proven false in the last 2 years.

Did I say Liberal or Democrat?

You're right.
Conservative Democrats are such an endangered species I jumped to conclusions.
There are several conservative Dems I would gladly vote for, and have. If Bill Richardson had gotten the nomination and picked Phil Bredesen as VP I probably would have voted for them over McCain/Palin.

There ya go, that wasn't so hard. Thanks!
The question is based on a false premise: That there can be a liberal president (presumably enacting his agenda) and things can go well for the country. It is patently false. It has been proven false in the last 2 years.
You use the last two years as your paradigm to measure the success or failure of Liberal policy? Your premise is false. Can't you see that?
A choice between a conservative democrat and a liberal democrat? Obviously I'll take option 1, the conservative democrat. What a stupid question.

#1 was Clinton.

remember the world imploded because of him. :cuckoo:

Clinton, the guy who proposed Hillarycare? The guy who pushed teh Assault Weapons Ban? The guy who increased the min wage? Inaugurated SCHIP?
I guess since he didn't advocate nationalizing industries and surrendering to foreign enemies he looks like a conservative.

and the Retarded Rabbi opens his sewer hole again!:clap2:

- Yes Clinton Proposed but failed to pass universal health care.
- Youre actually for assault weapons being on the street? yeah like that somehow makes us safer. since the only reason assault weapons exist are to kill people, someone going deer hunting doesnt need an AR15 with a red dot sight and M203 grenade launcher. someone going duck hunting doesnt need an M4 or a SAW.
- Yes the minimum wage increased, which led to increase in wages across the board. this in turn led to a rise in the medium income of the nation. which in turn led to economic growth for 8 years. (man raising that minimum wage was a bad thing)
- and then there was SHCIP. because giving children health care will bring about he the next Apocalypse
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Liberals are against free speech, Liberals will do anything and everything so that only the Liberal ideology is heard.

Liberals also banned toys in Happy meals.

Liberals are hateful vile creatures.
#1 was Clinton.

remember the world imploded because of him. :cuckoo:

Clinton, the guy who proposed Hillarycare? The guy who pushed teh Assault Weapons Ban? The guy who increased the min wage? Inaugurated SCHIP?
I guess since he didn't advocate nationalizing industries and surrendering to foreign enemies he looks like a conservative.

and the Retarded Rabbi opens his sewer hole again!:clap2:

- Yes Clinton Proposed but failed to pass universal health care.
- Youre actually for assault weapons being on the street? yeah like that somehow makes us safer. since the only reason assault weapons exist are to kill people, someone going deer hunting doesnt need an AR15 with a red dot sight and M203 grenade launcher. someone going duck hunting doesnt need an M4 or a SAW.
- Yes the minimum wage increased, which led to increase in wages across the board. this in turn led to a rise in the medium income of the nation. which in turn led to economic growth for 8 years. (man raising that minimum wage was a bad thing)
- and then there was SHCIP. because giving children health care will bring about he the next Apocalypse
OK. so you agree that Clinton was no conservative. Glad we're straight there.
Do you know anything about "assault weapons" and what the bill did? No, of course not. Because you have your head so far up your ass you can lick your eyeballs.
Yes, let's triple the min wage and see incomes skyrocket. Let's redefine "child" as a 26 year old so we can claim to "help the children."
no president will ever be perfect. its a fallacy to think a single person can please an entire country of 300 million. but look at the overall affect of the clinton years.

higher incomes, economic growth & stability, budget surplus, reasonable taxes.

arent these all things people are complaining about today? yet when i said a democrat was in the white house when this happened, the response i got was well the congress was republican and thats the reason it all happened.

you cant please the far right wingers. they will never give a democrat or a liberal any credit for doing something positive.
OK. so you agree that Clinton was no conservative. Glad we're straight there.
Do you know anything about "assault weapons" and what the bill did? No, of course not. Because you have your head so far up your ass you can lick your eyeballs.
Yes, let's triple the min wage and see incomes skyrocket. Let's redefine "child" as a 26 year old so we can claim to "help the children."

no Clinton was a moderate jack ass. :clap2:

you still never answered why the general public should be able to buy assault weapons. since assault weapons are simply used for killing people.

"The Federal Assault Weapons Ban was only a small part (title XI, subtitle A) of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.
The act created a definition of "assault weapons" and subjected firearms that met that definition to regulation. Nineteen models of firearms were defined by name as being "assault weapons". Various semi-automatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns were classified as "assault weapons" due to having various combinations of features.
The act addressed only semi-automatic firearms, that is, firearms that fire one shot each time the trigger is pulled. Neither the AWB nor its expiration changed the legal status of fully automatic firearms, which fire more than one round with a single trigger-pull; these had long been regulated by the National Firearms Act of 1934 and Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986.
The act separately defined and banned "large capacity ammunition feeding devices", which generally applied to magazines or other ammunition feeding devices with capacities of greater than an arbitrary number of rounds and which up to the time of the act had been considered normal or factory magazines. These ammunition feeding devices were also referred to in the media and popular culture as "high capacity magazines or feeding devices." Depending on the locality, the cutoff between a "normal" capacity and "high" capacity magazine was 3, 7, 10, 12, 15, or 20 rounds. The now defunct federal ban set the limit at 10 rounds."

and like i said this caused the world to implode.

"Yes, let's triple the min wage and see incomes skyrocket."

so people making more money is a bad thing? youre such a dumbass.

