When you lose faith....

I remember the experiences I've had. I can't deny the hand of God when I see it.

I look at the history of the world and see the hand of God at work constantly.

I pray for strength at those times and for more faith. And the Lord answers.

I've often prayed for patience. I'm kind of sick of that. I'm praying for strength from now on, and luck.

The problem with praying for patience is that God usually answers and blesses you with more situations where you need patience.
i remember the experiences i've had. I can't deny the hand of god when i see it.

I look at the history of the world and see the hand of god at work constantly.

I pray for strength at those times and for more faith. And the lord answers.

i've often prayed for patience. I'm kind of sick of that. I'm praying for strength from now on, and luck.

the problem with praying for patience is that god usually answers and blesses you with more situations where you need patience.

I don't think anyone ever really 'looses' their faith. what happens is people allow the cares of the world and the storms of life to distract them from what is important. That is one reason I like the story about Jesus walking on the water so much, it serves as an illustration of what happens when we take our eyes off of what is really important and look at the immediate and trivial.

Our faith is still there to sustain us, we just get overwhelmed by the storms and begin to sink. That should serve as a reminder to us to focus on the eternal, but to often we panic and loose focus even more, and we sink beneath the waves, We then believe that we have lost our faith, yet all we have to do is reach out again and it is there.

The hard part is to reach out for faith when we are drowning. Anyone who has ever taken a lifesaving course is told that drowning people are likely to grap onto anything that they can get their hands on in order to save themselves. There is a real danger of this resulting in the death of the rescuer as well as the original person who was drowning. Lifeguards at beaches are trained to overcome this instinct, and will knock a person out if necessary to save them.

Faith does not work that way, it requires that we let go. Drowning people do not do that, which is what makes it hard for us when we are being overwhelming. Our faith is still there waiting for us to allow it back in to carry us through that rough spot. Most of us eventually reach the point where we let go because we have no choice, but some of us will continue to panic and fight until we die.

When you loose your faith the only answer is to let go, and it will be there again.
When you lose faith, you gain reason, and are able to use the brain God or evolution provided.

faith and reason are not mutually exclusive.

They are not a dichotomy, in many people they are mutually exclusive.

I agree with this completely, but all of them are wrong. You cannot have faith without reason, nor can you have reason without faith. Without both you are not a complete human being.
I'm a dreamer, and when I get too far away,

He brings me back with dreams.

What He's given me is AWESOME, and I hate it that sometimes I lose myself in sorrow, 'cuz that wasn't what He intended for us, and I know that each moment of sorrow I feel,

HE felt, as He watched His Son hang on a cross for me.

So I be GLAD, as much as I can! ;)

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