"Let's redefine "child" as a 26 year old so we can claim to "help the children."

SCHIP was only available until a child reached the age of 18 as well. once again you have proven an inability to comprehend simple sentences in the english language.
OK. so you agree that Clinton was no conservative. Glad we're straight there.
Do you know anything about "assault weapons" and what the bill did? No, of course not. Because you have your head so far up your ass you can lick your eyeballs.
Yes, let's triple the min wage and see incomes skyrocket. Let's redefine "child" as a 26 year old so we can claim to "help the children."

no Clinton was a moderate jack ass. :clap2:

you still never answered why the general public should be able to buy assault weapons. since assault weapons are simply used for killing people.

"The Federal Assault Weapons Ban was only a small part (title XI, subtitle A) of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.
The act created a definition of "assault weapons" and subjected firearms that met that definition to regulation. Nineteen models of firearms were defined by name as being "assault weapons". Various semi-automatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns were classified as "assault weapons" due to having various combinations of features.
The act addressed only semi-automatic firearms, that is, firearms that fire one shot each time the trigger is pulled. Neither the AWB nor its expiration changed the legal status of fully automatic firearms, which fire more than one round with a single trigger-pull; these had long been regulated by the National Firearms Act of 1934 and Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986.
The act separately defined and banned "large capacity ammunition feeding devices", which generally applied to magazines or other ammunition feeding devices with capacities of greater than an arbitrary number of rounds and which up to the time of the act had been considered normal or factory magazines. These ammunition feeding devices were also referred to in the media and popular culture as "high capacity magazines or feeding devices." Depending on the locality, the cutoff between a "normal" capacity and "high" capacity magazine was 3, 7, 10, 12, 15, or 20 rounds. The now defunct federal ban set the limit at 10 rounds."

and like i said this caused the world to implode.

"Yes, let's triple the min wage and see incomes skyrocket."

so people making more money is a bad thing? youre such a dumbass.

"Let's redefine "child" as a 26 year old so we can claim to "help the children."

SCHIP was only available until a child reached the age of 18 as well. once again you have proven an inability to comprehend simple sentences in the english language.

You should see his math skills. Stunning! :lol:
A choice between a conservative democrat and a liberal democrat? Obviously I'll take option 1, the conservative democrat. What a stupid question.

#1 was Clinton.

remember the world imploded because of him. :cuckoo:

Clinton, the guy who proposed Hillarycare? The guy who pushed teh Assault Weapons Ban? The guy who increased the min wage? Inaugurated SCHIP?
I guess since he didn't advocate nationalizing industries and surrendering to foreign enemies he looks like a conservative.
The guy who left us with a surplus, yes.
OK. so you agree that Clinton was no conservative. Glad we're straight there.
Do you know anything about "assault weapons" and what the bill did? No, of course not. Because you have your head so far up your ass you can lick your eyeballs.
Yes, let's triple the min wage and see incomes skyrocket. Let's redefine "child" as a 26 year old so we can claim to "help the children."

no Clinton was a moderate jack ass. :clap2:

you still never answered why the general public should be able to buy assault weapons. since assault weapons are simply used for killing people.

"The Federal Assault Weapons Ban was only a small part (title XI, subtitle A) of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.
The act created a definition of "assault weapons" and subjected firearms that met that definition to regulation. Nineteen models of firearms were defined by name as being "assault weapons". Various semi-automatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns were classified as "assault weapons" due to having various combinations of features.
The act addressed only semi-automatic firearms, that is, firearms that fire one shot each time the trigger is pulled. Neither the AWB nor its expiration changed the legal status of fully automatic firearms, which fire more than one round with a single trigger-pull; these had long been regulated by the National Firearms Act of 1934 and Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986.
The act separately defined and banned "large capacity ammunition feeding devices", which generally applied to magazines or other ammunition feeding devices with capacities of greater than an arbitrary number of rounds and which up to the time of the act had been considered normal or factory magazines. These ammunition feeding devices were also referred to in the media and popular culture as "high capacity magazines or feeding devices." Depending on the locality, the cutoff between a "normal" capacity and "high" capacity magazine was 3, 7, 10, 12, 15, or 20 rounds. The now defunct federal ban set the limit at 10 rounds."

and like i said this caused the world to implode.

"Yes, let's triple the min wage and see incomes skyrocket."

so people making more money is a bad thing? youre such a dumbass.

"Let's redefine "child" as a 26 year old so we can claim to "help the children."

SCHIP was only available until a child reached the age of 18 as well. once again you have proven an inability to comprehend simple sentences in the english language.

You should see his math skills. Stunning! :lol:

i actually read that post and almost fell out of my chain laughing. :lol:
Liberals are against free speech, Liberals will do anything and everything so that only the Liberal ideology is heard.

Liberals also banned toys in Happy meals.

Liberals are hateful vile creatures.

So.. my only options are a Democrat? Wow.... you apparently didn't get the memo that came out November 2.
#1 was Clinton.

remember the world imploded because of him. :cuckoo:

Clinton, the guy who proposed Hillarycare? The guy who pushed teh Assault Weapons Ban? The guy who increased the min wage? Inaugurated SCHIP?
I guess since he didn't advocate nationalizing industries and surrendering to foreign enemies he looks like a conservative.
The guy who left us with a surplus, yes.

How many times have you made this comment or similar on this site? How many times has it been proven there was no surplus?
So are you merely stupid, hyper-partisan, or a congenital liar?

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